Chapter 43: CH 43
Paper work
Mikoto meanwhile as she left the room had a frown marring on her face as she thought about her blonde haired student and genin.
"Naruto what is wrong? What are you trying to hide?"
The Uchiha Compound
Mikoto shunshined back home and immediately sought out her eldest son to ask him about Naruto's actions towards his parents.
She found in the backyard playing with his younger sister, smiling towards his little sister. She walked forward and said. "Itachi, I wish to ask you something about Naruto." "So you noticed then? The way Naruto acts towards his family?" Asked Itachi with a sad look on his face, as he thought about his closest friend and the problems he had at home.
"Yes, I noticed; what is that about? He is so cold towards his parents and tries to push away his siblings." She asked concerned about her student's wellbeing as well as the state of her best friend and rivals home.
"When I first met Naruto we were both seven as you remember?" He stated and the continued when his mother nodded. "Well one of the first things I learned about him was that was very good at fūinjutsu."
"Yes, which is to be expected with who his parents are I am sure that they taught him about fūinjutsu at a young age as is tradition of the Uzumaki clan." She stated not knowing where this was going. "It wasn't his parents who taught him fūinjutsu, it was the Sandaime. In fact his parents didn't even teach him the basics of chakra control, he learned it from Shizune-san." Replied Itachi, pausing to let everything he said sink in.
"But, why would he have to learn such things from other people? Surely if he had asked his parents would have gladly taught him?" She asked not sure if she wanted to know the answer.
Itachi just shook his head and looked towards Hokage Mountain where you could just make out two figures on top of the Yondaime's head. "Naruto did ask them to teach him, however ever since the twins were born they have become less attentive towards him. When Naruto asked his father and mother to teach him fūinjutsu, his father simply gave him a book to give to the Sandaime when he took his lessons. He asked his mother to help him with his chakra and to learn about and instead of making a shadow clone to do so, she told him that she was too busy and then passed him off to Shizune."
Mikoto looked over at her son in shock and then towards the blond speck on top of the mountain with sadness in her eyes. She couldn't understand what could possess two of her closest friends to act this way towards their son. "Why haven't you or anyone confronted them about how they treat Naruto?"
"It's not how you think; they aren't doing it on purpose. They are unintentionally favoring the twins. As for why we haven't confronted them Naruto told everyone not to, he thinks that it won't change anything so he would rather endure it rather than have his parents think that he is starting things because he is jealous of the twins, which he is not." Responded Itachi smiling slightly as he turned towards his mother; which confused her greatly, after all why would he be happy about that. "Even after how his parents have treated him, albeit unintentionally, he loves his younger siblings to death. Mina, Mito, and Eiji mean the world to him and he would fight to the death to ensure their safety."
"So, then his taijutsu and kenjutsu; they aren't anything that Minato or Kushina use, so who taught him?" she asked smiling sadly at the fact her student was suffering and she couldn't do anything about it.
"His taijutsu, as I'm sure you have realized is a bastardized version of the Senju style and Goken; he was taught the Senju style by Tsunade-sama, however the Senju style is defensive like the Uchiha style so in order to counteract that problem he asked Gai-san to teach him Goken. Also the Senju style and Goken were too restrictive for him so he adjusted each style to work better with his body type." Said Itachi as he made a face at little Ria which made her giggle and smile at her big brother.
"I thought it seemed familiar, though I have trouble following it with my Sharingan; do you have the same problem?" she asked since even though he was younger Itachi's eyes were sharper than hers.
"Yes, I have much trouble following it since his style is more free form that the normal structured style of either style; though I would be surprised if it was like that on purpose. Naruto and I are friends as well as rivals so it would make since for him to have something to counteract my eyes. You asked about his kenjutsu correct?" Itachi asked, still playing with Ria.
"Yes, I did I have never seen anything like it in all of Hi no Kuni." She replied smiling as she watched her eldest and youngest play.
"That would be because it is from Testu no Kuni and has never been used or mastered as, like his taijutsu, it is free formed. Apparently Mifune-sama saw that Naruto was having trouble with his first kill and found Naruto training in kenjutsu, which at that point he didn't even have a style just natural talent. They sparred while we waited out the storm at night, when we left Mifune left him a scroll with the foot work and a challenge for him to become strong enough to face him on an equal footing one day." He said as he picked up Ria to take her inside for her nap, leaving his mother to mull over what she had been told.
"I will have to talk to Naruto to get the full story from him, though you can't help but be impressed that he has come so far with so little help." She thought hoping to help the little boy whom she saw as a nephew.
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