Rise of dragon Bloodborne

Chapter 9: Darkness within

As Nick and Asher helped Ethan to there room and laid him on his bed.

What happened dude,you just touched the orb and had a reaction said nick

" I don't understand, I touched the orb and then felt something awaking in me, reacting to the orb said Ethan.

That must be your element awaking then, I felt the same when I touched it said Asher.

Yeah I thought the same but something was wrong I don't know how to explain it

What do you mean by something was wrong asked Asher with a confused expression.

I don't know how to explain it, it was like there was two of them in me, awaking in me then everything want dark no everything became dark said Ethan.

You said two as in two elements that's impossible right no one but the first ever lord has been able to control more than one elements said Asher

Yeah but that doesn't mean no one else can said nick, the first lord was a perfect hybrid or something from a dragon and a human right, while humans and dragon just like us could control one element so maybe due to being a child of different bloodline made him able to control five elements what if Ethan inherited that or something or maybe were wrong and it's just in our heads said Nick

Wait you know the story about the first ever lord nick isn't that like a top secret most people don't even know his real name just he was the first lord and he built the academy said Asher

Well, hello member of a clan remember I know a lot of things but I can't share for your own safety there's something about the first lord even I don't know like how he died but I guess we will find out when we get to that level.

Please I feel tired can please rest said Ethan as he lays down on the bad, he falls asleep immediately his head touched the pillow.

Wait can we get you anything like food said Asher but Ethan was already fast asleep, we better leave him let's get back to the hall said nick.

Both of them lift the room

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