Chapter 43: Announcement!!!
I stirred, a hazy awareness seeping into my sleep-drenched mind. My eyelids fluttered open, heavy and reluctant, and I stretched, only to find myself anchored. A weight held me down.
I turned my head slowly, coming face to face with Chris's bare chest. The rise and fall of his breathing was the only movement in the dim morning light. He looked utterly peaceful and charming. I couldn't resist the urge to touch him so i gently propped myself up on one elbow, careful not to disturb him, and placed a light, lingering kiss on his temple, the soft skin warm beneath my lips.
Then, I traced the smooth line of his perfectly straight nose with a delicate touch, my fingers dancing lightly across his skin. Finally, I brought my hand to his lips, running my fingertips over their soft, full contours, lingering there for a moment before bending down to give them a gentle, teasing kiss. But as I tried to pull away, intending to let him sleep a little longer, I felt the arm he had draped across my waist tighten its grip, drawing me closer. Before I could even say "Jack Robinson," he had skillfully maneuvered me, pulling me so that I was lying atop him, my brest pressed against his chest, and held me firmly in place.
I watched as a slow, lazy smile bloomed on his lips. His long lashes fluttered, and his eyes, still glazed with sleep, opened to meet mine.
"Hi," he said, his voice a husky murmur that sent shivers down my spine. He smiled brightly at me, and I was momentarily lost in the mesmerizing depths of his gaze, forgetting everything else in the world.
"Earth to Eve," he chuckled softly, his sexy, hoarse voice yanking me out of my reverie and back to reality.
"You look really handsome while you sleep," I blurted out, my cheeks flushing a light shade of pink. I hadn't meant to say that aloud, but the words had slipped out before I could stop them.
"I do?" He said, his voice laced with amusement, almost like a question. He lifted his hands, his touch feather-light, and cupped my face, his thumbs tracing the delicate curve of my cheekbones.
"Did you sleep well?" he asked, his gaze searching my face, looking for any sign of fatigue or lingering anxiety. I nodded, my lips curving into a genuine smile.
And to be honest, I had slept incredibly well, the best sleep I'd had in weeks. I'd dreamt that we had twin babies, a boy and a girl, and that we named them Ivy and Kyle. They were the most beautiful babies I'd ever seen, with Chris's eyes and my hair.
"What are you thinking about? And why are you smiling like that?" he asked, his brow furrowing slightly as he noticed the faraway smile playing on my lips.
"Oh, it's nothing, really," I lied, unable to meet his eyes. I would have loved to tell him about my dream, to share the joy I was feeling, but I knew I had to wait. I needed to show him the pregnancy report first, to give him the full picture, and I hadn't yet found the right moment.
"Why do I not believe you?" he asked, narrowing his eyes playfully at me, a teasing glint dancing in their depths.
"Well, you'll just have to," I winked at him, trying to lighten the mood and deflect his probing questions. I then tried to push myself up, intending to get out of bed, but he held me firmly in place.
I was lying naked on top of him, and so was he, though a thin layer of the sheet separated our bare skin from touching completely. Still, I could feel his member stirring beneath the fabric, reacting to my presence, and that was precisely why I wanted to escape. I didn't want him to seduce me again, not yet.
Wait… i was the one who did the seducing before, not him, I corrected myself with a wry inner smile. But still… he possessed a natural attractiveness, a magnetic pull that I found impossible to resist. Saying "No" to Chris was becoming increasingly difficult.
"Where are you going?" he asked, his voice laced with playful possessiveness.
"To the bathroom, to shower… Have you forgotten? We need to go back and see your father at the hospital," I reminded him, hoping to shock him into releasing me.
I saw a flash of surprise flicker across his face as soon as he heard my words, as if the gravity of the situation had momentarily slipped his mind.
"Oh, damn… How could I forget about that?" he muttered, a look of self-reproach clouding his features. "And we were meant to be back since…" His voice trailed off as he craned his neck to search for the wall clock.
"It's been four hours… We've been asleep for four hours?" he asked, his face registering genuine shock. I just chuckled, finding his discombobulation strangely endearing.
"Babe, can you grab me a bathrobe from the closet, please?" I asked. He obliged without a word, rising naked from the bed and heading toward the closet.
My face flushed crimson as I watched his bare form disappear into the walk-in. He had such an incredible body.
He returned moments later, draped in a black, custom bathrobe I'd had made for him. He'd worn it the last time he'd visited, and the sight of him in it stirred a familiar warmth within me.
"Here. But I'm showering first," he said, coming to my side. He planted a quick kiss on my temple before handing me the robe and disappearing into the bathroom.
I slipped into the robe and went into the closet. I selected fresh clothes for myself, and then turned to the section where I had quietly started keeping a stash of things for him. Yes, I had bought him some clothes for situations like today. I carefully arranged a new outfit for Chris, feeling a little thrill at being able to take care of him in this way.
I walked over to the nightstand and picked up my phone, checking for any missed calls. Nothing. I glanced at Chris's phone lying beside mine, also silent.
Is that a good thing, or a bad thing? I wondered, a flicker of anxiety passing through me.
Pushing the thoughts aside, I opened my email and replied to a few urgent messages, leaving the rest for later.
Soon enough, he returned from the bathroom, a white towel slung low on his hips, the V-shape of his abdomen on full display. Water dripped from his dark hair, and his skin gleamed.
"Wait, stand there," I said, reaching for my phone. I snapped a few quick pictures of him.
"You like what you see, huh?" He smirked, strolling toward me. My heart skipped a beat as he approached, but I held my breath, waiting to see what he'd do.
To be honest, no matter how much time we spent together, even if it were for the rest of our lives, I didn't think I'd ever stop falling in love with him a little more each day.
He snaked his hands around my waist, pulling me close. "What were you thinking about?" he asked playfully, before leaning down to capture my lips in a slow, deliberate kiss.
"Nothing, really. Just admiring my fiancé and thinking about how much I love him," I replied, my face flushing.
"I cannot be compared to you, you know," he smiled, kissing me again before I turned and fled to the bathroom.
A few minutes later, I came out. I noticed he wasn't in the room, so I went into the closet to change. Just as I stepped out, I saw him standing by the window, reading a piece of paper.
I took a closer look and felt my heart plummet to my stomach. It was the pregnancy report. Shit. I said inwardly, just before he turned to face me, his expression unreadable.
"What is this, Eve?" he asked, holding the report in one hand and the envelope in the other. His stare was piercing, and I couldn't decipher a single emotion behind it.
"It's... it's a pregnancy report," I said simply, carefully watching his face. He remained stoic, giving nothing away.
"Pregnancy report," he repeated, his voice flat. "And what does it say?"
"That I'm pregnant… three weeks pregnant…I think" I said. Still, he didn't react, his expression an impenetrable mask. I couldn't tell if he was happy, angry, or something else entirely.
"When I met the doctor yesterday, it was part of his diagnosis. He needed to do the test to rule it out, but the report came back positive… I was going to tell you later, after the surgery, as I didn't want to add more to your already full plate," I rushed out in one breath. He remained unreadable.
Then, I watched as he walked toward me in long strides, closing the distance between us in an instant. I didn't move back, because deep down, I knew he would never hurt me. Still, my heart pounded against my ribs, waiting.
I was still lost in my thoughts when he gently cupped my face in his hands and kissed me, passionately and fiercely, stealing my breath.
When I looked up, he was wearing a smile, so radiant it took my breath away.
"You're saying we're pregnant?" he asked again, his voice hoarse and cracking slightly. I nodded, tears welling in my eyes.
"Yes, we are," I said, smiling back at him. He leaned in, kissing my temple, my cheeks, and finally my lips, before sweeping me up into his arms, bridal style, and twirling me around, laughing heartily.
"We're pregnant!" he shouted into the room before gently setting me down.
"Congratulations, my love, and thank you," he said, hugging me tightly.
After lunch, the driver took us to the hospital. Chris couldn't hide his happiness; his radiant smile gave him away. He was so giddy and excited, and he'd brought along his tablet, already researching everything he could about pregnancy.
"How about we go see the doctor for an ultrasound after we see my father?" he suggested, his eyes sparkling.
"Sure," I replied, warmth flooding my chest. He held my hand, kissing it every few seconds.
"And then, is it 'antenatal' they call it?" he asked, his brow furrowed in concentration. I nodded, smiling at how inquisitive he was becoming.
"We should register for antenatal today, right?" He looked at me eagerly, seeking my approval.
"Babe?" I said softly, while he instantly lifted his face from his tablet to look at me, concern etched on his face.
"Are you okay? Are you hurting anywhere?" he asked anxiously, and I couldn't help but chuckle.
"I'm fine… I just… can we not tell anyone about the pregnancy? Can we wait until after the wedding?" I suggested, a wave of apprehension washing over me.
He thought about it for a moment, his brow furrowed, before nodding in agreement.
"Sure," he said, and returned to his tablet.
We arrived at the hospital a few minutes later, took the elevator, and headed for the VIP floor.
As soon as the door to his father's room opened, we heard voices and laughter. His dad was awake and up, talking with my family, who were all there.
"Father," Chris said, hurrying to his side and embracing him warmly. I followed suit, hugging him after.
"Dad, how is he?" I asked my father, who hadn't stopped smiling since we'd entered.
"He's getting better. His heart is working perfectly, as it should, and he'll be discharged in a few days," my father said, his eyes twinkling.
"Excuse me, everyone," Chris said, gathering everyone's attention. I wondered what he was about to say, even as I tried to dismiss the possibility of him sharing our secret.
"WE'RE PREGNANT!" he announced, his voice booming with joy. I couldn't help but laugh at his childlike excitement, even as a knot of anxiety tightened in my stomach. The looks on everyone's faces would be forever etched in my memory, I just knew it.