Natural Contest: BRAVE

Chapter 5: For Daily Bread

What Skylar saw as he entered the chamber was the wall of the chamber that has turned black from soot sticking to it, a partially burnt floor discolored with scattered black ashes and at a corner, a heap of ashes accompanying an immobile creature laid with its belly facing the unsullied ceiling of the chamber.

What's these tree made of, i thought it was going to burn along with the lizard, even the wood shavings on the floor almost didn't burn at all ...

Skylar thought as he checked and felt the condition of the chamber's wall.

Is this guy dead... its not breathing, wait, it didn't really burn, so how did it died...

Skylar thought as he approached the stiff creature and checked its vitals to confirm if it has really become a dead meat.

It definitely was that poisonous smoke, a whiff of it could shut down partially my nervous system, i wonder what a wave of it will do to someone, it did put me down for quiet along time ...

Skylar thought as he sat in front of the fresh meat with the intention of turning it into dinner.

He pinched the creature's belly and felt its meat with his strong fingers.

"Fu.k!, this guy's meat is super tough, can i even eat this?"

He exclaimed and muttered with a tone and expression of surprise.

"That will do it, i think."

He said after coming to a decision as he stood up and stretch his muscles, temporarily ignoring his unprepared dinner.

He went outside the shrub and still naked since, do a tour of the surrounding strangely safe vicinity, near the river bank and the shrub.

During his tour he gathered a lot of things - logs, sharp stones, sticks, dry leaves, fresh leaf, and many other stuffs he thinks he needs for who knows.

Skylar returned to the chamber with all this stuff. He sat in a corner with a focused attention as he tinkered with the stuffs, and from them he created new stuffs and tools he needs going forward, a testament to his craftsmanship knowledge and ingenuity.

"Ahh ... , That was a bit stressful."

He said as he yawned after spending a bit of a long time making and preparing stuffs.

He returned to the fresh meat with a sharp stone and a large bone club one if the things he procured earlier.

Skylar set his gaze on one of the creature's forelimb, limping lifelessly to the side. He raised the bone club and brutally pummeled the creature's limb repeatedly, sweat streaming down his face and his strength exerted to the limit.

After softening the creature's large limb meat through pounding, he cut off with a little difficulty a piece of it with the sharp stone. He proceeded to wash them in a basin he carved from wood, containing clear water from the shallow edge of the large ancient river.

After carefully preparing fire from the gently burning wood shavings bounded by four stones acting as a support; he tried stabbing the fat piece of meat with a thin sharp long bone, trying to make a steak, but unfortunately things didn't work out as he couldn't successfully puncture the very thick piece of meat. Frustrated he threw the piece of meat into the fire, not caring about the dirt that may stick to the meat and if it will get badly burnt from the naked flame.

After several minutes of blowing the sickly flame burning from some of the more combustible wood shavings as he tries to maintain it, Skylar withdrew the meat from the fire onto the wooden basin with a big smile on his face. His dinner served.

Its definitely not properly cooked, but who cares, man is hungary and anything goes...

Skylar thought after he put the meat in his mouth and with great difuculty chewed on it.

After a series of chewing, biting and licking, the meat gave way and Skylar for the first time in the world of BRAVE put something in his stomach, his first ever meal.

But, as soon as skylar swallowed the last bit of the piece of meat, he passed out, slumping to the dirt covered floor on his side.

Just a few seconds after he landed on the floor; Skylar unconscious body with his eyes tightly shut and lips and teeth blackened and burnt, turn fiery red like lava as it burns thoroughly from the inside to even the nails and body hairs. His figure pitiable and horrifying.

Outside the shrub, along the river bank;

The silhouette of a massive mythical creature appeared.

The creature approached the humongous shrub where the chamber and Skylar unconscious body is with graceful unhurried steps, stopping in front of it and with their celestial eyes they stare down with a certain look at the tunnel entrance below.

In the reflection on their pupil is the image of a burning hot unconscious creature with their blood vessels visible and taut to the extreme.

Desperately at the depth of their mind, the shriveled creature reflected in the beast eyes fought for their name and pride, with a clashing teeth and a clenched fist quivering with a rhythm probably known only to the lone observer.

After a short while, this silhouetted mythical creature turned, and in a single movement their figure disappeared across the extremely wild river into the distance on the other side.

After a while, just like before, the creature reappeared like a flash, pribably coming from the distance at the other side of the river and stopping directly in front of the humongous shrub, their previous spot as if they never left.

The creature, their motive unknown to even the heavens, made a series of suspicious movement in front of the shrub, taking their time while the creature inside is still fighting a life and death battle in the unconscious realm.

This mythical creature after their strange movement, turned and gazed at the heavens, then at the shrub below, well, actually at the miserable creature reflected in their clear ancient celestial pupil. And finally like smoke, they vanished.

In the chamber, after an unknown amount of time;

"I smell, i really smell like shit, ... , when did i even sleep off like an idiot?"

By the strength of will, Skylar who came out victorious from a sudden contest said as he looked at his body covered in layers of sticky grimes and dirt.

I gotta clean my body...

He thought and left the chamber hurridely.

On his way, in the dimly lit tunnel, he tripped his foot on something, an act he finds strange, since the tunnel's floor is supposed to be cleared.

"Mfu.ker, who put this thing here on the way?"

He questioned as he saw the strange object rolled over in front of him.

He picked up the round object, the size of a basketball and carefully scrutinized and feel it with his hands.

After his careful examination he put the object which happened to be some sort of fruit to one side, ignoring it for the mean time and continued on his quest to get his body cleaned up.

At the river bank;

The sound of whistling blended with the sound of pouring water at the river side.

The figure of Skylar bathing naked beside the shallow edge of the river, from a distance look like the content of a wrapped gift that is being unpacked layers after layers as layers and slabs of dirts and grime peeled dramaticaly off his body to reveal a brand new skin underneath.

This river is very strange, for this magnitude of running water at this crazy speed and someone can't even hear its sound unless they come close, even the feeling and satisfaction its water gives when drunk is absolutely beyond what the best water IRL can give, and now, just pouring the water on my body is enough to completely wash away all the filth on my body... i was even thinking i was going to do some serious scrubbing...

Skylar thought as he continued with the process of getting his body cleaned and fresh, his wet face showing relief and happiness.

After his clean bath he returned to the chamber whistling, with his wooden bowl and the strange fruit he found the other time.

Inside the chamber in a corner;

"Wait, this guy is also very tough." Skylar commented as he battles with the strange golden fruit with a strange purple pattern on it and no stalk or a sign of it anywhere, making it perfectly round and smooth.

He continued to device and try different methods to obtain the content of the fruit through its super hard skin but to no avail.

He stood up in anger, grabbed the bone club and begin to clobber the annoying fruit as hard as he could.

After hitting it with the bone club for a long time he quit, but he discovered on it a pin size protrusion after he picked it up again.

He examined the protrusion and after making a conclusion, pulled it with his long and sharp nails.

Then, easily, like removing a prong from fire, the protrusion, a needle came off, leaving behind a sizable hole that leads to the cavity of the fruit.

"Hmm, there is something like water inside."

Skylar said as he looked at the hole in the fruit, feeling a bit of joy and relief after overcoming the frustrating hurdle.

He lifted the fruit, opened wide his mouth and emptied the liquid to the last drop into it.

This thing has no taste... but i can't just seem to have enough of it... it felt like i was floating as it entered my throat...

Skylar said as he licked his lip, his face radiating a peaceful smile which was then sooner polluted with a wistful expression at the thought that he has finished everything unknowingly.

Later after relishing the feeling he got from the liquid and organizing his thought; he picked a thin sized bone and lodged it in the hole on the fruit, and with the help of the super hard bone, he was able to successfully dissect the fruit to reveal its inside.

Skylar with a happy face consumed the fleshy pulp of the fruit.

It tasted like apple...

Skylar thought as he swallowed the last bit of the fruit, the skin excluded.

A few moment after sky settled with the fruit; with great haste he held his head with his two hands, fell to the floor and screamed out in great pain with his legs kicking the air.

Beads of perspiration infested his body as he rolled on the ground, and still screaming loudly he endured the inexplicable pain he felt at the root of his spirit, a pain he will surely trade for his life and he may never forget if he survives it.

And like this, the unbothered nature sings on as a young man fight for his life.

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