Naruto: The Life Changer

Chapter 67: Chapter:67 Naruto

If you want to read ahead by 10 chapters from her you can visit my Patre-on.

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Rather surprisingly, Sakura didn't join in verbally, but she did cheer for her love interest, which made Naruto sigh inside. His luck sucked when it came to this kind of thing.

"{Observe}" he whispered.

Name: Uchiha Sasuke

Class: Emo Avenger

Level: 13 Next Level: 00.12%

Title: Academy Student (+25% EXP to LV10)

Age: 12

HP: 750/750

CP: 675/675

STR: 25

STA: 18

DEX: 21

INT: 23

WIS: 15

LUK: 5

Special Status: Unawakened Dōjutsu (+1 DEX Every-other Level, +1 INT Every Level), Avenger (+Bonus given to all stats when against Uchiha Itachi), Power of Hatred (Bonus to all physical stats given against all targets the user hates), Last Uchiha (Automatically counts as the Uchiha Clan Heir even if not of the main family, granting +10% damage to all Uchiha Jutsu with -25% chakra cost).

Perks: - Natural Genius

- Hardworking

- Determined

Flaws: - Emo McBroodypants

- Hatred (Uchiha Itachi)

- Lone Wolf

- Superiority Complex

- Inferiority Complex

- Knowing Pain

Uchiha Sasuke is the last living member of the once feared Uchiha Clan aside from his brother, Uchiha Itachi, the Clan Killer, who slaughtered all of his clan aside from Sasuke. Driven by hatred and a thirst for vengeance, there is nothing he will not do in exchange for the power to slay his brother. Yet, deep inside him, there is still the good person he was before the Uchiha Massacre.

Sasuke was definitely superior to any of his classmates at level thirteen no less. Yet, with the most flaws Naruto had seen on one person, he was also the most unbalanced.

'Unbalanced or not, he's still way over my current skill level.' Naruto thought with a frown, 'I'll have to play this carefully. The Teme is a bastard, but he's skilled. I know that better than most.'

Being beaten like an unwanted stepchild for twenty sparring matches in a row will do that to a person.

"On my signal…" Iruka raised one hand before bringing it down, "Hajime!"

Naruto, usually the one to charge, decided to let the Uchiha make the first move this time. Assuming a basic defensive stance, Naruto waited for his opponent to react.

Sasuke raised a mental eyebrow at the Dobe acting cautiously for a change before he appraised the blond boy's stance. It was actually quite good. A bit sloppy in places, but miles better than his previous attempts.

'So the Dobe has actually started making an effort…' he thought with a smirk. He might actually get a workout out of this spar for a change.

Leaping across the ring, Sasuke shot a high-kick out at Naruto's head, which was blocked. Spinning away, the Uchiha followed up with a four-punch combo. Naruto managed to doge the first two, but the third hit his cheek, sending him stumbling back.

Rallying, Naruto flung out a backhand that Sasuke grabbed and tried to use to throw him. Hooking a foot around his opponent's leg, Naruto quickly pulled, breaking Sasuke's stance, forcing him to let go of his arm and leaving the Last Uchiha open to a roundhouse kick that sent him flying.

He managed to stop himself from exiting the arena, but a look of slight shock was on his face. Naruto had actually fought back successfully for the first time against him.

A smirk flashed over Sasuke's face for a second before he charged back at Naruto with a determined expression on his face. Leaping into the air, the Uchiha executed an axe-drop kick on Naruto, who blocked it by crossing his arms. Using that as a springboard, Sasuke leap over him and drove an elbow into his opponent's back as soon as he landed.

Grunting in pain, Naruto lurched forward from the elbow strike. Before he could recover, Sasuke executed a low kick that sent Naruto sprawling on the ground.

"The match is over! Victor, Uchiha Sasuke." Iruka declared, "Good effort Naruto. You've been practicing hard, I see."

"Yup." Naruto grinned as he got up, "Not enough though, dammit."

[Quest Failed!]

Rival Showdown: You fought valiantly, but Uchiha Sasuke still defeated you.

Quest Failure Compensation: [Chakra Strength Enhancement] Skill Scroll.

Secret Achievement Unlocked!

Worthy Rival: Fight well but lose to Uchiha Sasuke during a spar: +100 Reputation with Uchiha Sasuke.

[Beginner's Hakage Taijutsu] has levelled up! LV6-LV8!

"…hn." Sasuke grunted.

"Alright you two…make the Wakai no In (Seal of Reconciliation)." the scarred Chunin directed the two students.

With the two fingers of their right hands, Naruto and Sasuke shook hands quickly then swiftly let go.



As Naruto walked back out of the ring to let the next match start, he mused at his taijutsu jumping up by two levels. Was it because Sasuke was so skilled in taijutsu or because he was about five levels higher than he was?

'Whichever it is, I'll need to ask Jiji about training dummies at some point.' Naruto thought as Sakura fought against Katsuragi Ami, the class bully, barely pulling out a win against her.

After the Academy

"Sakura-chan!" Naruto called as the kids started leaving the Academy.

"What is it Naruto?" Sakura no longer appended the '-Baka' to his name anymore, which was a huge improvement to Naruto's perspective.

"I'm gonna be busy today, so we can't have our study session today." he told her apologetically. He was going to go to Higurashi's so they could tell him if his tantō and kodachi could be made from the ingot of chakra metal he had, and he had a feeling it would take a while when combined with completing the quest 'A Broken Blade can still Cut!', so he was taking the day off from attacking books.

"You better have a good excuse Naruto!" Sakura growled.

"I have to go see a smith about a sword." he replied, "And it might take a while."

"Shouldn't you wait until after you graduate before getting weapons?" Sakura asked with one delicate eyebrow raised.

"It takes weeks, sometimes months, to forge a good blade, Sakura-chan." Naruto told her, "I will graduate this time round and I'm gonna be fully equipped when I do. You might wanna give some thought to your own equipment once you've graduated."

"Noted." Sakura sighed, "Well, see you tomorrow Naruto."

"See ya, Sakura-chan." Naruto grinned. That was the first time she'd said something like that to him! Score!

Stopping by his apartment to grab the scroll containing the ingot (he had forgotten to put it back in his inventory yesterday), Naruto set out for the weapons shop.

On the way, he noted several Shinobi looking at him in an odd way. It wasn't malicious or threatening…rather, it was more like they were curious about him.

For making an accurate deduction, you gain +1 WIS!

"Shush!" Naruto grumbled. He was really getting tired of his own damn ability mocking him.

"Naruto?" a familiar voice called out to him.


If you want to read ahead by 10 chapters from her you can visit my Patre-on.

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