Peaceful life in the wizarding world


In a room, white silk curtains could be seen blowing elegantly on a full moon night. The lights from the moon illuminated the room. The room was decorated with luxurious things, be it the furniture or the books on the bookshelves. Everything in the room shouted out luxury. The room only had the things which normal people would usually have but everything was a bit fancier and more expensive. A boy could be seen sleeping on the king's sized bed of the room.

The boy was about 11 years old. Black shiny hair, long eyelashes, fair skin with a little blush on his chick which had a little baby fats on them. He was taking long breaths, his belly blowing up and down. Anyone who saw him would think that he was having a very peaceful and relaxing sleep. 'A prince who has never seen hard work, a brat with luxurious life and the centre of attention everywhere he would go' would one think seeing the boy. But it wasn't like that at all in reality. The boy had a very rough and tragic life, and most of all right now, deep in his mind a soul could be seen. The soul was moving here and there, trying to escape the black void. But it was futile as it was impossible to escape, then suddenly the surrounding changed, the black void started to be luminated with sparkling stars. A soul smaller than the previous one came into view. The souls were in front of each other but neither could do anything as they were nothing but some blue orbs floating in the void. But in a split second the smaller one rushed to the bigger one and fused with it. After which, all the sparkling stars also started to get swallowed by the bigger soul. Then after few moments, there was only a big multi coloured orb shining in the darkness. It started to vibrate, then in even higher frequency. Then BOOM!!!! The multi coloured orb blew up and light started to spread through the darkness like it was a new big bang occurring in the boy's mind. Many multi-coloured stars started to detach from the orb. After a very long time, a blue orb could be seen which was only a little bit bigger than the bigger soul from before.

Outside the boy's mind in the real world, the boy's condition was getting worse. He was sweating a lot, breathing fast, heart beating faster, his face was all pale, and then all of a sudden the boy opened his eyes. A blue eyes, shining with the lights coming from the window, looking at the ceiling. The boy took big breathes, trying to calm down his nerves. Then he weakly got up.

"Ugh…" groan came out of the boy's mouth

He rubbed his eyes as his vision was blurred. Then after some time when it started to get clear, he looked around the room, he didn't look surprised. He just got up from the bed and went towards the window.

"Uufff!" the boy gave out a big sign. He grabbed on to the window sill and looked towards the moon.

"A new life, new body… will this be fine?" the boy asked towards the moon hoping somehow it would answer him.

The boy now had another soul that wasn't like any others, not even as the one it was born with. It was an evolved one, much stronger.

Like answering to the boy's answer, the wind started to blow again bigger than before but softly, might be saying that it wasn't here to hurt anyone but only to answer his question.

An ethereal voice came from the gust of wind, "Child, you don't seem like from this world."

"Huh!" the boy was shocked as he wasn't expecting to have someone answering to his question. He got a little scared but the wind had warm feeling as if trying calm him down.

"Ah, sorry... I got a little scared" he replied

The wind swirled around him, "Don't worry child, I wasn't expecting you not to be… but you are much calmer than I expected."

"Ah, well so much has happened to me in such a short time that there might not be many things which would make me feel surprised." He replied

"Hmmm… and what might that be? I know that you are different, that's why I came here to check..." the voice resonated in the air, even though the voice seemed had greater being's feeling, it had little childish tone to it.

"Well…" the boy hesitated but because of the comforting feeling the wind gave out, the boy just wanted to blurt everything out, "I am not from this world. I died and I don't even know how or who I was. I have my memories about some stupid things but I don't know my name or my family's. I don't even remember how I looked like or how they looked like or even how I died. Maybe it's for the good so I can move on with this life? I do have the memories of how I lived my life and all the experiences and knowledge from that life, but the intimate things like family and people who were close to me, I have nothing about them. Before coming here, I remember being confused as I was in a white place, where there were many dead people like me, we were on a queue, god knows to where or what for…. Then an angle, the most beautiful creature??? Or person???? Ahh whatever I have ever seen, took my hand and made me follow her… or was it him???? Never mind, she took me to this big golden shiny room, where she told me that I was dead and I wouldn't be able to go to heaven because I was too pure, which I asked 'why would that even be a problem? Aren't pure people supposed to go to heaven?' Then she replied that even in good things there are evil hidden inside, if I went up there with my pure soul without any evil in it then all the angles would rip me apart and take parts of me for themselves, which I screamed, 'why would they do that?' and then she replied that I was a very precious ethereal soul which was purer than anything. Then I asked how could I even be 'so pure'? To which she answered that I was a virgin, never killed anything not even an insect, I was vegan, never even swore to anyone, always helped others, loved by everyone, also when I was dying, I had saved my friends from terrorist attack in my college and I was born different. She said I had a condition which didn't allow me to do or even think of anything bad or evil. After so many things we talked about, she told me to balance my karma or something so she put me into this sad little dying boy who now had fused into my soul… I woke up about 4 hours ago in the mid night but at that time I hadn't fused with him so I freaked out and passed out from it… then I was in this dark space, then twinkling stars came about and then a small soul rushed to me and fused with me then I engulfed everything them BOOOM! It was like a big bang and all the sparkling stars came out of me…. Which I found out that it was all the memories that I had from my previous life and this boy's life… when we fused, it felt like I was complete… Something felt different, and some emotions that I had never felt before came to me, like someone had poured it on to me… Then I found out how much different our lives were… I was very loved, even though my family was a little poor I never had a sad life, well I didn't even know how sadness felt like… but this boy, he was very sad, mom's dead, father is cold and there is a stepmother and two step brothers who hate him… he even died being depressed…. It's really sad don't you think so? How could a father slap his son just because he told him that he wanted to spend more time with him?..... But on the bright side….. I think I am on the Harry Potter's universe as some of the members of my family are wizards… can you believe it? I think I'm a wizard too!!!"

The boy was huffing as he blurted it all out in one breathe… "uff… Huff… Oh, and now my name is Ezekiel Winter…. Huff huff…. Nice to meet you!" he said with a big smile, while his face turned red because of all the talking.

On the other hand, the wind that was blowing was now completely still… if the wind had a face, its expression would be like 'Are you kidding me? How can you talk so much in one breath?'

"Hello? Miss Wind?" the boy asked looking here and there.

"Nice story!" a baby voice tweaked

The boy flinched at the new voice, his head moved here and there looking for the sourced of sound.

"Who was that?" the boy asked not finding the source

"Oh!!! Its me…" the cute baby voice tweaked with now fluttering sound of wings

The boy looked at the top of the open window shutter, it was a small blue bird… it flew and sat on top of his head.

The boy's eyes widened from the shock, "Ho… how can you speak?" then he shouted, "A talking bird!!!"

"Child, each and every beings in this world can talk, whether its living or non-living. You need a way to understand it." the ethereal voice of wind came again.

"Oh my, so you're saying it's not the bird that is speaking in a human language but I am the one that could understand it?" the boy asked with his both hands upward being excited.

"Yes, yes precisely." The wind said

"This is dream come true you know?" Then the boy shouted again with his hand spreading out trying to hug the blowing wind, but his hand just went through, the he realized "Ah, how stupid of me, trying to hug wind. Hahaha…"

"Indeed you are stupid, child" the wind said with a mischievous tone and then a bright shiny light came out of nowhere in front of the boy. When the light dimmed down, a small human with sparkling white dress and same coloured hair, with wings, came into view. "Hello, I am one of the wind fairies, Matilda, nice to meet you."

"Ah, nice to meet you too. So you were a fairy huh!" The boy said

"Hey, I am here too", the baby voice of the bird came out.

"Okay… oka..." as the boy was about to say something there was a knock on the door.

"Young master, is everything alright in there?" a voice rather annoyed than concern came from outside of the door.

'oh, the butler...' it made him remember the memories of the boy, which made him frown, but replied, "John, it's alright, I just fell off the bed. No need to worry."

"How old even are you to fall from that big of a bed, Madam Winter might wake up, and if she does, she will get mad at me, so please mind not to be so noisy this early in the morning young master." The butler shouted from the door in an annoyed tone, then he walked away.

'Wohhh, was I always been treated like this? Also, their rooms aren't even near here, it's in the other wing of the house… anyone who would be disturbed are the servants, as only my room is in the wing with all the servants…' the boy thought.

After the interaction, the wind fairy had already gone but the bird was still on his head. But he didn't care about that. He was distressed by how the butler had just treated him. So, he went through his memories, why would he treat him that way, not only him but everyone treated the boy like that in this house. So, after two hours of seeing through all his memories, he got only one conclusion for being treated like this, he wasn't the father's son, because his mother cheated. The whole family his father and mother looked very English but not himself, he had some Asian features on him.

"This is just depressing man" saying that he looked at the time, it was already six, so he decided to take a shower and go down for the breakfast.

After he and the bird (the bird didn't fly away so he decided to keep the bird) took the shower, put on a soft pashmina black turtle neck sweater and white cotton pants. Then went downstairs to get the breakfast. On the way, he took a little detour around the house because it wasn't the time for the breakfast. Everything happens in an orderly manner in the Winter's house, which Ezekiel thought was a good thing as he was a borderline OCD person.

At exact 7 O' clock, he entered the breakfast area. Everybody was already present there.

The area was in between the kitchen and the formal dining room, the area was also highly decorated as any other area of the mansion. There was a six-person breakfast table near a big bay-window. It was facing east so the early morning sunlight fell on the table.

The four members of the family were already seated, waiting for their breakfast. His father, Alex Winter, was in his formal wear, blond hair, grey eyes, quite tall, may be about 6'3" tall, fit physic, in his mid-30s, gave off an arrogant aura. On his right side, his wife Martha Winter, was there. She was a short petite woman about 5'3", blonde hair, grey eyes, beautiful woman as anyone who got the sight of her would say, might even be more beautiful than many professional models, as she was one, in the past before she had Alex's babies.

Then on the left of Alex, there were two boys, one was two years older than Ezekiel and other was just a month older than him. And they were both wizards. The older one, Frank Winter, had green eyes, blond hair, above average looks, fit physique, and quite tall. From the memories, he was really different than all the members, didn't talk much and quite intelligent. Also, never bullied the boy but neither defended him, just didn't care, just thought Ezekiel wasn't worth his time. Then the smaller one, the most obnoxious one, Liam Winter, grey eyes, blond hair, average height but smaller than Ezekiel.

When Ezekiel joined them, the atmosphere changed, the blond members of the family's expression changed to a frown. He felt suffocated, he didn't belong there, everyone looked very different from him, he had black hair, his face had more of an Asian trait than Caucasian. He felt out of place.

So, he did what he felt was right at that moment, he started to devour his breakfast in a fast pace. But he remembered he had a thing to say right now and it was to move out from the house. Although, he knew that he was only 11 years from today, but they already had talked about this before but the one who initiated this was none other than Alex. It wasn't possible at that time because the previous Ezekiel was just a kid and was yearning for his father's love.

When he finished his food, he spoke, "Father, I have something to say."

Everybody glanced at his.

"Hmm" said Alex

"As I am officially eleven today, I want to move out." He said with a serious face.

Everyone was surprised by this.

"Okay" before Alex could answer, Martha was the one who spoke.

"Why the sudden change of heart?" asked Alex.

"It's not a big deal, I just got bored." Ezekiel said.

The step trio had a smile on their face.

When Ezekiel was about to drink his juice, a growl was heard.

*growl* ~oh it looks tasty~ a grey spotted white husky was growling beside him, which was glaring at his head, not his head but what was on his head, it was the same blue bird.

Everybody's attention was on the dog then on the bird on Ezekiel's head.

"Why do you have a bird on your head, haha, what a dork!" Ridiculed Liam

Ignoring him, Ezekiel looked at the dog, it was Franks pet, Loco. 'Strange, does Hogwarts allow different types of pet in this world?' he thought. Then he looked into the dog's eyes and let out a small growl ~Piss off!~.

The dog was shocked then, got frightened. Squirming, lowering his ears, he returned beside his master's side.

Everyone was shocked from this revelation, but when Alex was about to say something, right then a screeching sound was heard and a big barn owl came in from the window and landed in front of Ezekiel.

*gasp* "So, he's a wizard too?" said in surprised voice which had a little hint of disdain in it.

*murmur murmur* everyone was talking but Ezekiel wasn't hearing anything as he was overwhelmed, by everything. Everything was happening so suddenly. On the first place, he hadn't really digested that he was in another world, but when he found out he might be a wizard in the Harry Potter's universe, he got excited, and now it happens to be true, the truth of reality dawned upon him and how many dangerous situations he might have to face with.

'The deed is already done, I can't do anything other than accepting it' thinking that he took the letter, then looked at the owl and asked, "~are you okay, tired? Hungry or thirsty by any chance?~"

"~Yes~" said the owl.

"~What? Hungry, tired, or thirsty?~" Ezekiel asked again

"~Yes.~" the owl said again

The not-so subtle answer made Ezekiel to smile.

"~Okay, here, after you drink and eat, you can rest until I read the letter~"" he said, while pouring water into a bowl and also placed some small pieces of sausages on a plate and gave it to the owl.

Ezekiel didn't really gave any attention to the surrounding other than the letter, and just opened it and read it, as it was the same as the books and movies except some rules about pets and books, and a extra page that said to reply if the receiver of the letter will be attending the school or not and a supervisor was needed or not for shopping for the school materials.

So, he wrote a reply that he was going to attend the school and no for the supervisor as the family was well informed about the Leaky Cauldron.

By the time he finished writing, the owl had already eaten and was ready to return, so he gave the letter.

"~Thanks, you may go now~" he said to the owl.

Then, Alex spoke, "Well, it seems you are also magical wizard. Congratulations."

Ezekiel replied, "Thanks"

"Since now that you are a wizard and won't be staying here, how about I take you to your school shopping?" Alex asked Ezekiel

Everyone was very surprised by Alex's words, more than anyone else was Ezekiel, because never in his 11 years of memory, had Alex ever agreed to spend time together, or even showed a tiny bit of interest towards him.

"Errhh… Ooo.. Okay???" said Ezekiel being a little confused

"Alright, I think you are old enough now to know the truth so, when we reach your mum's summer house, I have something to tell you." Said Alex. He stood up from the table and started to walk towards the door, then he turned around and said to Ezekiel, "How about we meet in about an hour, I think you have things to pack and I'll have all the documents to get ready by then. At sharp 8, by the front gate."

Saying that he got out of the room.

The room was silent, then Liam spoke, "I… I also want to go mum, why is he only taking him?!"

"Quiet, your father must have something on his mind, that boy's finally leaving us, so be quiet for now, there will be many chances for you to go there..." Martha was talking with her youngest son, but Ezekiel just ignored them and left the room.

'hmm… what's with him, why does he want to take me to the shopping. Whatever, the sooner I leave this place, the better I would feel. These depressing and negative feelings might really drive me insane.' He was thinking that while he was on his way to his room.

When he reached the room, some people were already there, packing his clothes and stuffs.

In only about 20 minutes, everything was already packed and ready, because he didn't have anything else than some clothes and books. So, for about 30 minutes, he just stayed in the room, thinking about the world he has been put into and what might be necessary to buy today.

'Everything seems to be different in this world, technologies are advanced, I saw a Flat screen TV in the living room, and computer in the room, and its just 1991?! Then would the magical world be different?' he thought.

After thinking all that he went out of the room and reached the front gate at exactly 8 O' clock.

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