Origins of Fate

Chapter 39: 19. Punishment (part 1)

Character : Nathan Fiore, Punishment




Exiting the vice headmaster's office, I felt a painful shock of reality waking me up.


Now more than ever… I realized what I needed to do. After talking it out for so long, I now understand the world around me is unforgiving.


I have been playing around for too long. I should get serious while there is still a chance.


But, first. My punishment, for destroying half of the training hall.


And that punishment is…


"Good morning, everyone. The name's Nathan." I said with no energy to the students in front of me, and everyone was very shocked to find me here.


Here I am… in class J. The last class of the first year.


"Now, go on and take a seat. Pick the empty ones on the front." The homeroom teacher said to me, and I walked to sit down on the empty chair at the very front of the classroom.


After I sat down, the homeroom teacher then turned to the students of class J. "Everyone, Nathan here will be joining us as part of his punishment. As to why he is getting punished… you might've already heard. But in case you don't," The teacher then turned his judging gaze to me, and I only smiled while waving my hand.


"Basically… he brought an explosive substance to a class." The homeroom teacher said to everyone, and they all turned really surprised. 

"The substance was very dangerous, and it exploded during the training class at noon. Thankfully, no student got hurt, otherwise his punishment would've involved the authorities outside the academy."


The teacher explained my crime, and this story is actually made up by Miss Hilda. She told everyone that an explosive substance had exploded and blown up half of the training building. When in reality, I AM that explosive substance.


However, she did do me a favor by keeping all of this a secret. No, it was something she needed to do in order for us to achieve our goals.


It's annoying, but she is my ally now.


"For now, just serve your punishment in class J of the first year. You'll learn so much more about our academy when you are in that class." Miss Hilda said to me back at her room, and I let out an annoyed sigh.


"I don't understand why I had to be punished… for something that You Did."


"Hey! I'm being punished as well!" She shouted, and I was surprised by that.


Miss Hilda then took out a piece of letter from under the desk, and I grabbed the letter from the table. "It's from the headmaster of the academy. He is currently absent because of… something important. And that something is actually related to the tragedy that happened in your village, seven years ago."


I opened my eyes wide hearing that, and I started reading the letter. From the looks of it, the headmaster is requesting Miss Hilda to replace him at the front lines, and have the two of them switch places. Miss Hilda will now deal with whatever situation is happening over there, and the headmaster will come here to keep an eye on the academy.


As for what situation they are looking out for… it's something rather surprising.


"War with the Dark Republic. Crazy, right? Seven years ago, I was so afraid and did my best to avoid such a thing. But now, with the sudden insurgence of power within the Dark Republic, they are moving forward with their army to annihilate all of Avenor." Miss Hilda explained what is truly happening at the other side of the land, and I was too shocked to understand everything.


But… One thing is for certain.


"You said… the President of the Dark Republic was the one who massacred my entire family?" I asked while placing the letter back on the table, and Miss Hilda grinned seeing my expression.


"Look at you… I really thought you were a coward only yesterday. But now, you look like a damn monster." Miss Hilda said while staring at my smirking face, and I cannot feel any happier to go to war.


Seeing me getting so excited, she lets out a sigh. She then took out a book that I wasn't expecting she would ever take out.


"Do you know anything about the origin science subject?" She asked while placing the book down, and I nodded.


"It's a subject for third years. I joined the origin science club."


"That's fantastic. Continue learning everything from there. Every student there is basically my student, so do your best to learn every single thing about origins. Starting from the genes, mastery, and the awakening tier.


Nathan. I must apologize, but I forbid you from going to war if you don't at least fully learn origin mastery." Miss Hilda said so sternly at me, and I opened my eyes wide out of surprise.


"What the--I thought you wanted me to fight!?"

"I do. I really do. In fact, I think you, out of all the people of Avenor, have the highest chance of bringing us victory. But, you have to understand that you're still sixteen years old.


Your enemies are much more powerful than you. Their leader has the ability to wipe out an entire village filled with world class fighters. I'm not sure if you know, but your father was at the level of the earth nation's holy knight. Your grandfather as well. The most dangerous individual in that village was actually your mother, but even she was nowhere to be found.


All I'm saying is that you are still far too weak. Compared to your enemy, you are nothing but a child. You understand what I'm saying, right?"

Hearing her words, it felt like the weight of the entire world was dumped onto me. The things she said were actually true. My step-father, the King of Fiordall, also once said that my father's position in Fiordall is more or less similar to what the holy knight is to the earth nation. He is a great figure known for his strength. However, they always say that the true monster was my mother, whose abilities I still don't know up to this date.


Whatever the case… it seems like I will have to start studying my own body before I can comprehend the true nature of my origin.


Starting… from my own genes.


Class started right away in class J with the homeroom teacher teaching. However, I opened a different book and studied a different subject entirely. The book that Miss Hilda gave me was the third year book for the origin science subject, and I was told to fully comprehend everything inside the book before I could comprehend my own potential.


First, let's start with the gene again--


"Nathan Fiore! Are you paying attention to the class??" Right in front of me, I was really surprised to find the annoyed face of the class J homeroom teacher staring at me.


She seemed to be quite annoyed seeing that I'm not paying attention to her class, and I can't help but realize everyone was also staring at me. I rubbed the back of my head as I giggled.


"I'm sorry… but the vice headmaster gave me an assignment to do as an extra punishment… I feel that this is more important." I lied as I breathed, and the homeroom teacher let out a sigh.


"Well, if the vice headmaster said so. But, isn't that book… origin science? That's for the third year." She pointed out, and I closed the book to show her.


"Uh… it is?" I acted dumb, and she only turned around leaving me.


"You can focus on that, but keep in mind. The exam questions will not be easier for you just because you have an extra subject to learn. Understand?"

"Yes, ma'am!" I said firmly, and the class continued.


Thankfully, I was able to dodge a very problematic situation. If she wanted me to learn history alongside origin science, my brain would genuinely cause a far larger explosion than the 'Explosive Substance'.


Anyway, where was I? Right. Genes.

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