One Pice: The Straw Hat Adventure Reborn.

Chapter 118: CH 118

"Better tell her Vivi." Usopp said. "Tell me what?" Nami asked. "Well..." Nojiko started. "While raiding Gasparde's ship, Sanji came across something very interesting." Alvida said.

"A Devil Fruit." Grace said.

"Are you serious?" Nami asked as she looked at Sanji. "Where is it?"

"In Vivi." Chopper said. Nami whipped her head towards Vivi, who looked back at her with her arms held out in front of her and her palms opened face down. Nami watched with wide eyes as Vivi's hands turned into a strange blue goo.

"What is that?!" she yelled.

"Candy syrup." Vivi said just as Luffy and Carue ran back inside.

"Hey Vivi." Luffy said as he walked up to her. "Still getting used to having an ability?"

"Yeah." she said as she stared back at her hands as they turned back to normal. "It still feels so strange. I can feel my body, yet I feel...different." she said as she flexed her fingers into fists a few times before looking around the room. "Did any of you feel that way?" she asked.

"Yeah." Valerie said as she shifted to 1 kilo and floated over towards her.

"I definitely felt different." Chopper said from where he sat at the table while Sanji either served more food or picked up some empty plates.

"It was a bit of a shock," Robin said as she sprouted a few arms out of her original arm. "But after awhile, it didn't feel so strange." "Yeah. Like it was always a part of you from the beginning." Luffy said as he stretched his cheeks out. Vivi looked at each of them before looking down at herself with a 'hmm' before she made a little drop of candy syrup drip and suspend in the air. "It's blue?"

"What's wrong with blue?" Yosaku asked.

"When Gasparde used it, it was green." Luffy said.

"Now that you mention it, the color is different." Zoro said.

"Maybe it changes colors depending on who uses it." Nojiko suggested.

"Or maybe how someone feels or something." Alvida suggested as Vivi made the drip change size a few times. Grace watched as it changed before she gently poked her finger into the giant blue drop and pulled back, leaving some candy syrup on her finger.

"It's sticky." she said as she squished it between her thumb and index fingers as Chopper held a hoof out and poked the blue goo as well.

"I wonder if it tastes good." Chopper mumbled before he licked his hoof. His eyes immediately began to sparkle as he had a huge smile on his face. "It's sweet!"

"Really?" Luffy asked, remembering that it tasted horrible when he got some in his mouth when fighting Gasparde last time. He stuck his finger in the droplet as well and licked it as well. The others were watching with raised eyebrows as Luffy smiled. "It is good!" Most of the crew followed their example and tasted it as well. "Not a candy person, but not bad." Gin said.

"It's sweet!" Johnny said.

"Really sweet!" Yosaku agreed.

"Of course it is." Sanji said. "After all," he said before going into love-mode. "Vivi-chwan has the sweetest personality of all, so of course it'll taste sweet~!"

"Uh...thanks." Vivi said with a smile and a sweatdrop on her head before she noticed Luffy was a little closer than before. "Luffy?" she said as she looked up to see Luffy looking down at her with a big gin. She began to sweat a little as she forced a smile. "Uhh...Luffy?" she said.

"Luffy, Sanji has more meat." Nojiko said. "MEAT!" Luffy yelled as he ran towards Sanji.

"Run, Vivi." Nojiko whispered to Vivi, who was already ahead of her and out the door.

"Where's the meat?" Luffy asked before he saw Vivi run out the door. "WAIT VIVI!" Luffy yelled as he ran out the door.

"We better keep Luffy away from Vivi." Valerie said. "Or else all that'll be left is her clothes."

"QUACK/WHAT?!" Sanji and Carue yelled before they both ran out to help Vivi.

"Luffy wouldn't eat Vivi!" Chopper yelled before asking quietly, "Right?"

"No way." Usopp said before he saw Vivi running past the door, followed by Luffy, followed by Sanji and Carue. "I'm pretty sure," and again they ran by, "he wouldn't," and again, "eat..." and again. "his..." and again.

"I think we better help!" Nami said before a majority of the crew ran out to help Vivi, leaving Gin, Zoro, and Robin in the cabin.

"Maybe we should've just sold the fruit." Gin said with a deadpan expression and voice while Robin chuckled.

"Is it always this lively on this ship?" Robin asked.

"Something like that." Zoro said as the three walked outside to see Vivi being lead away from Luffy by Nojiko, Nami, and Grace, while Luffy was being stopped by all the others.

"YOU WILL NOT CHOW DOWN ON VIVI!" Sanji roared. "I just want some more of that candy stuff!" Luffy whined.

"You can't control yourself around food Luffy!" Usopp said as they all did their best to keep Luffy and Vivi apart. "Just leave her be!"

"Don't eat Vivi, Luffy!" Chopper wailed, completely horrified that Luffy might actually eat their friend.

"He won't." Valerie said as she increased her weight and sat on him. While they were subduing Luffy, Vivi and the others were now in the Women's sleeping room.

"Who's bright idea was it for Vivi to eat the fruit in the first place?" Nami asked in a stern tone. "We were all talking about it and flipped a coin." Nojiko said. "It was either her or me that would get the fruit."

"Then Luffy'd be after you!" Nami yelled.

"Glad I decided I didn't want it." Grace said.

"I think...I'm just gonna stay in bed for awhile." Vivi said, feeling very nervous about being around Luffy.


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