Necromancers Genius

Chapter 10: Battle

Ken entered the black hole. What he saw was a barren land with dead trees, eagles soaring above, and a massive mountain in front of him.

Ken frowned.

"Wait… that's not a mountain..."

The towering figure suddenly moved, shrinking as it flew toward him. As it got closer, its form became clear—it was Valor. He kept shrinking until he was small enough to sit on Ken's palm.

"Welcome to the black hole," Valor said.

Ken explored the land, but there wasn't much to see—just more dead trees and eagles flying overhead. Ken asked,

"How do I see though the eyes of eagles?"

"Just focuse on your dark energy, it's Also follow though my children, you will sense it then it will come naturally"said Valor,

After few hours ken finally successed

"Whoa—I'm really seeing through the eagle's eyes? This is amazing!" Ken muttered in awe.

Ken decided to come back here again to practice but now it was night in outside world and Ken aslo feel sleepy,

So, he exited the black hole. Back in his room, Neebi was already asleep. Night had fallen, and Ken felt exhaustion creeping in. He lay down on his bed and quickly drifted into sleep.

The next morning, Ken woke up to Neebi's usual cheerful voice. They got ready and left for their lectures. On the way, they chatted about how their mission period was approaching. In KIPS, once the protection period ends, students must take on missions weekly. However, they still had five days left before that began.

Neebi, always full of energy, started rambling about his spiritual lecture.

"Oh-oh! And then the professor summoned his spirit to show us—it was like a bear, and—"

Ken and Hel weren't really listening to his excited chatter. Their attention was drawn to the large notice board ahead. The first lecture of the day was Summoning.

They entered the classroom, where a familiar scene greeted them—Lillith was already sitting on a desk, waving at them. They joined her.

Soon, the professor arrived. He appeared to be in his thirties, dressed casually in a shirt and shorts, with dark brown hair.

"I'm Azle, your summoning professor," he introduced himself.

His assistants handed each student a large box—each about the size of a full-grown human.

"Open them," Professor Azle instructed.

As soon as the students lifted the lids, gasps filled the room.

Inside each box was a skeleton.

Azle turned to the blackboard and began writing a formula.

"This is the summoning formula," he explained. "Right now, these are just bones. You must first assemble them into the proper shape using dark energy. Once that's done, use the spell I have written on Black board on its skull to awaken it."

He only provide with a formula, it was up to the students to learn it and use the spell

He glanced around the room before continuing,

"Also, if you're serious about studying summoning magic, make sure you're rich. Skeletons require a large sum of money. Since this is your first class, I'll provide them for free. But from next time onward, you'll have to bring your own materials."

He clapped his hands.

"Now, start assembling the bones!"

The students got to work, but it wasn't as easy as it seemed.

"Why is this so difficult?" someone groaned.

"I've been trying for an hour!" another complained.

Ken, however, had an idea. Instead of assembling the skeleton in the standard way, he decided to modify it slightly.

After a few hours, several students had succeeded, including Hector, Ken, Hel, and Lillith.

However, Ken's skeleton was noticeably different. It was shorter than the others—and it had a sword.

Professor Azle raised an eyebrow in interest.

"Ken, care to explain what you did?"

Ken smirked. "I shortened its backbone and used the extra bones to craft a sword."

A slow smile spread across the professor's face.

"Excellent," he praised. "I told you all to make a skeleton, but I never specified how to make one. While most of you followed the standard method, Ken thought outside the box. That's the mark of a true summoner."

Hector clenched his fists tightly, his eyes dark with frustration.

Professor Azle continued,

"Now that you've completed your skeletons, it's time to activate them. Use the spell written on the board."

The students followed his instructions, and one by one, the skeletons came to life.

Ken's eyes widened in amazement.

"Whoa—it moves exactly how I imagine!"

The professor nodded approvingly.

"Now, let's have a little undead battle. Everyone, follow me to the training grounds."

The word battle instantly ignited excitement among the students. They eagerly followed him outside.

Once on the open grounds, the professor scanned the crowd.

"Let's see… Ken and Hector, step forward."

Both of them walked to the center, standing opposite each other with their undead creations.

"You can equip your skeleton with one additional weapon," the professor instructed.

Ken's skeleton already had a bone sword, so he gave it an iron shield. Hector handed his skeleton an iron sword.

Azle's assistant stepped forward.

"The first undead to lose a bone, fall to the ground, or have its connection severed with the summoner loses," he announced. "Begin!"

Both skeletons lunged at each other.

Hector's undead swung its sword, but Ken's skeleton blocked the strike with its shield and countered with a swift slash. The blow landed cleanly, forcing Hector's undead to stagger backward.

Ken saw an opening. His skeleton charged forward, swinging its sword with precision. Within moments, Hector's undead crumbled.

Hector's fists clenched so tightly that his knuckles turned white. His face was twisted in anger.

His eyes burned with frustration.

The professor, however, remained unfazed.

"Now, now," he said, raising a hand. "It's okay to lose once in a while. Just make sure to learn from your mistakes."

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