Chapter 53: CH 53
Gaara looked at Naruto for a moment as the smile left Naruto's face and his stare turned chilly, "I wasn't really asking you Gaara. Either you go after Lee and let me finish this or I'll kick your ass off into the woods until you can't even see the field anymore, and you know damn well I'm capable of that."
Gaara stared back until he stepped back and ran off towards the border, "I will go Uzumaki, but you had better not lose." Naruto waved over his shoulder as Gaara left the area. Kimimaro strode forward swishing his tail, "That was honorable of you to elect to continue our battle one-on-one in order to keep your comrade alive and safe from my wrath. I will make your death as honorable as I can for trash such as you."
Naruto grinned at Kimimaro evilly, "I didn't make him leave because I thought he would die fighting you, hell I won't die fighting you, because you can't kill me. I made Gaara leave because while I am fully capable of killing you here, it's going to cause me to go a little overboard, and I don't need too many witnesses for this, I catch enough crap without people knowing I can do this."
The Kyuubi stopped focusing on Naruto's fight when he realized what Naruto was going to do, "Kit no! Wait! Your body isn't sturdy enough to handle the stress that it will cause you! You don't even have enough of your own energy and chakra to attempt it!"
Naruto didn't answer, instead choosing to undo the bag on his waist and empty its contents into his hand, grin still in place. In the palm of his blood stained hand were three soldier pills. Naruto looked at Kimimaro defiantly and popped all three at once.
After a second Naruto began to twitch as the veins on his head began to pulsate. Kimimaro was curious as to what Naruto was doing at this moment, all of those pills would require an immediate outlet for his chakra or else he would die within less than five minutes.
Naruto expelled as much of his chakra as he could, enveloping his body in an aura of blue, he then channeled as much of the Kyuubi's chakra as his body could handle generating at one moment. The red glow from his body raised up high into the sky. As suddenly as it was all expelled it was all sucked right back into Naruto's body. It didn't dissipate, it didn't fade away as if he had just stopped using it, no. He sucked it back into his body. You could literally see the chakra entering through his pores, turning his skin the color of an angry red, as if his entire body was irritated greatly.
Naruto fell to his knees as he began scratching at his skin and screaming in pain as a vulpine snout began extending from his face while he gritted his teeth, now becoming fangs. Naruto's ears retracted into his head and reappeared on top as his hair turned red. His pores, which were still wide from absorbing so much chakra, began to quickly sprout red hair from them, covering his body in fur. Naruto's muscle mass increased to an added one-half of what it already was, pumping him up considerably. His claws extended even more than they already were. Naruto's spine pushed downward out of his pants and skin and split into two before muscle and skin grew over both segments, followed by more fur to make bushy, white-tipped fox tails. In the end he looked like a werewolf, only as a fox instead of a wolf.
Naruto was kneeled over on the ground panting heavily following the violent transformation. He slowly rose to his feet, looking at Kimimaro with pupil-less glowing red eyes with one black slit in the middle. Naruto chuckled painfully in a warped voice, "Wow… Ugh, I didn't think it would hurt that much. I guess Kyuubi was right, my body can't take this transformation yet. I'm glad I didn't try the real one, just the bastardized version." Kimimaro tried to make heads or tails of what he had just seen. It looked like a level two cursed seal transformation only… it looked natural. The transformations of the cursed seal were entirely generated by the dark, tainted impure enzymes that the seal always had pumping throughout the user's body. Going with the feelings and suggestions that the enzymes would invariably provide you with made you mentally weak, but it was like a drug. Fighting what the seal gave you however could hurt you, as Anko Mitarashi could definitely attest to. But still, it was all an artificial amplifier.
What Kimimaro had just seen Naruto do had not felt dark or unnatural at all. It felt like it was supposed to happen. The only time throughout the entire sequence of events that he felt hate and bloodlust and darkness was when Naruto flared the oppressive red chakra that he then absorbed. From that point it was like watching a natural metamorphosis. He was absolutely amazed, "What are you?"
Naruto scratched his head sheepishly, "I'm whatever you want to call me. It doesn't matter because you're going to die here all the same anyway so for the next few moments you can call me what you'd like." His fox-like grin that was on his human visage chilled Kimimaro as it showed on his true fox-like features, "But for the sake of me separating myself from you cursed seal assholes I guess you can call this the Kitsune Trigger."
Naruto flexed his claws and tested his tails out, smiling as he easily manipulated them, "Alright enough chit-chat, you've seen one of my trump cards and now you must die." Naruto vanished. There was no blur, there was no streak of red, there was only an afterimage that simply faded out of existence. He left no trace of his former presence there, no broken grass, no sound of footsteps, nothing. Kimimaro's eyes were darting all about as he whipped his body all around, there was no way that there was someone that was that fast, fast enough to reveal nothing!
Well he kept that theory right until he ended up taking slashes across his body that cut through the skin and muscle straight to his bones. He recoiled from his deep cuts and ended up getting cracked directly in the face and Kimimaro couldn't even tell you what had just hit him. A fist? A shin? A knee? An elbow? What?
The impact of the attack sent Kimimaro rolling back like a rag-doll. He stood and spun around rapidly with his arms out. As he gained speed he let off an endless amount of bullets from his fingers. All around him the field was littered with misfired bones that he was letting off like shells from a mounted machine gun.
Kimimaro was stopped when his legs were taken out from under him, sending him head over heels to the ground. He jumped back up to his feet, "What the hell are you!"
"Your executioner."
Kimimaro didn't have time to turn and face the voice in his ear before his arms were grabbed from behind and jerked out of the socket as Naruto had just jumped over him from behind while holding his arms and landing in front of. Naruto leaned far forward, using Kimimaro's weight to keep him grounded and started smashing savage single-leg mule kicks into Kimimaro's torso, as if he were trying to rip his arms off of his body. Naruto then jumped off of the ground and planted a vicious twin-legged double mule kick to Kimimaro's face, letting go of his arms at the same time, sending him flying off backwards.