Chapter 47: Pregnant
He hugged me... That means he had no problem with it . ... "Babe are you really pregnant" he asked again... I nodded... "Buy babe do.. do you want the baby?" He asked... Did I want it? "I don't know bby... I don't know if I want it" I honestly said... He just nodded... Taking me home...
At home
Mom was worried... Immediately we entered, she rushed to us... "What's wrong darling... Tell me.... What's going on" she insisted... I hugged Tae, burying my face in his chest... "Mom.. I think we should let him rest then we can discuss it later" he said.... Then she nodded... He took me to my room
My room
"Sleep ok" he said.... I nodded..he helped me tuck in and was about to leave,but I stopped him... "Stay with me" I said... He didn't argue, he just lay with me... Making me rest my head on his chest as he kept on caressing my hair... "You know the woman I call mother is not my mom" he said out of the blue.. I looked at him, but he immediately made me lay back... "I never had a mom... I was also given birth to by a man, but it took his life.... I was secretly born, because my grandparents didn't support gay... My dad had a boyfriend in the secret, but my mom knew and she supported him cuz she also had a girlfriend... They both joined forces, deceiving my grandparents... When my father was pregnant with me, she pretend to be pregnant... So my father flew her out... And when I was born, she also acted like she was my real mom... But my dad didn't have money for operation after I was born, so my birth father passed away " he said with a sad smile..I looked at him, he didn't want me to see him.... He made me lay back and continue to caress my hair... "I'm sorry " I said.. he kissed the top of my head and sighed.... "It's ok baby... It's all in the past but I'm scared... I'm scared of loosing you" he said... "Shhh . You won't loose me.... We'll go through it together okay " I said finally gaining access to look at him .... The slowly inched forward and planted a soft kiss on his lips... He kissed back, but we stopped... Not wanting to go deep.....I smiled, finding a good position then slept off..
Tae's POV
After Kim slept, Jiang knocked on our door and I went to check... We went to the living room, with all the family members present... They offered me to seat, all of them looking worried... "There's no need to be worried right now" I began... They all looked at me skeptical... "Then why did you go to the hospital" Jiang said... "Actually I don't know how you will take this, but Kim... Kim is... Kim is pregnant" I said a bit nervous... They were all like da hell it's a lie... "How can a man get pregnant?" Hyung asked..."and I'm responsible for the baby" I said... My neck to my ear were all red from embarrassment... "You can't be serious right?" Old Woo said... " Dad I'm serious" I said... Grandpa woo was the only woo family member who was calm... "Taeyang... Is it true.. are you sure" grandpa Woo asked with a smile on his face . The whole family were like what da fuck... ... "Yes sir" I said a bit awkward cuz we never striked any conversation with him but now I could not even get the name to call him .. "let my grandson rest... Thanks Taeyang for being the father.. and thanks for not leaving him in this stage" he said I smiled...
Hi phis I got back from a trip 3 days ago, and I've been on rest so I didn't update.. and tomorrow is my mom's birthday.. so idk if I'll be able to update.. but no matter what, I'll always love you guys... Komaweo