Chapter 43: Chapter 42: Training The Second Disciple
Running back to Heavens Arena, both Ponzu and Nicholas appear to be only moderately tired after training without rest for 2 hours, proving once again how different we humans are in this world compared to those on Earth. After wiping off our sweat with our towels, we head to a small restaurant with a terrace to have lunch, and there, Ponzu begins to explain to us how her journey went after receiving her Hunter license.
"So you were heading to the Mulkatia mountain range in search of a rare species of plant when you were assaulted and knocked unconscious, and when you regained consciousness, you found your assailant in front of a campfire and he told you that he was the professor sent by the association?" I ask trying to confirm.
"Yes. After that he gave me lessons on the concept of Nen and its basic applications while accompanying me on my journey, but despite not fully mastering Nen, when I became able to use the 4 basic principles after a month of training, he left telling me that now that I knew the basics, it was my job to develop my skills, not his." She relates.
"After that, I tried to continue improving my Nen, and I found a group online that was committed to preserving animals and plants threatened by pollution or irresponsible exploitation. For the next few months, I kept in touch with them and other individuals, traveling around the continent of Sarkia in search of rare plants and endangered animal reserves to carry out my work as a Hunter."
"From what I can see, you've been spending more time expanding your influence and contacts as a Hunter than training to improve your skills. That being the case, it's only natural that you're still weak." I say taking a bite.
"Not only have I been traveling and pursuing my specialties. I've also been training my Nen and combat skills, but I haven't been as intense or productive as you guys." She complains, pouting.
"Don't take this the wrong way. While it's true that you're putting yourself in greater danger as a low-level Hunter, it's very important to gain experience and contacts in the fields you pursue. In that regard, you're ahead of us right now." I clarify, trying to cheer her up.
"Why don't you tell us more about some of the individuals you worked with? I'm sure you've had some interesting event happening with some of them."
"A few, yes. One of them was when I met Gabriel, whom I met as an advisor when a pharmaceutical company wanted to hire my services to collect plants that were difficult to obtain for the development of their medicines." She starts to narrate.
For the next hour, Nicholas and I keep listening to Ponzu's stories while we enjoy our lunches. When we finally finish eating and gather a few things from our rooms, we head with Ponzu into the mountains away from the city, and once there I set out to start training them seriously.
The first thing we do is a practice run, where I give them a 10 minute head start before heading out to hunt them down for 30 minutes, and whoever shows the best performance would get the right to spar with me. Using my En and Zetsu it would be too easy to catch them, so I refrain from doing so and just use my enhanced senses and tracking abilities to chase them down.
Despite having been running the whole time, it takes me only 3 minutes to find and capture Ponzu, compared to Nicholas who manages to stay on the run for 14 minutes until I find him hiding among a rock formation near a quarry. With the winner decided, I force Ponzu to do squats holding a rock of her size on her back while she watches us spar with Nen for an hour.
At various intervals she complains that it is uncomfortable and painful, but I insist adamantly that she continue while I instruct Nicholas. When the hour is up, Ponzu drops the rock and falls to the ground with numb arms and shattered legs, but I still force her up so we can begin the Nen practice.
Following Wing's advice, I decide to go over the basics and focus on meditating to reinforce the 4 principles; I start by having them use Zetsu to relieve their fatigue, then I have them switch to Ten and emit an aura tinged with hostility to reinforce their spirit, and then I force them to exercise their Ren until they are exhausted and use Zetsu again.
We follow this training for 3 hours, intermittently changing the order and form of execution, and when my students are exhausted both physically and mentally, I urge them to practice hand-to-hand combat with each other for an hour.
Ponzu is finally able to show off in this task, pressuring Nicholas with quick and precise kick combos that give her the victory in several rounds, despite Nicholas's martial arts experience.
"Nicholas, keep a cool head and watch her timing." I call out, with Nicholas dodging a swift kick aimed at his head.
"Got it, boss!" Nicholas replies, his eyes focused in Ponzu.
As the sparring progresses, he starts to synchronize his movements to hers, trying to counter some of her kicks with his own. Both Nicholas's and Ponzu's kicks and punches become a blur of motion, striking each other with speed and precision, with Nicholas slowly beginning to adapt at her rhythm and creating openings for his combat techniques to land.
In the end, Nicholas manages to take her down more times than she does, his effort and experience overwhelming Ponzu and giving him the win in the fighting practice. It was a hard-fought victory, but it reinforces his confidence in his abilities and strategy to fight in the 200th floor.
I decide to take a last half hour to rest before we head back to the city, taking Ponzu to the hotel where she is staying and agreeing to meet again tomorrow morning to give her a tour of the important places in the city and find out more about her travels as a Hunter before she signs up to fight in Heavens Arena together with us.
"Wow boss, I didn't expect you to ask her out so soon." That tease is the last thing Nicholas can say before I bury his head in the ground with a punch.
Under the gaze of a shocked Ponzu, I carry Nicholas' unconscious body over my shoulder before bidding her farewell and running to Heavens Arena. Once we reach the tower and arrive at the 200th floor via the elevator, I dump Nicholas unconscious on the bed of his room and head to mine.
There, I take a nice shower to wash off the sweat from my training, eat some of the provisions I have inside my backpack, and fall also unconscious on my bed as I exhaust all my aura in an attempt to create a new Development Orb.
Some time before
Point of View Switch: Ponzu
Freaking out a bit at Kai's sudden blow, I bid him farewell with a smile as he walks off carrying an unconscious Nicholas. Without even stopping for dinner, I barely make it to my hotel room and collapse exhausted from fatigue and muscle pain onto the bed.
"He is truly crazy." I let out with an exhausted tone.
'Kai didn't lie, he's truly merciless as a teacher. He has been pushing me to the limit, forcing me to exercise my physique and my Nen for 5 hours without letting me stop to rest. I know he said he wouldn't go easy on me because I'm a woman, but he could still be a little more considerate.'
I continue to mull these thoughts over for another 20 minutes until I finally recover enough to get up, heading to the bathroom to draw myself a bath using a combination of bath salts made from herbs I've collected on my travels.
"Aah. So good." I think out loud as I immerse my body in the hot water. 'This is the best thing after such a hard day. I feel the stress and pain fade away as my body relaxes in a sea of pleasure.'
'I've been so dedicated to building my reputation as a professional Hunter these past few months that I haven't had the chance to enjoy moments like this. I guess I have Kai to thank for this as well.'
As my body relaxes and my head clears, I begin to recap my thoughts on Kai. 'Seriously, he is such a peculiar man. He is always making arbitrary and dangerous decisions, making those around him feel worried because of his reckless nature.'
'From the first time I met him at the exam, I already got the impression that he wasn't a normal person. He was certainly a very strong examinee who tried very hard, but there were also things about him that I found strange, like how he kept staring at me in Trick Tower or how he came to look for me on Zevil Island.'
'At first I thought he was a pervert who lusted after my body, so I remained very self-conscious about him. But as we spent time together chatting and getting to know each other better, and after he endured an absolute beating at the hands of Hisoka to protect me, I began to understand and appreciate his true personality.' I think, starting to shift from being critical to appreciative.
'I could see that he is a cautious and thoughtful man, always analyzing the situation around him and making detailed and unexpected plans to always keep everything under control. That is precisely why it is so fun to surprise him with something unexpected.' I think, letting out a giggle as I remember his surprised face at my unannounced arrival.
'But above all, I could see that he is a truly kind and compassionate man, willing to help complete strangers just because his heart says so. Despite only knowing me for a few hours, he was willing to risk his life so I could pass the exam. No normal person would have done that.'
As memories of all the events that happened with Kai during the exam flash through my mind, I finally decide to get out of the tub. After drying myself with a towel and putting on my pajamas, I walk limply until I lie down on the bed while still thinking in Kai.
'I truly owe a lot to Kai. If it weren't for him, I probably wouldn't have even become a Hunter. And even today, he still selflessly helps me out.' I think with a slight blush on my cheeks. 'Maybe I can give him some information or introduce him to some of my contacts as thanks when we meet tomorrow.'
"Wow boss, I didn't expect you to ask her out so soon." The thought of Nicholas saying this replays in my mind as my face turns even redder.
"No, no, no! This isn't a date! Kai is just helping me integrate into this city as a fellow Hunter! He doesn't see me like that at all! He doesn't see me like that!" I scream with my face buried in my pillow as I kick my feet on the bed. "He doesn't see me like that, right?" I repeat once more, this time in a low voice and with a strange feeling of sadness in my chest.
'The truth is that I am not very clear about his intentions because he is always very reserved. It's obvious he has desire for women as he almost fainted from massive bleeding that time he saw me naked. But that alone doesn't tell me what his feelings are about me.'
'Does he see me as just a Hunter friend, or is he interested in pursuing something more? And if so, how should I respond? What kind of relationship do I want to have with Kai in the first place?'
I continue to mull over these disorganized thoughts for a while until I finally fall asleep hugging my pillow.