Oaths of Honor

Chapter 47: Chapter 47: The Board is Set

(the following chapters are not chronological).

The Westerlands 294 Ac.


Riding to Casterly Rock had become a chore, not the journey itself, but the knowledge that once there he would spend only a little time with Joy before once again setting off for Castamere. The castle had come along really well, it would be another year though until he felt comfortable for Joy to live there, but he was no longer sure if that was for the best. Something which had prayed on his mind more and more as he was torn between his own selfish desires to be with his daughter and what was best for Joy herself.

As much as he wished his daughter to be with him, Castamere wasn't where she should be brought up, in time the town he was building, the surrounding lands would be suitable for his girl. But for now she needed to be with family, to enjoy everything she could about those happy days at the Rock. As he reached the castle he cleared his head and instead looked forward to spending a few days with her, even if it meant being near that demon cat of hers.

"Milord welcome back." the stable lad said as he took his horse.

"Aye, it's good to be back, look after her for me will ya lad?" he said handing the boy a few coppers.

"I will, thanks milord."

He walked to the lift and took it up to the family wing, the ride had been it's usual uncomfortable self and he longed for a hot bath. Though he intended see Joy first as once she knew he was in the rock he'd not get a moments peace until he did so. Arriving at the family floor he stepped out and wondered where she'd be, looking around for some servant to ask he saw his sister walking quickly towards him.

"And not a moment too soon," she said to him as she arrived.

"What's going on sister?"

"Have you not heard of your nephew's folly?"

"What's Tyrion done now?" he said with a chuckle.

"Not Tyrion, Jaime, he's only gone and gotten married." Genna said her voice full of frustration.

Talk about being caught by surprise, he couldn't even begin to think what his face looked like, but he could tell he was standing there open mouthed, Jaime married, wait, what was the problem, isn't that what Genna wanted?.

"That's a good thing no?"

"Aye it is, though the damn fool has done it in front of a tree, we'll need to throw him a proper wedding, invite everyone who's important." she said shaking her head.

"Tree?" he asked focusing on the one thing that made no sense to him.

"Did you even read my ravens?" she said looking at him angrily.

"I've been busy you know." he said defensively.

"By the seven give me patience. Jaime has married Lady Dacey Mormont in a ceremony in front of the old gods of those damn northerners at Winterfell of all places."

Now he wished he had paid more attention to those ravens, Jaime marrying a northern lady, oh this would no doubt be doing the rounds of the seven kingdoms very soon and it would send shock waves through certain quarters. Gods know how Cersei would react, oh to be a fly on that wall, though perhaps not even the walls may not be safe from his nieces fury. As he was trying to deal with this he heard the little voice and whatever hope his sister had of getting him to speak to her was lost.

"Papa." Joy said running to him.

"Hello princess, how is my favorite girl today."

"I'm good papa, how long you stay?"

"A little while, where's Balerion?" he said looking for the demon cat.

"Ballon saw mouse papa, so he ran after it." she said and Gerion both chuckled and thanked the gods, that cat was a menace.

"Come on princess, lets eat and you can tell me all about your lessons."

"No Lessons are no fun, me and Ballon have fun stories papa." she said giggling.

"Ballon and I Joy." Genna said looking at her.

"Really Auntie, what you and Ballon do?" his daughter asked curiously and Genna just sighed as she walked away.

"Never mind Auntie Genna why don't you tell me you stories princess?." he said lifting her in his arms.

Joy spent the rest of the day informing him of the things she and the cat got up too, how she could make terrorizing servants seem like normal everyday fun made him laugh especially since he knew there was no malice in it. It wasn't that she set out to terrorize the girls, it was simply they made the mistake of annoying the demon cat and well as Joy put it "Ballon mine papa, they no touch.".

They ate and he put her to bed, reading her a story he found himself a bad substitute for Jon though thankfully she had stopped asking when he was coming back, which wouldn't be for another moon or two anyway. The poor boy would never be allowed leave again he knew, given how she behaved when he himself left. He hoped that both he and young Loras were doing well, he had received one letter from Jon a couple of moons ago and he looked forward to seeing them both again.

Apparently the next time that would be was for a wedding, so forsaken the bath he still longed for he instead walked to his nephew's solar to speak to him and his sister, knowing she'd come along as soon as he arrived. Knocking on the door he entered to see Tyrion busy with paperwork and so he poured himself a glass of wine and took a seat.

"Uncle how fares you?"

"Good Tyrion, though I hate these trips."

"Aye I can imagine, look before aunt Genna arrives I wish to speak to you on something important."

"Very well."

"I've received a report that someone intends to steal one of the gold shipments."

"Reports? From who?"

"A man named Alayn that Jaime put me in touch with in Kings Landing."

"You trust this man?"

"Aye I do, that's not all uncle, it's the who's planning it that will shock you."


"Gregor Clegane."

Tyrion began to explain why he thought it was Clegane and how they could deal with it, between them they came up with a plan, though he wasn't sure about it and felt it far too risky, but Tyrion assured him of it and so he let it go. Before they could discuss it any more his sister arrived, still not happy based on her expression, she sat down and they talked about Jaime's marriage and what it meant for the West.

As he finally soaked in his bath later that night he couldn't help but laugh, Jaime had surprised them all, he had assumed his nephew would never marry, but he had evidently fallen for the woman of his dreams. Gerion smiled in happiness for his nephew, before he felt his mood darken as he thought about the one he himself had lost, she should be here, Joy should know her mother, he threw a glass against the wall as he felt his anger rise.

"Damn fucking Tullys."

Tarth 293 AC.


She had arrived back from the tourney almost two weeks ago and she was bored, but more than that she felt a little betrayed. After losing the fight with Jon Snow he had spoken to her and discussed her future plans, not that she really had any, but he had brought up the possibility of her squiring at Casterly Rock.

" There are many fine knights there Brienne and given your talent, you could only learn from them."

" No knight would take a lady to squire Jon."

" I beg to differ, but even if not, I'm sure Lord Jaime could take you on should we not find a suitable knight."

" Doesn't he already have both you and Lord Loras."

" Aye he does, but well, who says what squires duty's are Brienne, isn't it more the lessons themselves that are important?"

" It is Jon, but..I..do you really think I could?"

" I do, just imagine what it would be like, learning from a swordsman like that?"

So she had returned and she had imagined and every day she had felt her excitement build, to learn from Jaime Lannister, to train with Jon and Loras daily, she had considered them both friends, only to find they were not. As each day went by she waited for a letter to arrive, an offer, and each day she had been disappointed. Still she trained every day and tried not to let it get her down too much, she should have known that just like any of the other boys she had met, Jon and Loras were never going to be her friends.

At dinner that night the conversation with her father was stilted, she was still feeling upset though she was trying to hide it well. Just before they finished one of the servants arrived and spoke to her father, they cleared away the dinner things and her father asked her to accompany him to meet some guest who'd arrived. Making their way to her father's solar she wondered who had come at such an hour, once they entered they took their seats and a few moments later a man was shown in.

"My lord, my lady, forgive me for the lateness of the hour, my ship was delayed due to bad weather and the letter I carry was conveyed to me to be most urgent." the man said handing her father a letter.

"Who sent the letter?"

"I do not know my lord, I was just asked to deliver it, if you'll forgive me, I'd like to catch the tide."

"Of course." her father said and the man left,

She looked on as her father opened the letter before he smiled, and handed it to her.

Lord Selwyn,

My squire Jon Snow spoke fondly of your daughter and her skills with a sword, he has recommended to me and I take his recommendation seriously, that with the proper training there is no limit to the level she could reach. Given my own propensity for marital activities and my squires recommendation, I would like to offer Lady Brienne the opportunity to train under myself or a worthy knight.

I understand my lord that this is a strange offer, so I suggest that she joins us as my ward, her safety, well being, virtue and good health all guaranteed by myself and my house. I give you my solemn vow my lord that she shall be treated with the respect and courtesy due her standing and that I'll have no man of any rank treat her discourteously. As I'm presently on my way to the North I only ask that should you accept, that you hold her travel or your own until my return, I expect to be back within six or more moons and a letter should arrive upon or close to then.

Should you wish to come see where I would have Lady Brienne stay and should you have any further question of me or my squire, I looked forward to seeing you in Casterly Rock.

Lord Jaime Lannister,

Lord of Casterly rock,

Lord Paramount of the Westerlands,

Warden of the West.

Looking at the letter she couldn't believe it, had she been alone then she knew the tears would have fallen from her eyes, instead she kept them at bay. He had told her the truth, he hadn't lied or led her on, everything he said to her in person he had said to his lord too. They considered her skilled, talented enough to be trained by Jaime Lannister, she looked to her father and awaited his response. Even with the offer she worried he would turn it down, despite his reputation as a swordsman, she knew how he was thought of and she worried her father would have no wish for his daughter to be trained by the Kingslayer.

"My dear I do not know what to make of this."


"I appreciate the offer and I've no doubt of the truth of the words, but would it be shameful to be trained thus, by this man?" he said looking at her.

"It may not be Lord Jaime father, it could be a knight, but even so, I've seen Jon Snow father, he's Lord Stark's natural son, surely if Eddard Stark has no problem with his son being Lord Jaime's squire then we cannot turn our noses at the same offer?"

"Aye you have the right of it daughter, is this what you wish?"

"It is father."

"Then so be it, I've not denied you anything up until now, I'll not start with something you want. Though I am coming with you, I'll see for myself before I leave my daughter alone in the west, even with guards."

"Thank you father." she said happily.

A few moons later.

When the letter arrived she was excited, not only would they be going to the rock to meet Lord Jaime, but now they'd been invited to a wedding . One which she knew they'd not have been invited to without the offer from Lord Jaime, simply put they were far too lesser a house to be invited to the wedding of the Lord of the West. Though she cared not for such festivities she still looked forward to them, not just for the spectacle and feasting that would happen, but because it was finally time.

She packed her chest with all her important belongings, her armor her clothing, even her prettiest dress for the wedding itself and waited for the servants to take them down to the ship. The would sail to Kings Landing where they would be taking one of those large Lannister ships on to Lannisport and then they would ride to Casterly Rock. Over the last few nights she'd looked at the map her father had to see the route, memorizing it in her head.

"My lady, we're ready to go." the servant said and she got up to leave.

Taking one last look around her room, she wondered when she return, she felt a little sadness, though it was tempered, the thoughts of seeing the West excited her, of seeing Lannisport and Casterly Rock. She looked forward to learning from Lord Jaime, from Loras from Jon Snow, she looked forward to spending time with her friends.

Kings Landing 294 AC.


She was sitting in her rooms when the news came, a servant running in to hand her the note, she was in such a good mood too, until she read the thing. A mistake, a jape, surely this was someone trying to have fun at her expense, well they'd find out soon enough what happens when you mess with the queen of the seven kingdoms. So she stormed from her room, Ser Barristan following in her wake, down the corridors she went and into the king's quarter's where she found him sitting there half drunk as usual.

Sitting in front of him rambling on like the old fool he was, Jon Arryn must have seen the displeasure on her face as he rose, where his little shadow was who knows, though she was glad she didn't have to look at the smug Master of Coin. Why Jon Arryn was here she knew not but she held her emotions in check, smiled and then handed her husband the note. He took it, briefly focused, laughed and handed it to Jon Arryn who at least had the sense to look perturbed by what it said.

"So the Kingslayer found himself a she bear to warm his nights." Robert said swallowing some wine.

"You can't mean to allow this?" she said angrily.

"Allow what?" her oaf of a husband said bemusedly.

"A lord paramount marrying a….a….savage." she said almost losing her composure.

"He can marry who he damn well pleases, I'm not his father." Robert said before laughing even louder "Oh I can imagine what the old lion's face would have looked like had he still been with us." he laughed more and refilled his cup.

"And you?" she said looking to Jon Arryn.

"My queen?"

"Have you nothing to say on this, a heathen northerner marrying into the richest house in Westeros?" she looked at the look in the falcon's eyes and could see he was on the verge of saying something but her oaf husband interfered.

"What would Jon have to say? your brother is a man grown, he's free to marry who he pleases, now leave us, I'll hear no more on this nonsense."

She stormed from the room and back to her own, the vase was first, followed by the water jug and then she began on the linens of the bed, the tears fell from her eyes and for how long she raged she couldn't tell. When she was done she fell against the bed, crying more and more, he was supposed to be hers, he was her other half, it was they who should be married, a lioness not a bear was what her brother truly needed.

When she woke it was already late, the darkness had fallen and she had been left alone ever since she came back to her rooms. She called for a servant and asked for wine, where her bottle had gone from earlier she wasn't sure, had she drunk it? Had they taken it away? No they wouldn't dare. When the wine came she sat in her chair while the servants changed the torn linen and removed the broken glass and pottery.

Had she looked around the room she'd have seen how they looked at her, pity or fear on most of their faces, but she was too lost in her mind to even notice. After they had done and left, she took the wine and walked to her bed, laying down on it she pictured his handsome face, his firm body and felt herself grow excited. Before she had a chance to do anything about it though the image came to her, her other half kissing another nameless faceless woman, Jaime laughing as he danced with someone who was not her she cried as she drifted off to sleep.

"My queen, can I get you anything." she heard a voice call and she looked to see one of her servants, a small dark haired girl whose name she couldn't remember.

"No I'm fine, why are you here?" she asked looking at the girl.

"My queen you called for me, to help you dress." the girl said looking at her in confusion.

"Oh, that's right." she said allowing the girl to dress her.

She left the room and found Ser Richard Horpe as her guard which was strange as she was sure when she'd fallen asleep it was Ser Barristan.

Making her way down the corridor she heard Myrcella speaking to Tommen and stopped when she heard them speak of her name day, she was confused her name day was moons away. Deciding to go in and see her sweet girl she opened the door to see her two children sitting on the floor playing with a brown and white cat, she shook her head, wasn't Tommen's cat brown?.

"My loves, how are you today?"

"Fine mother, we're looking forward to the celebration." her daughter said smiling.


"For your name day mother?"

"Oh, that's a long way away sweetling" she said a smile on her face, how thoughtful of her children for thinking of her.

"Mother it's tonight." Myrcella said looking at her oddly.

No, that was wrong, it was moon's away, her little girl was mistaken, wasn't she? She found she didn't know, couldn't quite be sure. She turned to Ser Richard who didn't look as if this was wrong, as if this was news to him, could it be her who was mistaken? She smiled and said her goodbyes to her children and went off to seek Pycelle, while she hated dealing with the old fool he was loyal, loyal to her and her alone now her father was gone.

Halfway to his rooms she stopped, she was a queen, why was she going to him, she turned and walked back to her room, sending a servant to fetch the Maester. As she entered her rooms she looked around, the colors seemed off, were they always this yellow, didn't she used to have red walls, her paintings, her tapestries, where were they? There were no lions on the walls, no images of Casterly Rock, instead Storm's End was depicted and stags were present everywhere. Black and Yellow instead of Crimson and Gold, this wasn't right, she'd get to the bottom of this soon enough.

"My queen it's good to see you looking better." Pycelle said as he entered.

"Better?" what did he mean she wondered.

"Yes my queen, you look far more like your old self than you have in over a moon."

A moon? What was he talking about, there was nothing wrong with her, she had not been ill, had she?. She looked to see if he was being dishonest in some way, trying to make her doubt herself for some reason, but she couldn't see anything in the man's expression to suggest it. Instead he was smiling at her and she found herself smiling back at him, though she knew of no reason why she was doing so.

"Maester, it's most strange I find myself questioning when my name day celebrations are?" she said shakily.

"My queen they are tonight, his grace has been planning them for the past moon.

"He has?" she said surprised.

"Indeed your grace."

She dismissed the man and walked to the bed, looking around for something anything to make sense of things, something had happened, something had changed and she couldn't even begin to imagine what it was. She searched her vanity and found her small chest and opened it, the two notes were there, they had been crumpled and then straightened and she looked at them both. The first took her breath away while the second sent her into a tailspin.

One announcing the betrothal of Jaime and some Mormont girl, the second announcing they had been married in the North and would be marrying again at Casterly Rock. This couldn't be right, Jaime wouldn't do this to her, not her, he loved her, she felt the room spin, her head was dizzy and she fell unconscious to the bed. The dreams came quick and fast, she was a young girl practicing swords with her twin, they were running around the vaults in the rock, hiding from each while laughing at their fun.

She was slightly older and she held her brother in her arms, his face inches from her own as their lips met, she felt his fingers touch her and her breath quicken as they made love for the first time. Felt her heart break as he rode off from the rock, she saw him throw her out naked from his room, her cries not making any difference. Then she was at a tourney and he was jousting, his golden armor shimmering in the light. She watched him unseat opponent after opponent, each bringing him closer to his inevitable victory.

He rode over and placed the garland on his lance, her heart raced as she looked at him ride towards her, she looked on in stunned silence as he passed her and moved to a little blond girl, who was she? Why was Jaime moving to her? Wait surely not, he couldn't it was supposed to be her he crowned, not some girl. She looked at the girl, saw her blond hair and green eyes, she looked like her, like Myrcella, was she? She couldn't be. Could she? The images flashed before her eyes.

He was kissing a girl, someone not her, he was smiling, a septon was reading, this was a wedding, no, no, no. she saw him, saw the woman, the little girl being crowned, the images swirled over and over. He was smiling at someone else, holding someone else, marrying someone else, she saw the girl with her blond hair, her green eyes, saw her smile as she held the flowers, her flowers. She woke up crying and began to pound her fists on the bed.

"It was supposed to be me, she was supposed to be our daughter." she screamed.

Casterly Rock 294 AC.


When the raven arrived she had barely been able to believe it, the fact he was getting married was one thing, that he was marrying a northern lady another, she knew there would be issues with some of the lords who'd hoped for a match. But she found she didn't care, her nephew who had shown no sign of marrying was doing so, he would continue their line, which was very important, they needed the future of their house to be secure.

She had frowned when she had read about the northern wedding, but at least he was also marrying in the light of the seven. She had sent out the invites, even to the king and queen despite Tyrion and Gerion's reluctance. While she doubted they'd show, to not invite them would cause problems as she knew her niece would see it as a snub and while she'd rather not have that fat oaf in her home, he was the king.

So she had prepared, ordered the finest wines from the Arbor, had the best bards and minstrels employed for the wedding feast. She had considered a tourney, dismissed it and then when Kevan brought it up had decided to have one anyway, it wouldn't be huge, but large enough to make it worthwhile. She had ordered the best fabrics for her boys and for her brothers and nephew and now she and Joy were being measured for not only their dresses for the wedding itself, but for whole new wardrobe.

"Ouch." she heard her niece say.

"Are you all right Joy?"

"Lady did an ouch Auntie." the little girl said scrunching her nose.

"Well we'll be done soon my love."

"When is the party auntie?"

"One more moon sweetling."

"Too long." Joy said shaking her head.

"Jon will be back for the party Joy, he may have a present for you."

"Oh." the girl said softly.

She shook her head, the girl had missed Jon terribly at first, then over time it had become something which annoyed her. Where once she'd get excited when she heard his name and wonder when they'd return, lately it had become indifference, which was far better than the anger she had gone through a couple of moons ago. Genna had no doubt once she actually saw the boy back it would quickly change, but he had hurt her by being away for so long.

"All done." the woman said and Joy smiled when a girl came in holding some sweets for her.

Her own measurements and fitting took far less time, while she had put on weight over the years she had stayed how she was for a very long time and her clothes barely even needed to be measured for her. But still she wanted to look her best ans so she had come rather than just order them, besides there was no way Joy would have allowed herself to be fitted without her. Even with her it had been difficult to get her to leave the damn cat at the rock, but in the end she had done it reluctantly.

Once they were done with the fittings, they and their guards left the seamstress to head over to Kevan's before journeying back to the rock. She had not been in Lannisport for a while and had especially been keeping away since Oberyn and his brood had arrived. Up until now at least they'd been well behaved, but the viper's reputation far preceded him and so she was on her guard. Kevan's residence was a hive of activity as usual, her brother had taken to being Lord of Lannisport like he'd been born to it and she felt so proud of his accomplishments. The city thrived, the fleet was almost as large as the one they'd lost five years earlier and with the addition of those monstrous pinnacle ships, soon it'd be Lannisters who ruled the waves.

Joy ran off to Martyn and Willem as soon as she saw them, her hair flying loose as Genna laughed at the loss of yet another ribbon. The ones she got from Jon and Loras were they only ones she'd not throw away. After sending the guards to make sure her niece and nephews were well protected she went in search of her brother finding him and Lancel going over paperwork in his solar.

"Aunt Genna." Lancel said politely when she entered.

"Nephew." she nodded.

"Lancel why don't you go and get some refreshments for me and your aunt." Kevan said and her nephew nodded before running off.

"How have you been sister?"

"Good, busy though, this damn wedding."

"Well at least he's married." Kevan said laughing knowing how much trouble she had trying to find him and Tyrion a bride.

"Will they be here on time?" she asked.

"They will, I've sent The Lion's Roar to meet them."

"The Tyrells?"

"Aye, sent The Lion's Mane."

"Any word from our niece?" she asked and he shook his head "Probably for the best."


"How are the Dornish behaving?"

"Well the brothel is busy." he said chuckling.

"It's true then?"

"Every night, how he does it I have no idea."

"Any idea why they've come?" Genna asked, Tyrion hadn't been able to ascertain any more other than they wished to speak with Jaime.

"No, but we're watching and they've been mostly well behaved."

They spoke for a few more minutes before Lancel returned with some food which she ate, the food from Kevan's kitchens far better than the fare from any of the taverns. Once finished and after stopping off to say hello to Dorna, she left in search of her niece finding her and her nephews playing some odd game. Calling Joy to her she bid her nephews goodbye and after the carriage was readied they set off for the Rock.

The journey itself took little time and she was glad it was still light when they arrived, they took the lift to the family wing and as soon as they arrived he was there waiting for them, almost as if he knew they were coming. She looked at him his beady yellow eyes staring back at her, he'd been better lately had stopped scratching her at least, though the servants were still wary, which was more than could be said for her niece.

"Ballon, I'm back, missed you." Joy said hugging the cat.

"Joy we'll be having dinner soon, perhaps we should leave Balerion where he is."

"No auntie, Ballon hungry, he'll be good, won't you Ballon, now come, we go play first." Joy said running down the hall.

Genna shrugged, there was nothing for it, it just wasn't worth the fight, she once again cursed Jon Snow for finding that damn cat. Turning away she walked towards her rooms hoping Emmon was elsewhere, she'd much prefer to deal with the demon cat than her stupid husband.

Highgarden 294 AC.


Eating lunch in the garden with her grandmother she found herself increasingly bored, her days since she'd come back from Kings Landing had devolved into the same old routine. She missed the adventures she had while there, the sense of good she felt she had done, here it was papers and organizing things that others would do. When she had been there she was able to see the effects of their work, see the people benefit, while she knew they were still benefiting, it was hard to think of it when you looked at words on parchment.

She had tried to do more here in Highgarden, but the truth was even the poor here were in a far better shape than those anywhere else, people didn't go hungry here, they didn't lack for a warm place to sleep. While there were orphans and she spent time with them, they were far better cared for than those in Flea Bottom and so she felt she was just spinning her wheels and doing little. She also hadn't heard from Jon or Loras in ever so long, she knew they'd been traveling and that getting letters would be hard, but she had hoped they'd write more, that Jon would write more.

"Are you feeling well Sweetling?" her grandmother asked.

"I am grandmother, just…."

"Bored." her grandmother said and she giggled.


When the servant came in carrying a note, she watched intently as her grandmother read it, she waited and waited to see what was in it, to see if she'd be made privy to it's contents. It took some time before her grandmother said anything and when she did Margaery felt the excitement begin to build.

"It seems we may have found a cure for our boredom my dear."


"We're going on a little journey."

"Where to?" she asked excitedly.

"Lannisport, it seems we're going to a wedding Margaery."

The next few days were hectic, she had needed to ensure that she had her best clothes with her which then at her father's insistence meant some new ones. She also wished to purchase her presents though she decided she would wait until the got to Oldtown when she saw the lack of options. It was though the idea of the wedding itself was that had made the days pass so quickly. She had barely paid any attention to the news that Jaime Lannister was betrothed, it had come on a day where she had been feeling unwell and so she had somehow not added it up in her head. A betrothal, meant a wedding, a wedding of the Lord Paramount of the West was a huge affair, her family would need to be there.

It had all just passed her by until the letter arrived with the invite, a wedding at Casterly Rock would be a glorious thing to attend, her aunt's wedding in Oldtown was and the Lannisters would no doubt try to out do it. But it was the thoughts of seeing her brother again, of seeing Jon again which really raised her interest, it had been many moons since she saw them and she had expected it to be many more, but now it was less than one.

"Come Margaery, we'll be late." her mother said as the last of her chests were loaded.

"I'm ready mama."

"This is so exciting is it not, to think they're sending one of those large ships to meet us in Oldtown." her mother said.

"I know, Grandmother is most pleased."

"Well we know she's not the most pleasant traveler." her mother giggled.

"Mother." she said in mock outrage before she giggled too.

Eventually everything was loaded and they got into the carriage to take them to the boat, they'd travel by ship rather than across land halving the time it would take to get to Oldtown. The river ship was far more comfortable and they could carry more luxuries, or essentials as he grandmother had said. For Margaery it was the newness of everything, she had been barely a babe the last time she'd traveled along the Mander. So she found herself keen to enjoy every moment of it, even going so far as to look out the windows of the carriage to her grandmothers annoyance.

"Close those covers child, or are you trying to give me a chill?" her grandmother said not long after they had set off.

"She's just excited Olenna." she heard her mother say.

In the end though she closed the covers as her grandmother had asked and sat back to enjoy the ride. It didn't' take them long to arrive at the ship and despite her father trying to organize things badly, the captain kept them on schedule and they sailed when they were supposed to. She stood on the deck looking on as the ship carved it's way downstream enjoying the wind as it softly blew through her hair and only when it started to get dark did she head below.

They would spend a few days in Oldtown before they Lannister ship arrived and would be in Lannisport within two weeks. After eating her meal and walking accidentally in on her brother and his betrothed being far too friendly with each other, she went to her cabin to sleep. Laying down in her bed she began to picture the wedding, picture everyone dancing to the music, closing her eyes she saw gray ones looking back at her and she imagined herself dancing too.

Lannisport 294 AC.

The Red Viper.

Removing himself from the bed on the ship was hard, removing himself from Ellaria far harder, she slept naked and as he looked down on her body he almost gave into the urge to wake her once again. Instead he quietly dressed and walked to the deck, Obara was leaning against the mast looking on with a bored expression as Sarella pointed out stars, Nym was standing in the corner speaking to one of the guards while Tyene was nowhere to be seen.

"If we could just learn to read them we'd be able to sail anywhere." Sarella said pointing to one of the formations.

"We can already sail where we wish." Obara said her voice full of disinterest.

"We cannot sail west daughter." Oberyn smirked at Sarella as he made his presence known.

"We could though." Sarella said and he smiled at her, ever curious if anyone could find the way it'd be her.

"I wished to speak to you all, Nym come here, where's Tyene?"

"With Daemon." Obara said her face scrunching up in disgust.

"Sarella, find your sister."

It took a few moments and when she arrived on deck with Daemon both were still fixing their clothing, he flashed a look of warning at his former squire before laughing. Dismissing the men from the deck he turned to speak to his children, bidding Daemon to stay too.

"We're heading into the Lion's Den and we must be careful, behave well, give them no reason to suspect anything is amiss."

"Why father, they are Lannisters." Nym said shaking her head.

"They are and their time will come, but I seek a larger foe, one I've waited a lifetime for."

"Will it be slow father?" Tyene asked her voice full of glee.

"He will suffer greatly, see what you can find on the other one, but discreetly my children. I can allow him to walk this earth a little longer, but the mountain falls soon."

"For Elia, for Rhaenys, For Aegon." the girls said together,

"Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken," Oberyn said and they nodded.

He walked away but called Daemon to follow, as he headed down back to Ellaria, he turned to his former squire and hit him a clip on the ear, smiling as he did so.

"When I said watch my daughters, that wasn't what I meant." he said laughing.

"I tried my prince." Daemon said as he laughed too.

"Keep an eye on them when we arrive Daemon, Obara especially, we can't be asked to leave."

"Of course my prince."

He left him there and went back into his room, undressing he heard Ellaria moan, "Come back to bed my love.", he turned to look at her laying on her side, her legs slightly parted and he was lost, he was but a man he thought as he climbed on top of her.

They arrived the next day and all thoughts of slowly dressing and leaving later were ended when Daemon knocked to tell him they had a welcome party, one which included a Lannister. He sighed before dressing and as he and Ellaria walked to the deck to look down he spotted one of the Lannister brothers, Kevan he thought along with the imp himself. Walking down the gangplank, his daughters behind him and Daemon with a hand on his sword, Oberyn reached his arm around and pulled Ellaria tightly to him.

"Look my love, Lord Jaime must value us for he's sent his own brother Imp to greet us." noticing the small grimace on the other Lannister's face he smirked, though the dwarf kept his features steady.

"I do prefer Tyrion, Prince Oberyn." the dwarf said and he smiled at him.

"May I present mine own paramour Ellaria Sand." he looked waiting for the disapproval but was surprised by the imps greeting,

"Lady Ellaria, I bid you welcome to Lannisport." the imp said and Oberyn could see the smile on his face was genuine.

"I thank you for the welcome Lord Tyrion."

"We've organized accommodation suiting your station Prince Oberyn, if you'd care to follow."

He had intended to find the most luxurious brothel and take up residence there, but he was curious at what the Lannister's would consider suitable so he nodded and followed. They walked down the street to where a carriage and horses awaited. He along with Ellaria, Tyene and Sarella took to the carriage with Tyrion while the rest of his party took the offered horses.

"What brings you to Lannisport Prince Oberyn?" Tyrion asked and he smiled at the fact he'd come out with it right away.

"I wished to speak to your brother on matters involving trade."

"Perhaps I can help?"

"Do you speak for your brother Lord Tyrion?" he said raising his eyebrow.

"Do you speak for yours?" Tyrion said and he laughed loudly at the dwarf.

"On this I do, not on much else."

It took them not very long to reach the house they'd been given, he was surprised by just how luxurious it was, not that the Lannisters didn't have the gold for such a thing, but that they were offering it to him. He looked around it as he walked with Ellaria and she too seemed pleased, especially at the rather large sunken bath where she winked at him when she saw it.

"I thank you my lord, this will do fine."

"Of course Prince Oberyn, should you wish to attend, we would like to throw you a fitting welcome at Casterly Rock, the day after tomorrow perhaps?"

"I would like to see the Rock once again, it's been many a year since I set foot there."

"You visited the rock?" Tyrion said inquisitively.

"Not long after you were born, myself and my sister arrived, I wished to see the monster they spoke of, but alas I found only a boy, a rather small boy, though not everywhere." Oberyn said and Tyrion laughed.

"Well what I lack for in height."

"You make up in other areas." Ellaria said and Oberyn laughed with her.

"Indeed, as for entertainment, I'd recommend seeing Alys at the Yellow Dawn, tell her you're my guest and I'm sure she'll find something to keep you occupied." Tyrion said and he nodded "For now I shall take my leave, its good to see you here Prince Oberyn, Lady Ellaria, truly."

"What a strange little man." Ellaria said after Tyrion left.

"Far friendlier than I expected." Oberyn looked at her "Shall we try this Yellow Dawn my love?"

"I prefer to try this bath." she said dropping her dress from her shoulders.

A few days later.

It was almost a week later when they received their visitor and Oberyn almost choked on his wine as he looked at a face from the past. Ser Richard Lonmouth looked well, healthy and for a dead man that was quite a feat. How he'd managed to get past his guards he'd worry about later, for he had nothing to fear from Richard. Though perhaps the man could answer questions which had been on his mind ever since the letter and head arrived in Sunspear.

"Ser Richard, I had heard you were dead."

"I thought I was dead too, until i found out it was just that I was in the Crownlands." Richard said laughing.

"Ah as witty as ever, what brings you back from the dead Richard?"

"Call it justice, call it vengeance, call it whatever you wish, but I'm here because some crimes need to be paid for and paid for in blood."

Oberyn moved from his chair and stood up, so it was him, this was the man who sent the letter, he looked at Richard and saw the truth of it in his eyes.

"Why now?"

"I'm in a position to help, so shall we speak about how we're going to take down the mountain."

"We should, but he's mine Richard, no one else's, he's mine."

"For Elia," Richard said with a nod.

"For Elia," he said in reply.

Lannisport 294 AC.

Richard Lonmouth.

He had heard word from one of his spies of a Dornishman arriving on a northern ship and it had raised his interest, had Oberyn sent someone on ahead? Was this Doran's work? He needed to investigate. As he walked into the room he was so glad he'd done so himself, how Arthur had survived would no doubt be a tale all on its own. But he was here now, in the flesh and if he was here for what he hoped, his king suddenly had gotten much safer.

"I heard you died old friend." he said taking a seat.

"You too." Arthur said looking at him.

"No just wanted too."

"I know how that feels."

"What brings you here Arthur?"

"I should ask you the same question Richard." Arthur said looking at him.

"I'm here on the kings business, the true king." he quickly added when he saw the brief anger on Arthur's face.

"You've met him?"

"I have Arthur, you're looking at Jaehaerys Targaryen's Master of Whisperers." Richard said and Arthur laughed.

"At least he knows loyal."

"He does, Arthur are you here for what I hope?" he asked looking at the famed knight.

"I came to see him, to see for myself, I need to know if he's Rhaegar or Aerys."

"He's his father's son Arthur, on that there's no doubt." Richard said and he saw the smile on Arthur's face.

"What is he like Richard?"

"Smart, honest, loyal, he's a good lad Arthur, he'll be a great man and an even better king, you heard of the trade deals right?"

"I heard."

"They were his ideas, he's improved the north already, no doubt given time he'll do the same to the rest of the realm."

"What about the Lannisters?"

"As far as I know they're behind him fully, Jaime is anyway."

"The Kingslayer." Arthur said a note of disgust in his voice.

"Careful Arthur, I don't know what happened with Jaime Lannister, but I know the king won't have anyone speak badly of him, should you do it, should you force him to choose, he wont choose you."

"You know this how?"

"He told me, he considers Jaime his most loyal supporter and I believe him."

"You do?"

"I do, I've checked Arthur, he treats him like his son, the king returns it too sees Jaime as his father almost, given everything I think he's changed."

Arthur just nodded, whether or not he'd convinced him he'd find out later, but he hoped he had, having Arthur with the king gave them even more legitimacy but more than that, he was the best protector he could have.

"He has Barristan on side too Arthur."

"He does?" he asked surprised.

"Yes, that's who brought me in and pointed me in the right direction."

"When will they be back Richard?"

"Another moon I think, not really sure, you heard about Jaime's wedding right?"


"Married a girl from the north they'll be having another wedding when they return."

"So that's why Oberyn is coming."

"No not exactly."

He proceeded to tell him of his plans for Oberyn and the Mountain of how they'd get their justice for Elia, he told him of Varys and why he'd needed to kill him and of his role in things, When he was finished Arthur told him his own tale and it was as wondrous as he imagined, red priests, secret trips to find artifacts, the prince that was promised. He smiled as he remembered Rhaegar speak of the prophecy, he'd thought it long a thing of the past and he intended to keep it as far away from the king as possible, but the artifacts interested him.

"Rocks, books, a mysterious chest, Valyrian steel, you find anything else Arthur, maybe a dragon or two," he said laughing.

"I don't know, they show you things Richard, visions."


Arthur told him of the vision he had, the lion protecting the wolf as it grew was obviously Jaime Lannister, the man in the white cloak was Arthur himself being accepted by them both, the white wolf and the white dragon must be his king, as for the army and the flames, his quest for the throne perhaps.

"You know he has a wolf right?"

"I heard, a tame wolf, who heard of such a thing." Arthur said with a chuckle.

"A Direwolf Arthur, a Direwolf."

"You jest?"

"No for true, saw it myself larger than any wolf I've ever heard of, with white fur and red eyes."

They spoke then of old times, of things past and of their fallen prince, they drank without getting drunk and Richard told Arthur to grab his things and took him back to his own residence. He would need to keep out of sight and where better to hide than with a man who lived in the shadows. He sparred with him the next day and was soundly defeated, Richard was no slouch with a blade, but Barristan or Jaime were the only ones capable of matching Arthur and they too would fall he had no doubt.

He waited until a week after Oberyn arrived before he made contact with the prince, he set things in motion for their plan and then suggested Oberyn stay to attend the wedding. He wasn't sure if the king would want to speak to the viper, but better the chance be available before he left for Dorne. Once he'd spoken to Oberyn he made his way to Casterly Rock arriving as a trader from Essos he sought and received a meeting with Tyrion.

"I wondered when you'd show up." Tyrion said as he sat down in front of him.

"Well you knew I'd come, besides we have plans to make we've a mountain to trap."

"And how are we going to do that?"

"We're going to use a snake Tyrion, a very dangerous one."

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