Reborn ghost seeing lady is pampered by her ex husband

Chapter 32: Die Susie, die.

Aside from the information on his phone, Detective Shark also had pictures of his suspects, physical photographs that he had come with and he showed them to Phoebe, one by one.

"Pinky, the girl on the right had a motive for murder because Susie seduced her fiancé last year and slept with him just to prove a point that she could. She has hated Susie since then and this could be why she killed her.

Lucy, the one in the green dress was originally supposed to be the lead singer of Dear girls but Susie apparently seduced the son of the company CEO who helped her secure the spot. The two have always had animosity for this reason. If Susie is out of the way, she can secure her position as lead singer of the group.

Jillian, the one on the far left was injured last year, poisoned more like. She secured an endorsement for Yuza beauty brand but on the day she was supposed to sign the contract, her face broke out in a a rash and her throat swelled up. She is allergic to peanuts and someone spiked her drink with peanut oil."

Phoebe scoffed because more and more, Susie Isles was beginning to sound like a bad character. "Let me guess, Susie ended up signing the contract and becoming the brand ambassador."

Detective Shark nodded. "It was not the first solo endorsement she stole using shady means. Susie was also planning to leave the group to pursue a solo career which would lead to termination of their the contract. No Susie, no dear girls, basically the group was disbanding and let's just say the three other girls were not happy about that."

He put down a picture of a man. "Then there is her personal manager whom she was abandoning because she was switching companies."

Detective Shark run a hand through his hair, he bent down and put both of his hands against the steel bed and continued to share frustrating details with Phoebe.

"There is also a video trending on all social media platforms of her calling her fans fools. Although she apologized, she got some anti fans. Add to that the ones who blamed her for being selfish and destrying Dear girls after announcing that she was going solo. Some of them have been threatening to kill her.

They created pages online which were dedicated to sharing deep fake videos of Susie being killed in different ways.

We had arrested some of the people that created the pages and those who made suggestions but we were forced to release them.

Susie had stalkers too, they sent her gifts like flowers and money, one was actually arrested for breaking into her house two weeks ago. He was found sniffing her underwear."

His face appeared to be disgusted as he mentioned that little tidbit.

"The company CEO hated her the most because Susie was the money maker of the Dear girls and he had invested a lot in her in order to boost her fame and now that she was famous, she wanted to abandon ship.

Then lastly, Susie recently cut off her family financially and that wasn't received well especially by her gambling brother who roughed her up in public a few days ago."

He looked at Phoebe, hoping that she could see why he was frustrated by the case. Too many people had something to gain from Susie's death or they just simply wanted her to die. "

Each of them had a motive and questionable alibi." He placed his phone back in his jacket.

"As you can see, Susie Isles is probably the most hated woman i have ever come across and i can't say for sure that she didn't deserve that hate."

"Hey..." Claire called out unhappily. "She may not have been nice but she had the voice of an angel and she was generous with her money. She has helped thousands of people financially. She wasn't perfect but she didn't deserve to be killed."

"You don't have a cause of death Claire so you cannot say for sure that she was killed. We are investigating a mysterious death right now because you haven't given us anything." He retorted.

"I am a medical examiner who speaks for the dead no matter how they lived, good or bad. I only speak the truth, with science and facts. I can't just declare this a homicide without being sure. What i can tell you is that she was too healthy for her heart to give out. It's not a natural death."

Detective Shark groaned.

Phoebe pulled out a pair of gloves from her pocket. "Let me see the..."

"Body, i know how you work." Claire jumped in.

She walked over to where the bodies were stored before or after autopsies and with detective Shark's help, retrieved the dead body of Susie Isles.

Claire stripped it bare and looked at it sadly.

"I never thought a day would come when she would be laying on my table, so pale, so lifeless and naked."

Phoebe didn't respond to Claire and she started her examination of the body, beginning with the head first. She parted the black hair and observed parts of the scalp she could see.

The Saxon spirit appeared next to her and sighed. "You are not a doctor or an ME, why are you doing this? Let Yin look at the body."

Detective Shark meanwhile was looking at the sealed door of the autopsy room and frowning.

"I heard that someone tried to break in and steal the body."

Claire who was observing Phoebe nodded. "Rumor has it that someone is offering a great deal of money for the body of Susie Isles, three hundred thousand dollars. We have had three attempted break ins since it arrived. At this rate, i am afraid that another ME might be tempted to let them in directly."

Phoebe listened to them discussing better security measures casually as she slipped off one glove and removed a gold coin from her pocket.

Both the detective and the ME were familiar with what she was going to do. It was not the first time Yin would be making an appearance in the morgue.

As soon as Phoebe tossed the coin up, the bird came to life and flew out of it.

"Come, tell me if you see anything on this body."

The bird wasn't simply good at finding curses, it also had sharp eyes that could catch anything that had been missed and it didn't necessarily have to be magic related always.

They watched the bird fall on the body and then walk over it, up and down for a few seconds.

"I could be fired for this you know." Claire said. "But i don't care because it's awesome."

She moved her fingers stealthily, with a desire to pet the bird but it stopped moving and gave a sharp warning glint. Claire retrieved her fingers and laughed. The darn undead bird had still refused to warm up to her.

Yin stopped by Susie's left hand next to the armpit and crowed. Phoebe sent it back into the coin while Claire hurried to have a look at that part of the body.

"What did i miss?" she asked loudly in a shocked voice.

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