Chapter 57: Surprise, Loot and Midnight Snack [3/last]

[April 15th, 2024]

"We can make one ourselves, don't you remember?" Aiden said as Rey looked confused.

"But how? I don't think we have... Oh yes, you're right."

"Now do you remember. You really are something, holding onto something like us, huh?"

Aiden watched as Zero, who had been listening, immediately set to work. Her body, in a state of liquid, entered the keyhole.

It began wriggling as if searching for something, and after a while, it emerged with a uniquely designed structure.

"Here is the key structure you need to make."

"Okay, let me try it."

Rey focused on channeling his ability into Zero.

His mana flowed in a particular pattern, reaching the orb of the [Item Creation] ability.

The ability wouldn't start because the flow of mana was erratic and unstable, causing issues.

Aiden noticed this and decided to intervene, channeling the mana to function properly, and with a bit of assistance, Rey managed to activate it.

[Item Creation] began, and from the mana, a key materialized out of nowhere.

A few minutes later, he finished, but this time it was different; he felt exhausted, unlike the first time he used it.

When Rey inquired, Aiden explained that using mana incorrectly consumes much more of it compared to the correct usage, leading to a quicker depletion of his reserves.

He took note of this and resolved to make fewer mistakes in the future.

"Alright, let's go and see what's inside this box that's been with me for so long."

Rey opened the box with anticipation, and although the other three were curious, they weren't as expectant as Rey, but who doesn't like treasures?

The vault opened, and to his astonishment, instead of cash or gold, there was nothing but a single card with a letter beneath it.

Victor felt a wave of sadness; he had been the most eager to uncover the treasure, but now it seemed like a letdown.

Before their spirits could sink further, Rey intervened.

"Hey guys, I recognize that card. It's a temporary monetary exchange card designed for anonymous transactions," Rey explained, noticing their puzzled looks.

"Let me clarify: this card allows one to transfer cash without revealing their name or contact details. It was created to protect the sender's identity. Although it's nearly obsolete and seldom used, some black markets still utilize it," Rey continued, recalling details after examining the card and beginning to inspect the letter for any hidden codes.

"There's more to it. Its decline in use is also due to a significant flaw: if someone obtains this card and its number, even unintentionally, they can access the funds, and there's no recourse for the original owner. This led to many losing their money, prompting companies to cease production. However, some new entities might still be issuing them under the radar of the government. Jacob must have acquired one, using it to store his money undetected," Rey concluded, suggesting that despite its potential, this flaw greatly diminished its value and significance.

"So you're saying there might be some money in it?" Victor, who was walking away, stopped and asked with enthusiasm.

"Perhaps, but it's also possible that Jacob has already used it. If not, there could be a substantial amount. Let me examine this piece of paper before we proceed," he replied.

"Alright, hurry up and check it," Victor urged, hovering impatiently above him.

"Okay, okay, just give me a moment to read it thoroughly," Rey responded, chuckling softly.

He unfolded the paper and discovered a complete letter inscribed on it.

He began to read it aloud, sharing the contents with them.


We have sent the money, for the resources.

And waiting for you to send this month stock and carefully remember that if the amount is less than the amount needed, than be prepared to find yourself within those resources.

The master isn't in the mood for you all to forgive you anytime and remember there are more to supply the stock we need, so don't dare to be careless and destroy this note after reading it.

If founded by others than be prepared to serve your head in a plate for us.

The location where the stock is to be given is at the east gate of the border of the Dragon kingdom.

The money of the stock is already inside the card, the code is 2901. Don't ever try to find our identity and if did then you won't know what happened to you after that.


Rey was elated to have found what he needed, realizing that the author of the letter was not merely informing him but warning him with every line.

"But why should I care?"

Rey muttered as he ripped the letter to shreds and tossed them into the trash bin.

He booted up his PC and navigated to the bank panel indicated on the card.

Entering the account number and the other required details, he hesitantly keyed in the code. A loading screen materialized before him.

He watched with bated breath.

Moments later, the screen revealed the balance, staggering his comprehension with figures too vast to grasp.

The amount displayed could have astonished anyone, not just Rey.


--Bank Balance: 100,854 Dracins -- Conversion Rate: 10,085,400 Dragon Points

--Recent Activity: +100,000 Dracins

--Date of Activity: 9th April 2024


"Oh my god," Rey exclaimed before he was knocked out.

"Hey, kid, what happened to you?" Aiden asked as he tried to rouse him, suspecting mana deficiency. Rey was mumbling incoherently, so Aiden left him be.

"Oh my god... so much money," Rey mumbled continuously.

"He's really hit rock bottom," Victor commented with a laugh.

A few minutes later, Rey, now awake, attempted to come to terms with the money he had acquired, ensuring it was safe.

"So, am I a millionaire now?" Rey asked. Aiden nodded with an indifferent expression, as if such news was commonplace for him.

Rey's stomach growled like a T-Rex, embarrassing him.

"What should I do, go down to eat something?" he pondered.

"No, just going out to eat," Rey decided, approaching the door.

"But couldn't you just leave through the window?"

"Right you say," Rey remarked, readying himself. With a burst of speed, he leaped out of the window, landing on the ground in a heroic pose.

"Ouch, I thought this wouldn't hurt. I'm not doing that again," Rey exclaimed, feeling intense pain in his knee from the impact.

"Do you think you're some comic book hero or what? It's your own fault, so don't give me that look," Aiden retorted, lecturing him as Rey examined his knee. Despite the burning and irritating pain, it subsided within seconds, leaving Rey astonished once again by his rapid healing.

"Great, I might have vampire powers now, given their incredible healing abilities," Rey mused, to which Victor nodded in agreement.

"Indeed, you're correct. In my time, I tore out the heart of a vampire god, gaining this ability that you now possess," Victor boasted.

"Oh, tell me more about your past, Victor. Did you slay dragons or something even more mythical?" Rey asked, truly amazed by his words, not sure whether to believe them as truth or fiction.

"Let me recount the glory days of my prime as we head to the store," Victor said, starting to walk towards the store with Evan.

"Hey, do you know when they became so close?" Aiden inquired of Zero, who simply shrugged.

A few minutes later, in front of the convenience store.

"After obliterating the entire empire of that tyrant and defeating his tier-5 guards, I dragged him to the ground and pummeled him with kicks, turning his head into mush. That's how I managed to rescue my wife from his clutches and reunite with her."

Victor spoke while Rey gazed at him as if a fan were admiring an idol.

"But wasn't she the sister of that emperor who didn't want you two together?" Aiden interjected.

"Even so, he stood in the way of our love, so I simply removed him," Victor declared.

"Okay, but still..."

"Guys, stop. I need to grab something to eat; I'm starving," Rey interrupted, then walked into the store.

"Hi, Rey, what's up, buddy?" greeted Leo from behind the counter.

"Oh, just came to grab some food, brother."

"Huh, didn't your mom make you dinner today?"

Leo laughed at Rey, who brushed him off and went to quickly grab some food he could eat right away. He found various items, like noodles in different flavors, and chose his favorite, which was moderately spicy, along with a few rice balls, a bottle of chilled mango juice, and finally, a chocolate pastry for dessert.

"Here bro, give me the bill now."

Rey said as he placed the items on the counter.

"Looks like you hit the lottery or something, bro. When did you become such a frequent buyer and get all this stuff? Did your friends come to hang out today? Oh yes, you mentioned today is your last day of school, huh? Enjoying yourself? Alright, bro, go for it."

Leo shared his assumptions with Rey, who wasn't really listening and started tallying the bill.

"Bro, it's just for me."

Rey interjected, but Leo didn't seem to hear him.

After a short while, Leo finished the bill.

"So bro, here's your bill. You've earned one hundred eighty-five dragon points. Eight points for the noodles, sixty for three rice balls, and forty-five for the pastry. I'll give you a discount; just give me one hundred seventy, and it's all yours."

Leo demonstrated generosity, saying, "Oh no, bro, you don't need to pay for me; I'll cover the full amount."

Rey protested as he watched Leo put things away, "Bro, don't you see me as your brother? No worries, I won't sell you these items—go get them from another store."

Leo, feigning tears, replied, "Wait, okay, I'm sorry. I'll pay the price you're asking."

Rey, pressed for time and extremely hungry, took out his card, swiped it through the machine, entered his card details, and completed the transaction.

"Thank you for shopping at our store," Leo said, acknowledging the successful purchase.

A robotic sound emanated from the machine, installed by the manager who doubted the workers' ability to convey the message to customers effectively. 

Thus, he made it a permanent feature to enhance the store's popularity.

"See you, dude. Maybe meet you tomorrow," Rey said as he exited the store.

Before leaving, he filled his noodle cup with hot water and then departed.

He secured his food in the inventory, not wanting to drop it, and hurried home.

Running swiftly, he reached his house within five minutes.

Glancing towards his window and performing some acrobatics, as if he knew something, he reached it, although he struggled a bit.

Once in his room, he took out his noodles and realized they were still uncooked, having forgotten about their time-stopping capability.

So, he waited three minutes, eating the three balls, and then the noodles were ready.

After eating them, he felt relief in his stomach, finished off with the pastry, and checked his money once more for sweet dreams.


--Bank Balance: 100,852 Dracins -- Conversion Rate: 10,085,230 Dragon Points

--Recent Activity: -170 Dragon points.

--Date of Activity: 15th April 2024


He felt elated after seeing this and finally managed to sleep. Or perhaps not.

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