Naruto: The Medical Shinobi

Chapter 157: Chapter 156: Strike when they least expect it.

"Grandpa, do you know how healing works?" Ryu asked.

"I know that the chakra they generate while using [Healing Hand Jutsu] is used to heal wounds," Dan replied.

Ryu replied, "You are not wrong, Grandpa. Medical ninjas are trained to generate chakra that is devoid of any elemental properties, and this is called healing hand jutsu or mystic palm jutsu."

"So this is why they are required to have good chakra control," Dan asked.

"Yes, having good chakra control is one of the basic criteria." Ryu said.

"Then why do you think the ninjas who have raised their chakra control over the years of hard work do not become medic ninjas by learning Healing Hand Jutsu.?" Ryu asked.

"I'm not sure," Dan replied.

Ryu explained, "That is because they have also trained in their chakra nature manipulation over the years and have built that chakra nature conversion in their subconscious minds over the years."

"Even if you have good control over your chakra at a later stage of life, that doesn't guarantee you can become a medical ninja. Either you need chakra control that exceeds even the best, or you need to keep practicing the healing hand jutsu on a regular basis and forgo elemental ninjutsu entirely so that your subconscious mind may be trained again to not leak any chakra nature and mess up the healing hand jutsu. That kind of training will require time, effort, and patience; it is not possible for those training to be good ninjas who excel at ninjutsu."

"So it's hard even with good chakra control. Ninjutsu training makes their chakra not suitable for medical ninjutsu; that is what you want to say." Dan asked.

"Yes and no, it will be difficult but not impossible. This is the main reason that medics are mostly non-combatants." Ryu replied.

Dan nodded in understanding.

Ryu said, "What I plan to do first is make a seal that can store that normal chakra. The seal will act like a chakra battery."

Dan asked, "But will it work? I know that many Shinobi have the ability to absorb chakra, but not everyone. I have seen many grandmasters attempt that and fail."

Ryu smiled and asked, "Grandpa, those grandmasters that you see failed. Did they try that the person absorbed his own chakra?"

Dan replied, "Yes, they did. I know where you are going with this. But they also realised that absorbing your own chakra will be more practical and that the body will offer no resistance, but they still failed."

Ryu then asked, "Grandpa, did they also ensure that the person is low on chakra when they are conducting that experiment?" 

The question surprised Dan, but he understood the implication behind Ryu's question.

Ryu continued, "Just like how water always flows from higher elevations to low altitudes. Chakra must also behave like that."

Dan replied, "I am sure that they must have thought of that. It's a very logical deduction."

Ryu replied, "I am sure they did. But I believe after the chakra is outside of the body, even if it's our own chakra, the body must offer some resistance to it. Combine it with what I said earlier. It must flow from higher density to lower density."

Dan, rubbing his chin, said, "This is the reason the other grandmasters must have failed. They failed to generate a high-density source of chakra."

Ryu nodded and said, "Right, we must find a solution to compress the chakra to very high density to make it possible. If we can do that, we can hit two targets with one stone."

Dan replied, "Right, after making that possible, we can also create this healing seal by storing healing chakra instead of normal chakra."

Dan asked, "So we are making two seals instead of one, again." 

Ryu replied, "Yes, there will be a time limit on healing, but it will have other advantages." 

"What other advantages?" Dan asked

Ryu replied, "Like you have already guessed, safety of medical ninjas. Their healing would be able to be used remotely. The second is that it would be more effective in a tense environment. Chakra control waiver in a tense environment, decreasing the efficiency." 

"Do you know that in a study it was determined that healing hand jutsu is least effective when used on a loved one?"

Ryu thought about the scene he witnessed in the anime in his last life when Tsunade's boyfriend died.

Ryu thought, "Dan Kato; they share the names. And now that I think about it, they also share some looks."

Ryu asked, "When I was reading about the legendary Sanin, the slug princess, Tsunade Senju, I came to a name: Dan Kato. Are you, by chance, related to him?"

Dan Hamura replied, "Yes, I am related to Dan Kato. His mother was from the Hamura clan, a distant cousin, and she named him after me due to our similarities."

Dan continued, "He was the fiancé of Tsunade Senju. He died on a battlefield, as there was no medical ninja in the neighbourhood, and I am told when Tsunade Senju reached there, even she couldn't heal him. I guess what you said earlier is true. Healing hand jutsu is least effective on loved ones due to the stress and emotional state of the user."

Ryu replied, "Yes, but the healing seal we are going to create does not have emotions."

Dan said, "If the healing seal you are going to create had existed during his time, he might have been saved." 

Ryu replied, "Maybe."

Ryu sensed a conspiracy there. He thought, 'Another Hamura by blood died on the battlefield. Is this a coincidence? Everyone who had the potential to become a Hokage died like that.'

"What are you thinking?" Dan asked

"Many things," Ryu replied.

Dan asked, "Like what?" 

Ryu sighed and replied, "Dan Kato, another Hamua by blood, died like that. He was talented enough to challenge the Hokage's position in the future, just like Sakumo."

Dan understood what Ryu wanted to say.

Ryu said, "What I am thinking is my seals are in the hands of my enemies." 

Ryu stared at Dan with a serious look. 

Dan replied, "You are not wrong, but what can we do about it? We have already sold the seals in the market. Even though it is encrypted, it can still be used against us."

Ryu sighed and said, "About that, there is something I haven't told you about the [Encoder seal]."

Dan asked, "What?"

Ryu said, "I have built some vulnerabilities into it that only I can exploit."

Dan was surprised, asking, "When did you do that? When I was creating that seal, it was so subtle that they wouldn't be able to find it even if 10 grandmasters looked for it at the same time for years."

Dan said, "I didn't know you were that paranoid."

Ryu replied, "I call that being cautious. a day before when I met you at the orphanage. I met Danzo and Orochimaru. I got to know that enemies can be anywhere, even in our own village. Even if the seals are encrypted, they can be stolen or bought legally by our future enemies."

"In that [Encoder seal], I built an activation mechanism using trigger code we use in barrier traps and also in explosive tags. Now I can hack into the seals with a snap of the finger and use their own chakra-infused barriers to trap them."

Dan was thinking with his eyes closed.

Ryu asked, "You are wondering if this is ethical or not, right?"

Dan replied, "Hmmmm, if you ask me if it's ethical or not, I don't know. But what I do know is that there are many things that are not ethical but are still allowed in this village."

Dan continued, "Like the [Cursed Tongue Eradication Seal] that Root uses on its own people. I don't know if what you did was right or wrong; only time will tell, but you are right to be cautious."

Ryu said, "But what to do with this chakra-storing seal? The other seals are defensive; it will not be on my conscience that it is used to kill someone. And if used against us, I can use the vulnerabilities. But this seal is different."

Dan suggested, "I can just demand that Root be banned from buying this seal. We already have a history, and the village cannot force me to sell them if I don't want to." 

"That's a good idea. I can add very serious traps worse than simple deactivation." Ryu replied.

"Like what?" Dan asked.

Ryu gave his wicked smile like Anya Forger from the Spy x Family series and replied, "I can reverse its operation part and have it absorb the chakra instead of providing it." 

Dan thought about it and said, "You are pretty ruthless. They would already be at their lowest when they activate this seal."

Dan smiled and said, "Strike your enemies when they least expect it."

Ryu smiled in turn and replied, "And strike where they least expect it. He he."

##PoWeR StOnEs##

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