One Piece: Tale of the Harem Pirates

Chapter 16: New Genesis (Part 2)

Below the deck of the ship Lance stood at the head of a dinner table that had been cleared off so that they could lay out a map on the table. The map was a depiction of the island that they were landing on soon, Oykot Island. The island as a whole was shaped like a large sea monster's head.

Surrounding the table were Lance's five personal guards. Dressed in their medium armor with their weapons. In contrast Lance was wearing the same sweatpants and t-shirt he had been wearing for most of the trip. He had pins in hand and was putting them around the island. "Alright girls. Operation Robbery is underway."

Naomi interrupted his flow. "I still think we could come up with a better name than that."

Lance stared at her for a long second before clearing his throat. "Anyway." He said before bringing his attention back to the table. "According to our friends in the construction crew. We are going to land here." He pointed at a purple pin at the front of the beach that resembled the inside of the sea monster's mouth. "Once we get off the boat. I'm going to head here to the family meeting place." He moved his finger north at a baby blue pin. "While i'm making nice with the family. You all need to head to the main stage over here. Your job will be to find where they stored the stuff we gave them to hide."

Lance pointed at the red pin to indicate where the main stage was. "The main things you're looking for are under a white sheet with my family's sigil on it. Two axes connected at the base with a crown in the middle."

"You know it's on all our armor right?" Sadie pointed to the sigil on her chest.

"Yes I know that. I'm just being through!" Lance pulled down his shirt to regain some composure. "Not only are you gonna have to move the things under there over. But there's also some devil fruit here for the winners of the games. I want you to find where those are and add them to the things we're moving."

"Wait. Why would we need to take those? Wouldn't that draw too much attention." Tess said as she raised her hand in the air. Not wanting to wait to be called on.

"Maybe. But remember that bet with Bitch-rice I told you about? Well one of the victory conditions is that she eats one of the devil fruits given as a prize. And I just can't let that happen."

All five of the girls looked at each other as they thought about this. "You know what will happen to you if we get caught right?" Naomi looked worried as her gaze went to Lance.

Lance gave a shrug. "Why would I care about what could happen to me. When it's not gonna happen." He smiled as he stuck in the final yellow pin at the edge of the island that faced the ocean. What looked like the sea monster's head. "This is where you're gonna drop off the supplies. Now it's probably gonna take you about an hour to get from where the stuff is to where you're gonna drop it off. So the games will have started by then. I'll leave a note in my room telling you what our next step is."

Lance gave a clap of his hands. "Alright, are we ready to go team?" Again the five girls looked at each other. After a pause of silence they all raised their weapons in the air and gave a mighty cheer. From above them there was a call from the 'captain' of the expedition.

"Land ho! All Celestial Dragons report for docking!" With the call Lance walked upstairs with his personal guard. Seeing the others disembarking from the boat. Lance made the choice to be one of the last to get off. The other celestial dragons were hanging out on the beach in front of the ship. And Lance would use it as the perfect reason to separate from his guards.

"Naomi. You go off with the rest to greet my family. Make sure the room is ready for after the games. There will be plenty of celebrating!"

The de facto leader of the five girls blushed as Lance called out like that. "As you say, Young Master. Come on, Girls." With that the five beauties took a light jog towards the distance. It took Eneverdean's uncle so long to get off the boat. That the five girls were past the forest line.

As he slowly waddled down the deck. His black suit and white undershirt made him look like a penguin. His large belly and bald head didn't help that association. "Right then. Let's get you all to your families. These games won't get themselves underway." The group of teenage celestial dragons were led through the forest at a much slower pace than any of them would have wanted.

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