Rise of dragon Bloodborne

Chapter 1: dragon Academy

A boy, no older than 13, stood before a massive gate, his eyes fixed on the towering building beyond. The structure's white and red facade seemed to glow, adorned with a scripture of a coiled dragon at its peak. The boy's nervousness was palpable as he gazed up at the intimidating edifice. This was the Dragon Academy, renowned for training the elite Dragon Corps, including the legendary Dragon Bloodborns. Founded by the first lord, the academy was a place where strength and power were forged.


"I'd better get in before I'm late," the boy muttered to himself, taking a deep breath as he stepped through the gate.


As he entered the grand hall, he was swept up in a sea of hundreds, if not thousands, of young faces, all beaming with pride and excitement. The boy's initial reaction was one of disdain. "What a bunch of fools," he thought, seeking refuge in a quiet corner.


Spotting a pillar near the corner, he made his way towards it, hoping to find some solitude. As he reached the pillar, he noticed that the sides were already occupied by two boys, leaving the middle space available. Just as he settled in, preparing to close his eyes, a voice broke the silence.


"Hi, are you new around here?" asked the boy on the left side of the pillar. "Your clothes look different. I've never seen you around."


The boy on the right side of the pillar chimed in, "That's not a nice question to ask someone you just met."


The two boys seemed familiar with each other, and their conversation flowed easily. The newcomer remained silent, observing the exchange with interest.

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