Nami looked at Luffy with anticipation for her offer and just when he was about to say something his stomach rumbled with hunger, "Oh!!! I am hungry!!" Nami listening to this immediately took his hand and started to drag him towards what looks like an abandoned house, "Come with me I can give you something to eat." Luffy did not protest and followed her lead.

Right now both Nami and Luffy were sitting inside the abandoned house and Nami is serving him something to eat which she found in the house. While Luffy is munching on the food, Nami looked at him and asked, "So….What do you think about my proposal??" Luffy looked at her and then at the map which she stolen, "Hmmm….that's nice, but tell me what kind of map is that??" Nami looked at the Map and opened it to show him, it is the map of Grandline. "So are you a navigator or something??" Nami puffed her chest in proud manner, "The best in whole East-Blue you'll ever find!!!" "Nice!!!" Luffy then stood up, "Then join my crew!!!"

Suddenly the smile on Nami's face vanished as she looked at Luffy with stern gaze, "Crew as in the Pirate Crew??" she really hoped it is not, but Luffy already knows that what was about to come, so he nodded, "Yes, I am a pirate and I need a nice navigator!! So will you join me??" He asked with a strained grin, "NOOO…. I HATE PIRATES!!!" Nami yelled at him and immediately took the Grandline map close to her. Luffy slumped on the chair with a pout, "Man, I really started to like you and you've to just ruin all this!!" he turned his head away in childish manner. Nami seeing Luffy's child like behavior was stunned but none the less, she stood strong on her decision.

She took the seat opposite to Luffy and just glared at him then she huffed, "I won't join your crew but… maybe just for now we can work together. I need to gather 100 million beries as soon as possible, if you help me steal the treasure from these Buggy Pirates, then I will atleast help you to navigate until I am done collecting money." Luffy looked her with some disbelief, he knew that Nami would ask Luffy to partner with her against Buggy but the second part, he didn't see that coming. Well who is kidding, he already saw that coming with his Advance Observation Haki.

Luffy nodded at her, "I accept!! By the way…why do you need that much money ??" Nami looked at him with glare, "That's none of your business!!!"

Somewhere in the Orange town on the roof of one of the big buildings, the Buggy Pirates had made their tents there and right now one of the pirates is searching for Nami with his binocular. "Captain Buggy….I spotted the thief!!!" he yelled as he saw her leaving the house. Hearing this, the Captain Buggy himself in his Red-Nose glory appeared near his subordinate and took the binocular from him and looked through it at Nami. He sneered when he saw his map in her hand, "USE THE BUGGY CANNON AND FIRE THE WARNING SHOT…" "YES CAPTAIN!!!"

A huge ass cannon was immediately aimed just a little away from Nami's direction and with a loud boom, it fired. Nami who just walked out of the house when heard a loud boom, she looked at the its direction, only to widen her eyes in fear when she saw a huge cannon ball just wrecked everything in its path destroyed every houses. The destruction is about a kilometer long. Nami shakily looked at the location where it was fired and saw that the huge cannon aimed at her.

Buggy looked with his binocular at the shaking Nami, he smirked and then took a loudspeaker, "Are you scared, little thief? If you don't want to die then like a nice little girl, hand me back my map!!"

Nami hearing this clutched the map tightly and started to shake in fear. She could not give the map, if she did then how can she gather the money fast and free her village from Arlong, but if she did not give back the map she will die and her village will never get free. Nami then made her decision that she will give back the map, if she will live then sooner or later she can gather the money. Slowly she started to walk towards Buggy pirates when a gentle hand placed on her shoulder stopped her. She looked back to see it is Luffy who was grinning at her, "Since you really need that map, then you can keep it. As for these guys….leave that to me."

Nami looked at Luffy with very complicated expression. Why is this guy helping her when they just meet few hours ago? They didn't even know eachothers name, but he is still helping? All these questions were running in her mind, but in her heart there was something which she had not felt for a very long time…warmth!!! As if like, as long as he is with her, nothing bad will happen to her. But there was still some doubt, "Why are you helping me??? You're a pirate too, they are selfish and just care about themselves!!! Then why???" Luffy looked at her with sincere smile, "Well I am selfish…." Then he looked at Buggy in the eye with his smile dropped and he used his Conquerors Haki to amplify his voice so that it can reach Buggy, "But once someone become my friend then no matter who it is, if they threatened my friends….I won't sit back anymore!!!" 

Hearing Luffy's words Nami got tears in her eyes, 'Friends!! He see me as a friend!!!' Nami didn't know what to think about this situation, one thing is sure, right now she is really happy.

With Buggy, when he heard Luffy's words, he got goosebumps all over his body. Then he looked at the Strawhat which the boy is wearing, he immediately connected the speech and the hat with very familiar person, Shanks…. "That is Shanks hat and that speech, only Shanks say words like those. Did that brat knows Shanks???" he was really angry right now, it is because of that bastard Red-Hair that he got cursed and lost his treasure map. And now, some no name brat came her wearing that same hat and saying Shanks words made him enraged, "FIRE THE BUGGY CANNON….NOWWWW!!!"

Hearing Buggy scream in rage and firing another cannon but this time towards them made Nami scared. She looked at Luffy and pulled his hand in hurry, "Hey lets go or we'll die!!!" but Luffy didn't budge, as the Buggy cannon ball was flying at them, he picked up a small pebble from the ground, seeing this action Nami got confused but what happened next shocked her to the core. Luffy flicked the pebble with an extreme speed towards the incoming cannon ball and as it collided with it, they exploded in the mid air. Luffy looking at the result nodded with satisfaction, "Man, I always wanted to do that!!!" Nami seeing this was flabbergasted, "H-How..??"

Buggy also saw what Luffy did, but he was more shocked because he knew someone who could do the same thing with just a pebble. This angered Buggy more, "FIRE AGAIN!!" the Buggy pirates reloaded the cannon and fired again but the result was same as last time, another pebble and the cannon ball exploded in the air. They fire two more shots but the result same. Seeing how Luffy effortlessly destroying the huge cannon balls with just pebbles started to change Nami's views of the world, 'Just what is this guy??'

Buggy seeing that his Buggy cannon not working on the kid, he gritted his teeth and immediately took hold of his knifes between his fingers, "Damn you Strawhat, I will kill you!!!" he and his crew was all ready with their weapons. Luffy seeing them he spread his hands wide and looked at them with a smirk, "Oh!!! So you are coming towards me!!!" he shook his head in amusement, ( A.N: IF YOU KNOW...YOU KNOW!!) "But I have no time for all of you!!!" then with one leap he jumped up in the air which confused Nami and all the Buggy pirates, "Gear Third" Luffy said and then they saw him opened his mouth and sucked in a huge amount of air and his stomach started to expand like a balloon. This scene shocked everyone and Nami's eyes were widen in horror but only Buggy muttered, "Devil Fruit!!"

Luffy then passed the air from his stomach to his right hand, expanding it and making it looks like a giant's hand. Then he looked at Buggy, whose eyes widen in realization at what is going to happen, "EVERYONE BRACE YOURSELVES!!!" he screamed but it was too late. "Gum Gum Giant Pistol" Luffy punched the roof top with his might and his Giant hand.

The building got destroyed immediately and dust and rubbles were flying everywhere. Buggy and others were blown away while screaming in terror. Nami who saw this was shocked, "Are you even human??" Luffy landed near her with his hand back to normal, "Well I ate a Devil Fruit and now I am Rubber-Man!!" "The Myth is real!!" she muttered. "Hey aren't you going to loot their treasure??" Nami hearing this smirked at Luffy, "Of course I am!!!" she ran towards the treasure room to steal everything.

However, Luffy sensed that Buggy is still conscious as he separated this upper half of the body from his lower half with the help of his Devil Fruit and tried to sneak attack Luffy. Luffy just looked at him with deadpan look and hold Buggy in the air. Buggy looked at Luffy while he started to sweat in nervousness, "Hehe..opps??" Luffy stares at Buggy and then used his 'Gum Gum Bazooka' to send him flying.

After some minutes Nami walked towards him with bag full of treasures, she grinned at him, "Look at this…. So much money!!!" Luffy shook his head in amusement and then both of them walked towards the port. They untied the Nami's boat because it was a little bigger than Luffy's and they started to sail away. When they reached some distance away from the island, Nami screamed, "AHHH….WHERE IS THE ANOTHER BAG???" Luffy listening to her scream looked away. Well it was him who has left the bag at the town Mayor's door for the repair. "Well you don't have to worry, we can just loot more from some random pirates!!" Nami listening this finally stopped screaming and nodded her, then she looked a little sheepish, "Well all that happened and we didn't even introduced ourselves!!!" Luffy nodded at that, "Well my name is Nami, what's yours??" Luffy grinned at her, "My name is Monkey D Luffy…. And I am going to be King of the Pirates!!!"

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