Rise of dragon Bloodborne

Chapter 7: Test begins

The first boy with a green hair was the first to get to the orb.

"Place your hand on the orb"said instructor duke.

The boy placed his hand on the orb immediately, it seemed he was in a hurry to know which element his atoned with.

Immediately his hand touched the orb he coughed out a mouth full of blood and fainted.

" O I forgot to tell you the awakening can be very painful so prepare your self" duke said to the student.

A boy from the back row raised his as to ask a question

" Yes you over there" said instructor duke pointing at the boy with his raised

The boy " when you say painful, how painful do you mean"

" I mean excruciating" said instructor duke with a smile.

The girl with the pink hair started shivering clearly not a fan of pain.

The boy with the green hair finally woke up but he still couldn't stand on his own he clearly substaned an inner injury.

The orb had a green glow on it when the boy touched it, " Element: earth" instructor duke announced loudly so everyone in the hall could hear him clearly.

Next was the boy with a black raven hair he steps up and takes a deep breath, his hand moved slowly, As he places his hand on the orb, A grunt could be heard from him as a painful expression could be seen in his face clearly he was in pain the orb glowed up.

" Element: wind" instructor duke announced to the crowd.

The girl moved slowly slowly clearly still scared from what happened to the first boy, she moves closer to the orb, she trip's and fall. No laughter could be heard from the hall an non of them have seen something that could make a teenager cough out blood.

The girl got up on her feet, reaching to the orb she raises her hand which was still shaking and placed it on the orb, she lost her balance and fell, a bright white color shinned almost blinding everyone in the hall.

Instructor Duke was surprised but he composed his self immediately and announced " element: soul manipulation"

Wait what is there not only five elements asked Ethan

I said five main elements not that there is only five elements plus they are not usually called elements but manipulation as the mostly manipulate not control.

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