Reincarnated With The Van Helsing System

Chapter 610 Challenges Daimon & Nethereal sisters, Sarah's version (part 17)

It took Sheilla a whole minute to process what just happened, she made the preparations and had plan after plan to get a clean victory in which she wouldn't even need to step into the battle personally.

Not because she was afraid of the enemy she was facing, but because she wanted to prove to her Lord that she was better than the crazy girl in every aspect, as it was clear that her Lord was interested in her, given that the order she received was to bring her as "intact" as possible and alive if possible.

It's worth mentioning that this isn't the first time she has gone on a quest to capture someone, through the years some other women had ended up in the territory managed by her Lord, since he can create new life using just remains then there has never been a need to bring the target let alone alive but even in a good state.

Ever since Sheilla left the castles from which the girls of the Black Night race farmed nether for their Lord, she proved to be the most capable one.

In fact, back when she was recently recognized she outshined the previous right hand of the Asmadian Lord, gained his favor and succeeded in stealing her current position, and has been properly defending it until this day.

Ahe has naturally dealt with other rising stars and kept the favor of the Asmadian Lord for herself, to the point that she is now treated not as a simple superior but as the "mistress" by all the other who serve the same Lord.

At this point she got used to deal with any request from her Lord without the need to dirty her hands, but then, as if a bucket of cold water was poured on her, she met the crazy girl, whom no matter what not only ruined her plans but even took every chance to humiliate her.

"Phew", still and as angry as she was, Sheilla took a deep breath refusing to fall for the clear taunts that the enemy was using.

"At the end of the day, you wouldn't have caught the Lord's attention to this point if you weren't exceptional, so I should have expected for those weakened pieces of trash to fail, fine I'll do it myself just as you wished…", she said.

Countless dark pink nether thorned vines manifested around Sheilla, completely surrounding her body, creating a cocoon that illuminated the nearby sky in a dark pink color for a moment.

"Crack!", the cocoon cracked and then dispelled the next second, revealing a Sheilla whose clothes had changed into a dark pink nether armor with a thorned flowery design, it wasn't battle aura armor but a real piece of magic equipment.

"Mm, that armor does look annoying but there is no way that is the trump card you got from that guy, save yourself the humiliation and bring it out already", casually said the crazy girl as she observed the armor that now covered Sheilla.

The enemy queen didn't bother to answer, she refused to play the enemy's game, instead of that she decided to take the initiative, her body exploded in dark pink nether as she flashed towards Sarah.

Sheilla appeared in front of the crazy girl with her fist cladded in dark pink flames aiming at her chest.

Sarah smirked and answered in kind, her body exploded in purple battle aura as she punched at Sheilla's chest, clearly having no intention of defending herself, it was a direct clash between the two queens for the first time since their battle started.

"Boooom!", it's worth mentioning that just like Sarah, Sheilla is a knight and so their exchange of blows resulted in a thunder-like shockwave followed by a clash of energies that lit up the sky.

Their clash didn't end immediately, they became a sphere of energy composed of nether and battle aura that pushed against each other at least for a second, before the dark pink side changed to a flame like state instead of the usual ethereal light state of battle aura.

Sizzling sounds echoed through the sky as purple smoke was released from the points of contact between the two energies before the clash was broken, to reveal the winner of the previous encounter.

The one who was forced to retreat was actually… Sarah, very much to everyone's surprise, the remains of her battle aura were purged by the dark pink flames as well, in other words the crazy girl lost in both the physical and energy aspects!

That being said, Sarah didn't seem to suffer any wound, anything the battle aura armor that cladded the fist with which she punched the enemy queen, had deep burning marks and was slowly but surely crumbling though.

"You seem rather confused so I'll shine down some light upon you, this is the innate ability I gained after evolving to my current race thanks to the Lord's favor, "Lust Flame Manipulation", unlike even the original members of the Midnight Sky race, I can use my nether for offense, defense and even support all for the sake of my Lord, pretty much like a queen piece would", proudly said Sheilla.

She had a reason to be proud though, a knight's path is majorly decided by the type of their life's spark, and while it's not hard for an attack type knight to learn defense or support type martial arts, the results won't be as good as for defense or support type knights.

Of course, with training it's not impossible to overcome the difference, but to overwhelm someone in their field of specialty one would need to be higher ranked to deal with a lower ranked enemy, and that wasn't the case here.

Realm wise, both Sarah and Sheilla were the same, also if it was a half-baked ability, it would have for sure not worked on the crazy girl whose talent doesn't lose at all when compared to Aisha and the others, long story short, Sheilla was probably the most talented member to have been born from the Black Night race, since their creation.

"So, you "burned" my poison, I guess you have to had something to balance things out if that bastard sent you after me", said Sarah as she closed and opened her hand a couple of times, repairing the worn-out battle aura armor.

Naturally listening to the insults directed at her Lord, Sheilla felt her blood boil due to anger but she controlled herself, to then say.

"That's right, you can't forget about any possibility of your poison reaching me, this armor was personally given to me by the Lord when I evolved and it's the perfect complement for my talents, so why don't you take out that sword which is hanging from your waist and start taking things seriously, unless you want to die of course".

As much as Sheilla wanted to fulfill her Lord's petition, what she desired the most as of current was to prove that she was better than the crazy girl, so that her Lord would focus his attention on her like it has been for the past hundreds of years.

So, she didn't want to just defeat Sarah, she wanted to completely crush her, so that her superiority couldn't be doubted, unfortunately for her, she expected seriousness from the wrong person as the crazy girl's next words suggested.

"Heh, those are some cocky words for someone that has been outplayed so many times and just barely managed to push me back once, it would be really embarrassing if you can't repeat such a "feat" don't you think so~".

The mocking voice of the crazy girl made Sheilla grit her teeth, her body lit up in dark pink flames as she flew towards Sarah, this time she didn't just brawl her directly but worried about the situation described by the enemy, she went up and used a martial art instead.

"Burning Rose Arc", Sheilla twisted her body midair and taking advantage of the momentum, she made a whole turn which creating the image of a fiery flower, using her waist as a bow she kicked Sarah with her right leg which was covered in those dark pink flames of hers.

"Purple Death", in contrast to the pretty burning flower behind of the enemy queen, a spiked tooth roaring skull manifested behind of Sarah as she raised her leg to met the incoming kick with her knee.

The sound of metals colliding reverberated through the sky, purple battle aura and dark pink nether spilled all over the area while sparks flew from the point of contact between those two's legs, not to mention the roaring skull which clashed against the fiery flower.

Once again, an explosion followed by a collision of energies followed their exchange, however this time and very much to Sheilla's displease, she barely managed to push Sarah backwards, but she wasn't sent flying like before, what's more while the fiery flower did burn the purple roaring skull, both exhausted each other, so the "victory" was not one-sided at all.

'Wasn't that skull martial art an attack type one, what's up with this toughness!', inwardly cursed the enemy queen as she stopped the clash to prepare her next move, just for the crazy girl to smirk.

"So that's all what your innate ability amounts to huh, attacks can be used for defense or support, if you are smart and talented enough to make it work that is~", she happily said.

The crazy girl confirmed that her "Purple Death" was indeed an attack type martial art, but she used it as a defensive one and managed to block Sheilla's attack with it, in other words she claimed to be smart and talented enough to use a martial art whose focus wasn't defense to parry an attack type martial art from the enemy queen.

"Damn it!", getting all fired up due to Sarah's unadulterated disdainful words, Sheilla charged right at her, the two of them turned into a stream of purple and dark pink energies that flashed all over the place.

"Booom!", from time to time, explosions made their way to everyone's ears as those two physically clashed, causing momentarily purple and dark pink lights to flash all over the place.

This continued until those two had practically ran wild throughout the whole battlefield, completing a whole turn around it, it was then that Sarah whose battle aura armor was worn out in many areas, suddenly seemed to get an idea as her purple eyes glowing suggested.

"Since you have an armor you must have a weapon too, right, take it out too, it will be useful for little Jaz to know what kind of weapons can those bastards bestow to their slaves~".

Sheilla nearly lost it, she could still make some inner peace considering that Sarah was wearing magic armor like her, though hers didn't seem to have any special function unlike hers, but not even once has she used a magic weapon and yet she was demanding her to use one.

If she did so, it would be the same as accepting herself as being inferior to that annoying enemy, on the other hand, while she kept the upper hand during their continuous clashes, it became obvious that she wasn't going to be able to break through the crazy girl's defense in a short period of time.

'Even if her poison and battle aura are being countered by my nether, her damn physique is monstrously tough, it will be tough to break through it with just my bare hands, just what the hell is her race', she thought.

While among the Black Night race, knights do exist, their race was created by the Asmadian Lord to serve him, so their bodies are not meant to be tough but soft and pleasurable to the touch, hence why they don't develop notorious musculature nor any characteristics that their creator would find unattractive.

That doesn't mean they aren't talented as knights, but their development is indeed harder in that aspect, it makes it easier to notice why Sheilla was chosen by the Asmadian Lord, Sarah on the other hand also doesn't have a buff kind of body, however she is as tall as Sheilla while being way younger than her.

And while it's not noticeable on the surface, against his wishes, Daimon has seen her toned physique or at least parts of it, since she was often naked when she tried to sneak into the bathroom with him, or after becoming tamer took advantage of sharing the bedroom with the others and Daimon to wear "slightly" revealing night clothes to sleep.

So, while she didn't appear to be a meathead like other knights who focus in strength, in terms of sheer raw physique she could destroy Sheilla, the amusing part is that such strong physique was caused by the curse that tortured her and her mother, it was a special trait born out of necessity instead of talent.

'Wait a second, I'm dealing with both that creepily stealthy poisonous nether and her damn strong battle aura with just my nether and she has armor like me, so using my weapon wouldn't be an advantage, I'll just be making things "fair" … yeah it would be a 3v3', thought Sheilla.

Unlike her, the enemy queen knew that Sarah had her battle aura and her nether separated, both were poisonous but one was eye-catching while the other was undetectable, the point is that she had double energy reserves while she only had one, and yet she had the upper hand in a 2v1 situation.

So, using her weapon would just even things out, that's the conclusion she reached after squeezing her brains, still she was annoyed at the smiling expression on Sarah's pretty face, when she took out her magic weapon which was a dark pink spiked metal whip.

The thing was clearly a set with the armor, in fact some thorned vines extended from the gauntlet that covered the hand with which Sheila held the whip and wrapped around it, resulting in the whip lightning in dark pink flames.

With a wave of her hand, Sheilla lashed her whip at Sarah, despite the distance between them surpassing the fifty-meter mark while her whip was at most three meter long.

The reason became obvious the next second though, with the part of the armor which was connected to the base of the whip as the origin, the other decorative thorned vines of the armor, attached themselves to the whip, increasing its reach enough to reach the target.

The previous happened in a fraction of a second, creating the illusion that Sheilla had misjudged the distance, to land a surprise hit on the enemy.

"Crack!", Sarah still reacted in time to punch the whip away, preventing it from landing on her body, however the impact made the battle aura armor on her arm explode on the spot, also dark pink flames were released from the whip, making the crazy girl release battle aura to defend herself.

"Mm?", seeing the triumphant smile on Sheilla's face, Sarah looked at her forearm which now had a dark pink flower pattern imprinted onto it.

The enemy queen didn't waste time, she became dark pink flash to then swing her whip at Sarah.

"Purple Death", this time the crazy girl added her martial art to her punch, but she wasn't the only one to use a martial art, from a tricky angle Sheilla exploded in dark pink flames as she said.

"Serpentine Rose", her whip turned into a dark pink flame snake which undulated through the air and actually bypassed Sarah's attack to go directly against her!

"Humph", the crazy girl snorted, the purple skull behind of her roared and then charged frontwards, blocking in front of her where the whip just landed the next second.

"Booom!", amidst the roars of the skull, the dark pink fiery snake coiled around the skull and burned harder while applying pressure, which ultimately lead to the skull being crushed and exploding into countless purple particles, at the same time the fiery snake dimmed quite a bit, but the winner of the exchange was clear for everyone to see.

What's more, another dark pink flower mark appeared on Sarah's body, this time it was on her left forearm though, which made Sheilla smirk with satisfaction.

"I see, so this thing will land even if the attack is blocked, you guys really like to play around with curses", said the crazy girl as she looked at the flower marks imprinted on her arms.

It was certainly quite something for a magic weapon to be able to apply a curse without the need for its user to do anything, at least it's not something that existed in Neptune and that made Sarah smile thinking that she saved Jazmine from being taken by surprise by such an annoying effect.

Sheilla on the other hand frowned, this was the first time the enemy has seen the special function of her armor and whip set and yet she saw through it quite easily, though knowing that something is a curse and being able to get rid of it are two completely different things, it still let a bad taste in her mouth, specially since she saw Sarah happily smiling not too long after.

'Whatever, I'll preserve that annoying smiling face of yours, to then turn it into a bloody marked mess!', she inwardly thought, the armor on her legs exploded in dark pink flames as she mumbled.

"Rose Path", this time she used a movement type martial art, as she disappearing from plain sight, suggested, what she meant by "preserving" Sarah's smiling expression, was that she planned to take her head so fast that she wouldn't have the time to react.

With a "swoosh", Sheilla appeared above the crazy girl, her whip at its whole extension rotated around her, apparently, she used her movement martial art to make the whip accelerate.

"Rose Spiraling Guillotine!", the thorns on the whip lit up in dark pink flames as the whip descended in a flash, and wrapped itself around the crazy girl's neck, securing itself by using the thorns to pierce her battle aura armor, to then flash once again.

In this way, if she dispelled the battle aura armor, the thorns would rip her skin and flesh and if she didn't, the whip will behead her since Sheilla was holding onto it while she used her movement martial art, or at least… that was the idea.

"Don't get carried away, you are a mere demonstration tool!", the crazy girl's expression took a 180° turn and then a sensation of dread rained down upon the enemy queen, who by reflect actually let go of her whip, thus cancelling her martial art before it could behead the enemy.

'What the hell was that!', screamed Sheilla to her insides, as she saw the whip lose its grip around Sarah's neck to then fall from the sky, turning into a puddle of dark gray liquid before it touched the ground, only after seeing the whip being completely destroyed, the bloodlust disappeared from the crazy girl's eyes.

"Only "he" is worthy to put a leash on my neck~", mumbled Sarah, as she changed back to her carefree self, which caused some noticeable reactions from two of the present people, one was Sheilla who was in shock after seeing her magic weapon being destroyed just like that.

Sure, it was a half Stellar grade treasure, since what was important was the effect and not the whip itself, but still destroying it so easily like that shouldn't have been possible.

The other one was of course Daimon who couldn't help but bitterly smile, knowing, Sarah was referring to him.

'Perhaps, I should have put more thought to it before accepting to "reward" her…', he thought.

Back at the battlefield, having recomposed herself, the crazy girl mockingly gazed at Sheilla to say.

"So, anything else or are you finally going to use that trump card?".

The enemy queen felt her blood pressure going through the roof on the spot, however she then cruelly smiled as she said.

"So, what if the whip is gone, it did it's job properly", Sheilla then snapped her fingers and the dark pink flower marks on her arms lit up, to then make Sarah's arms explode in flames.

"Rose Burning Mark!", shouted the enemy queen.

'Go ahead, try to put them out with that lowly nether or battle aura of yours and see what happens!', excitedly thought Sheilla, waiting to see Sarah burn in her flames, only to see the crazy girl sighing.

"I guess you won't use it unless you give you some "motivation", right?", with those words, Sarah extended her pretty right index finger, to then lit its tip in a bright purple flame.

A bad premonition surged in Sheilla's heart, which became true the next second as the dark pink flames on Sarah's arms "fled" the moment her index finger approached them, only for them to be forcefully dragged into the purple flame.

It took a whole five seconds for all the dark pink flames to be absorbed by the wisp of bright purple flames on Sarah's fingers, the difference in size would be around the difference between a cherry and three-story building and yet, the size of the purple flame only increased around half a centimeter.

"Is that enough~", casually said the crazy girl as she dispelled the purple flame.

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