Percy Jackson and the Gaia System

Chapter 187: Chapter 187

Percy smiled as he froze even more of the water with some of the ice creeping onto Dave's body and slowly biting into his suckers, "try me."

Dave narrowed his eyes, "you think a little bit of ice scares me?! I'll fucking squash you like a bug!"

Percy sighed, "worth a shot," he then launched himself at Dave with his right hand drawn back. He charged up his hand and punched the octopus right between the eyes, "Giga Impact!"

Dave's body was ripped off the ship as he flew back 20 feet into the ocean. Some wood was broken off as well but luckily the hull wasn't damaged. Percy landed on the deck of the orange ship and sighed, the quest hadn't even began and already he was fighting monsters.

"Well now who exactly might you be?" A voice asked drawing Percy's attention.

The demigod looked and saw the crew of the ship slowly surround him. With more time to properly look at them he realised that they were all dressed like sailors for the age of explorers. Most had some form of leather on on them, be it from vests or boots, along with very light clothes.

Thier skin was bronze, probably due to the days spent sailing under the sun and most of the had a weapon of some sort. Most of the crew looked well over 50 with only a few younger men among them.

"My name is Percy Jackson, you guys were supposed to pick me up," the son of Poseidon explained eyeing the men around him. They didn't look like they were proper sailors, if anything they looked more like pirates.

[Ah so you're the little one Hermes wanted us to bring aboard,] said a manly voice. PErcy's eyes winded as he recognized ancient greek being spoken with his mind automatically understanding it.

[Who are you?] Percy replied back in the dead language, not really knowing how he could speak it.

[I'm surprised Hermes didn't tell you who I am,] said the voice coming from behind the group of men around Percy, [usually he is more than happy to show me off to everyone.]

[Well they said they wanted it to be a surprise,] Percy replied back as he tried to look through the people around him and find the mysterious man talking to him.

"Well then move aside men, let the boy see who is to be his captain," said the voice in english. The crew in front of Percy moved aside making a pathway. Slowly a man walked through the path, his hair was long and brown with a receding hairline. His eyes were dirty blue and on his face was that oh so familiar smirk that every child of Hermes had on. The man wore a black long coat with gold trimmings which hugged him tightly showing off his thin frame. On his side was a greek style sword similar to Percy's own except his was pure white.

Percy gasped when he saw the man's name and level. "Ah so you recognize me," the captain said with a smile, "I must admit that's fast, even for a demigod."


"Yes I know," the man smirk grew bigger, "but since you can't seem to bring yourself to say it allow me to introduce myself. I am Odysseus, former king of Ithaka, hero of the Trojan war and grandson of Hermes, that last part I was forced to always say by the god of thieves himself."

"You… are supposed to be dead," Percy finally managed to say looking at the man who was one the first legendary heroes of humanity.

"So are the Greek gods," Odysseus replied with a smile, "now tell me little one, who are you?"

Percy gulped as used Gamer's mind to calm himself, "I-I'm Percy, Perseus Jackson, son of Poseidon."

The legendary hero of Greek myth nodded, "hello Percy and welcome to my ship, the Ascension."




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