Chapter 11: A Times Conclusion
Time is the beholder of life, it holds all things back to the present and into the future. For it is like life and death. You can not choose the beginning or the end. For if you wish the end to never come, then you will fall to the hatred of time, be it as it may. It will all end just the same way it begins.
The three were now more than a few blocks from the orphanage so they began biking once more, Ash was alone, while Jordan and Aurora decided to race once more.
Ash took in the scenery of what was in front. The crescent moon and how it still brightens up the streets. Time passed he was no less than one block away.
He saw the usual cars that were parked, the neighbors he knew, and the new ones that he did not. When he reached the orphanage, he saw a yellow taxi parked at the front of the orphanage.
He wondered who could it be, the first guess was Bill, Bill was one of the scouts for the orphanage, usual when you meet him, that means some family has chosen to adopt you.
Ash locked his bike at the back of the orphanage, and soon his feet reached the front entrances of the orphanage. When he opened the door the lights of the room brought a golden-yellow tint.
Ash was on the first floor, it was large, with its kitchen at the right of the main hall, and the gaming boardroom at the left side of the first floor. And the main hall where all people walk through was connected to the front entrance.
He saw the usual, orphan kids and the two main caregivers, Ms Emaily and Ms Natalie.
In the center room of the hall was a bunch of people surrounding someone. Ash wanted to get a better look at who was stirring up so much attention, but before he could...
"Hey, Ash," one of the orphan boys said while walking past Ash.
"What's up Ash… dude," another orphan boy said fist bumping Ash on the back.
"Hi," Ash said back almost forgetting who the kid was.
"There you are," a short girl with brunette hair and brown eyes said.
"Hi...Nave" Ash said.
Nave was one of his friends, She was in the same class as him, during school hours in the orphanage.
"Hey Ash, can you…"
"Wait, wait I'm not helping with homework right now it's getting late."
"That's not it, I was wanting to say… but whatever," Nave said, already disappointed in Ash's answer.
Before she started walking away moping and feeling rejected Ash stopped her "Wait, why are there so many people in the main hall?"
"so you just got here, well I heard that Aurora is…well leaving"
"What, what are you talking about!!" Ash said with eyes wide open, a tornado of emotions could be noticed by the amount of facial expressions he had, sadness, happiness, discomfort, and withdrawal.
"She talked with Bill, I heard that one of her far relatives called the orphanage and…. "