One Pice: The Straw Hat Adventure Reborn.

Chapter 114: CH 114

"It's a very old desert." she said. "Some of these sand dunes reach up to 900 feet high."

"That tall?" Nojiko asked as Usopp looked ready to cry.

"This is gonna take forever." Johnny said as Yosaku wiped his brow.

"Water break." Luffy said.

"Don't drink a lot Luffy." Nami warned. "That water is for all of us." Luffy only took a small mouthful as he was told, which surprised Ace a bit. 'First the crying when we met, then the haki, and now he's rationing water instead of chugging it? What happened to you, Luffy?' Ace thought. They kept on their journey until night fell, bringing a cold temperature with it. Luffy was complaining about being hungry while Sanji kept having to kick him away from the food until it was done.

"What happened?" Nami asked as most of them shivered from the cold. "Hot in the day, cold in the night."

"It's due to the lack of cloud cover." Vivi said. "Without it, it's scorching by day and freezing by night. It's just one of the many dangers of the desert.

"Wow!" Chopper said as he gazed at the night sky. "So many stars!" "Didn't you watch them from your home island Chopper?" Usopp asked.

"The sky was almost always full of heavy snowclouds, so it was difficult to see this many!" Chopper said with a smile.

"I'm too stuttered.






"Same here." Greg said before he felt a sneeze coming. "Ah...AH...AHCHBOOOOM!" went Greg when he held his hands to his nose, causing his head to explode.

"Talk about blowing your nose." Nojiko joked as most of them laughed.

"Shut up." Greg said before growling at them when they couldn't stop snickering. Soon the food was ready before they started eating. Everyone was chatting while Ace and Vivi were away from the group having their own talk about Luffy. About how Luffy was strange and how he did things.

"He's always been like that." Ace said. "Been that way since a kid. I'm actually surprised to see that he's matured even slightly. He's a moron, but he attracts many people around him. He's got this strange charm about him."

"Guess I didn't need to tell you anything then?" she asked with a smile.

"He and I do go way back. I appreciate it though." Ace said with a smile. "You thought I was worried about him, were'nt you?"

"Yes, though it seems I didn't need to worry." she said.

"Ace! Vivi!" Luffy shouted. Both of them looked to see them all eating. "What are you two doing? The food's gonna be gone if you don't get it before Luffy does." Gin said as he chewed some food.

"Let's go eat." Ace said. Vivi nodded before joining them all. They all ate and laughed before they all finally started to get tired.

"Goodnight!" most of them said.

"Hey, Ace." Luffy said.

"Yeah?" Ace asked before noticing the serious look in Luffy's eyes. "What's wrong?"

"Follow me." Luffy said as he walked off away from the campsite. Ace kept a blank look as he followed until they were both out of ear shot from the others.

"Alright Luffy. What's going on?" Ace asked. Luffy just stared at his brother before lowering his head so his hat covered his eyes.

"What I'm about to tell you can't be told to anyone else. Okay?" Luffy said.

"Would this have anything to do with that scar of yours and that promise?" Ace asked as they sat down in the sand.

"Yes. The promise I made was that I can't tell anyone outside my crew who he was or how he did it. Not even you Ace. Sorry."

"Okay." Ace said. "So, what was it that 'who ever' did that you can't speak about it with the rest of your friends?"

"I've only told Zoro, but I'll tell the others eventually." Luffy said. "Ace. There's a power out there that can let people go back into the past." "What?!" Ace said in confusion. "Go back into the past?"

"Yeah. That guy did it so that I could go back into the past." Luffy said.

"Wait a minute! Are you trying to tell me that you're from the future or something?" Ace said.

"Yes." Luffy said with a serious look. Ace could only blink at that before asking the million berry question.

"Why would you go back into the past?" he asked. Luffy looked up at Ace with eyes filled with pain.

"Because I lost...everything." Luffy answered in an almost silent voice. "Everything was taken from me. My!" he said as tried not to sob.

'You're alive!' were the words that sprang to Ace's mind. The pieces were finally starting to fit together. "I...died?" he asked.

"Yes." Luffy said in a sob before hugging his brother. Ace did nothing but look down at Luffy. Luffy may be a lot of things, but one thing he wasn't was a liar. Ace hugged Luffy back and let Luffy cry. Luffy cried for about 10 minutes before wiping his eyes and regaining himself.

"Luffy," Ace said. "Aside from your promise, tell me everything." And he got what he asked for. Luffy had told him about how his crew had been traveling the Grand Line and were deep in the New World before the World Government too much at them. How his crew was killed before his eyes before he was put into Impel Down and tortured. Ace just sat there and listened as Luffy finished explaining how this unknown person helped Luffy out and sent him back in time to fix everything and to stop the World Government. "That's...a lot to take in Luffy." Ace finally said.

"And it's not the worst of it." Luffy said. "They didn't just stop at my crew. They went to every island I ever went to and...and..."

"And?" Ace asked.

"And killed all my friends on every island!" Luffy nearly shouted. "They started with Makino and so many people from our home island! They killed Dadan and the other mountain bandits that raised us! Then, they moved to the rest of the East Blue islands were visited before going to the Grand Line and taking out anyone who they thought was my friend!" he ranted before curling into a ball and spoke in a broken voice. "No one was safe! And they kept bringing me newspapers in prison everytime they killed one of my friends. And they claimed it as an act of justice. That it was to keep anyone from spreading anymore ideas about being pirates!" Luffy let the tears fall as Ace watched while his hands curled into fists.

" just sick." he said with anger in his voice. "How far will those bastards go?"

"Remember Ace, you can't tell anyone about this." Luffy said. "If the World Government got ahold of that power, they could also make people vanish from existence." Ace looked at him with wide eyes before nodding.

"Right." he said before yawning. "Well, I'm glad you told me." Ace said as they walked back towards the campsite. "Yeah." Luffy said. "Hey Ace."

"Yeah?" "This Blackbeard guy that you're careful when you do find him." Luffy said. Ace allowed a small smile.

"I will." he said before they both went to sleep.


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