Naruto: The Shadow Game System.

Chapter 23: CH-23:)

The money was tempting, very very tempting. But at the same time, if dungeons give money and other items are rewards, kind of redundant. Plus if an orphans starts throwing around cash like that people could talk. Another issue I'll have adress when I actually make money. So my options are 500 EXP or 5 stat points. If I was a higher level, like level 30 or something, 500 EXP would be nothing to me, the stat points would be everything. And right now the same logic applied. I can get 500 EXP from a quest, heck if I go into a dungeon it will be easy, but the stat points? Those are rarer.

So I selected the stat points and sure enough I got five additon points in my menu card;

Points- 5

I grinned seeing that number, hehe, I'm so cool!

I closed the boxes just as Naruto finished his meal. He quickly payed for the meal, I thanked Teuchi for the meal, blew Ayame a kiss and left with Naruto to go play in the park. I honestly didn't mind spending so much time with the kid, it was fun. Plus I did owe him for that meal. Damn my stupid pride!

The next day I left the orphanage early, at around 6:30. Being a ninja village the library opened up early than normal, meaning when I reached it it was already open.

I walked in and immediately the kind old woman at the desk smiled at me and called out, "Good morning Yami, what are you looking for today?" Misa, the old librarian asked.

I smiled, "oh you know, just browsing," I have been coming here frequently, she was so impressed by the rate at which I read these books her REP score had gone up to 25, not bad.

"Well if you need any help just ask," she said smiling. I nodded and quilted went into the civilian section.

I looked around and took a few new books, one about stitching, which should be useful in the future and the third volume in shinobi history, considering in the future these legends are going to be brought back and I might need to fight them I need to know everything about them.

I also grabbed a fantasy book for some light reading, I decided to start reading a book series called 'The Wandering Samurai', should be fun. But this wasn't the main reason I was here today, no, today was when I made my move.

This library had scrolls on ninja knowledge, but they were restricted. I had spent days figuring out how the layout worked and now I finally know.

On the ground floor was the civilian library and the Genin ranked scrolls. Pretty basic, and the division between the two areas was quite clear and absolute. But, there was an area near the very back that served as a blind spot and it is through that I could sneak into the ninja area.

The first and second floor were for the Chunin and Jonin respectively and more importantly the staircase leading up to them were way too exposed, hence I can't even hope to enter them. So for now I have to be happy with genin stuff.

I quietly moved towards the back, he blind spot was just before me, a few shelves down. I have no doubt Misa would know I'm in here in seconds, but a few seconds is all I will need. This library has several copies of the same text, and Misa is very meticulous, she keeps all the copies together. If I can grab a copy of a text, no matter what Jutsu it is, then I can put it into my inventory and she can't prove a damn thing!


Quest Alert!

Steal a jutsu!


+2 skill scroll for each jutsu stolen! Failure:

-10 REP with Misa Do you accept?


I blinked, I had been planning this for days and now this quest alert comes up? Talking about annoying!

I took a deep breath, readied myself by crouching to activate my stealth skill. I know it was pointless, but I need every micro second I could get. I opened my inventory ready to move in a moments notices. I let out my breath and ran passed the blind spot.

I ran into the first row I came to and looked around desperately. I knew I had no time, so when my eyes spotted a scroll labeled as 'jutsu' with over ten similar copies next to it, I grabbed it and shoved it into my inventory.

She wasn't here yet, I had time, I grew greedy, I can take another one! So I looked again and spotted another scroll with jutsu on it and several copies. I took that and shoved it into my inventory too.

But as I was about to look around for a third I heard it, "Em meh!" Misa cleared her throat and it was scary.

I was scared stiff as I slowly turned and looked at her staring at me with narrowed eyes. I could see...something...something very very scary being pressed up against me. It was like I couldn't breath, I felt afraid. But just then, suddenly the feeling was gone.

I blinked, what happened? Where did...ah, Gamer's mind, nice. I began to think clearly again, the fear being pushed to the side. I closed my inventory with a wave of my hands and smiled at Misa, "hello."

She woman looked surprised, I could tell she didn't expect me to be able to talk let alone smile at her. She raised an eyebrow, "what do you think you are doing Yami?" I shrugged, "looking around," I looked at the rows of scrolls in fascination, like it was the first time I saw them, "I was curious what the ninja side looked like."

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