Naruto: Shy Fox Chronicles

Chapter 11: Chapter 5: Shy of Hide, Fire in Eyes

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Shy Fox Chronicles

Chapter 5: Shy of Hide, Fire in Eyes

"Hey pale eyes, why don't you poke us!?" A boy cackled, poking a shy, blue-haired girl in the head.

"P-Please leave me alone…" The girl stuttered out.

"And who exactly is going to stop us? You? Or your bodyguards?" Another boy asked snidely.

"Yeah! What's wrong, pale eyes? You scared?" A third boy sneered.

As the boys, four strong, crowded around the blue haired, pale eye and skinned girl, clad in a maroon coat with matching mittens, navy blue long johns, and a yellow scarf trembled in fear. A look across her face of genuine uncertainty and fear, trembling as much from fear as the cold. Snow slowly fell in large wet flakes in the small, yet bitter breeze. Yet this scene had a watcher. Sharp blue eyes and spiky blonde hair poked out from behind a tree to look at the scene before ducking behind. An orange clad chest heaved heavily as lips curled whiskered cheeks, while a red scarf was tugged at by the same bitter breeze.

'Wh-what should I do? Those four look kinda strong…' The boy thought nervously.

"Hey, what's this?" One of the boys said, which got an immediate reaction from the girl.

"P-Please leave him alone! Mother gave him to me…!" She stuttered out, trying to reach for a stuffed fox toy that one of the boys took from her.

"Or you'll do what? Sit down, small fry, and shut up!" One of the boys yelled fiercely at her, shoving the girl down.

The orange clad boy felt something inside him begin to swell to the surface. He was afraid, he knew he could not take them on… yet he could not hide. He had to do something. Stepping out from behind the tree, he marched up the boys and made his presence known.

"H-Hey! P-Pick on s-someone your own s-size!" The orange-clad boy yelled, trying to steel himself against what he knew would come his way.

The four other children all turned to look at the boy. As soon as they saw him, the four boys smirked.

"Well, well! Look at this! One freak defending another!" One of the kids said.

"What can you do, Hokage's brat? You look like you're barely out of diapers!" Another one sneered.

"A-At least, u-unlike you four, I a-actually have a mom w-who loves me." The orange clad boy said with a small brazen smirk.

The four boys glared at the orange-glad kid at that. "Whoop his butt!" One of the boys shouted out in rage.

However, to their surprise, the blonde reacted before they did. Running in, he tackled one of the boys to the ground and began punching him. Reacting quickly, the boy kicked the blonde off him as one of the other boys punched him in the face. Reeling back, the blonde boy quickly recovered and threw a punch of his own. One of the kids tried to kick the blonde boy, only for the orange clad kid to dodge and kick him between the legs.

"OOOOWWWWW!!!" The boy who got kicked between the legs let out of his mouth.

"You little freak! Let's see how he likes it!" Another of the boys yelled.

Two of the boys grabbed the blonde kid by his arms, holding him in place. The third boy who was still standing smirked and cracked his knuckles as he walked over. But, before he could do anything, the five "combatants" heard something.

"GET OFF MY SISTER AND THAT BOY, YOU BRUTES!!!" Screamed out a female voice, forcing everyone involved to look at its source's direction.

Standing up in a tree was a girl identical to the blue-haired girl in almost every way. The only difference was their outfits and hair. This new girl had longer hair pulled up in pigtails and wore a navy-blue coat and matching mittens and maroon long johns. Between those factors and the angry look on the new girl's face, the only major similarity in their appearances was the matching yellow scarves they wore.

"What the…" Was all the boy got to say before being cut off by what the new girl did next.

"RAAARGH!" The girl in the tree roared before pouncing down on top of the boys from the branch she was standing on.

"She's a spider girl!!!" One of the boys yelled in panic.

"The blonde boy is right, you jerks! Pick on someone your own size!" She snapped, punching the boy she pounced on in the face.

"Get her off me!" The boy that was pounced yelled, trying, and failing to get the new girl off.

Before the other two boys could react, the orange-clad boy wiggled free and tackled one of them to the ground. Getting on top, the blonde began punching the other boy as the last boy began to move to assist his friends while the boy the blonde kicked tried to recover. However, before they could intervene, a voice was heard that called out in anger.

"ATTTTAAAAAACCCCKKK!!!!" Came the telltale cry of Sasuke Uchiha.

Behind him came the three triplet tornadoes as the quadruplet of dumbasses surged in to assist the two. Seeing that they were outnumbered, the four bullies did the only wise thing they could.

"RETREEEEEEAT!" One of the four bullies called out to his compatriots as the four bullies took off running.

"And stay gone, you losers!" The punchy girl roared at them, shaking her fist wildly.

"Enten… please b-be civil…" The shy girl said nervously as she picked up her dropped stuffed fox.

"Oh, lighten up, Hinata! Those jerks had it coming!" The bolder twin, now identified as Enten, replied with a sigh and a shake of her head.

"But father will get angry again…" Hinata said weakly…

"Who cares what father thinks? The only way to make a bully back off is to show 'em who's boss!" Enten insisted before turning to look at the boys before them.

"You okay, Naruto?" Sasuke asked his blonde, orange-clad friend.

"I-I'm fine…" Naruto said, though a quick wince of pain made it clear he was lying.

"It doesn't look like you are. Follow us to our place. Our mom can help patch you up." Enten offered the boy.

"A-And you are…" Naruto sheepishly and awkwardly asked.

"Hyūga Enten! And that's my big sister Hinata." Enten told the boy, introducing the two of them.

"W-we're the same age, Enten…" Hinata insisted.

"Not true, Hinata. I'm two minutes younger and prettier." Enten said with a playful smile.

Hinata pouted at that. "It's only two minutes…" She insisted.

Naruto looked at one sister, and then the other. "Y-y-you b-both look p-pretty…" Naruto said, not understanding why the two would argue on that.

Hinata and Enten both blushed at the blonde's words, Hinata much more so than her sister. "Well, look at you. You work fast, don't you, Blondie?" Enten playfully asked, trying to hide her embarrassment. 

"I don't understand the question." Naruto said in genuine confusion.

"He never does." Kei answered bluntly.

Sasuke rolled his eyes at that. "That's Naruto. I'm Sasuke. The three identical idiots are Kamishini Kei and his brothers Shin and Sei." He said, introducing Naruto and their friends.

"Care to repeat that?" The triplets sternly said in unison.

"I rest my case." Sasuke replied in a deadpan.

"You do realize we outnumber you, right Uchiha?" Sei asked, narrowing his eyes.

"Try it, loser." Sasuke replied with a smirk.

"Don't call our brother a loser!" Shinkoku told the Uchiha boy.

"Yeah! Only we can do that!" Kei insisted angrily.

"G-Guys don't fight now…" Naruto said, shuffling his hurt body between the four.

The four boys looked at Naruto, then sighed and nodded before backing up. The five of them then turned to look at the Hyūga twins.

"You said your mom can patch this basket case up?" Shinkoku asked, pointing to Naruto.

Enten nodded. "Yeah. Follow us." She replied, motioning for the boys to follow her and Hinata.

The boys followed, with Naruto having to be helped along by two of the brothers. After a sizable walk for the small children, they arrived at the gates of the Hyūga estate. While externally it was very austere and traditional, the Uchiha and Kamishini boys could tell the sheer opulence between the lines. Internally they were a bit worried, as the Hyūga clan were not ones to host visitors. Naruto, however, remained undaunted as the group was stopped at the gate by two guards.

"Lady Hinata and Lady Enten, what are these boys doing here?" One of the guards sternly asked.

"They saved Hinata and helped me out. Now let them pass with us or we'll tell mother and father on you." Enten told the guards equally as sternly.

The two guards looked at each other before the other addressed them. "Apologies, Lady Enten." The other guard said before letting them enter.

After that, the group made a swift entry. After politely taking off their shoes first, some servants soon came over to put their winter clothes on racks. They then made their way deeper into the estate. The floors were lacquered maple, the walls painted in simple, yet resplendent colors. Shoji screens depicting the greatest myths and greatest sagas of the Leaf village were everywhere in every room. At each corner, there was a statement of wealth and power few groups in the village could hope to match.

"Hinata? Enten? You are back early." A maternal female voice said from a tearoom.

"Hi, mom!" Enten called out, rushing into the tearoom.

"I see you brought company, dear." The woman, eerily similar in appearance to the twin sisters except older, said after notice the group of five boys come in.

"Hinata was being a scaredy baby dealing with some bullies. But Naruto protected her and got hurt for it before me, Sasuke, Kei, Shin, and Sei could step in." Enten told her and Hinata's mother.

"But they were really mean…" Hinata whined, cuddling up to her mother like a cat.

Their mother smiled at that. "Hinata, dear. You will learn soon enough that, while its okay to be kind and not like to hurt people, you need to learn to be brave and stand up for what is important to you." The woman wisely told her shyer daughter.

"Like Ko-chan…?" Hinata asked in confusion, holding up the stuffed fox.

The woman giggled a bit. "Yes, Hinata. Like Ko-chan. He cannot protect himself, so it is your job to keep him safe." She told the shyer of her twin daughters.

At that, Naruto, in pain, walked up to the twins' mother and bowed. "Mrs. Hyūga… your daughters are equally pretty…" Naruto said sheepishly, causing the other four boys to facepalm.

Hinata and Enten blushed at Naruto's words while Lady Hyūga giggled. "Why thank you, Naruto-kun. I do believe you are right." She playfully replied, looking at her daughters with a demure grin.

"Enten, why did you have to put us in this situation!?" Hinata sharply whispered to her sister.

"How was I supposed to know!?" Enten whispered back just as harshly.

"Why do you always have to run your mouth and then drag me into things with mother!?" Hinata harshly whispered to her.

"How is this my fault!? You're the one who was too scared to stick up for herself!" Enten quietly and harshly replied.

"Girls, can you please get me my first aid kit and my homemade ointment?" Lady Hyūga asked, which shut the two girls' argument up.

"Yes, mother…" The two girls said before rushing off to get it.

"Now then, Naruto-kun. If you could take your top off so I can fix you up." Lady Hyūga said calmly.

"Y-yes, ma'am…" Naruto politely said before taking it off, revealing several large bruises forming.

It was at that moment that Hinata and Enten walked in to see a shirtless Naruto. The two blushed deeper red as Naruto sat in front of their mother, waiting for her to get to work healing him.

"Don't dawdle, girls." The two's mother said simply.

"Yes, mother!" the two girls said before rushing over.

As Lady Hyūga began to work, everyone began to hear far heavier footfalls walking towards them. Through the still open door came a tall, fit man with pale eyes and black hair, wearing dark yet rich clothing. He observed the situation, before looking at Lady Hyūga directly.

"... Nikkō [1]. Why are these boys in our house? And why is the son of the Hokage shirtless and bruised in our tearoom?" The man asked, cutting right to the chase.

"He saved our baby girl Hinata from being beaten up by bullies. And these four, along with Enten, helped him send them packing. And do you want to send him home in such a condition to our dearest leader, Hiashi-kun?" Nikkō explained, before putting that question on his plate to let him decide what would be best.

"... Fair enough, beloved. Carry on." Hiashi replied, taking a seat in the tearoom.

"I-It's an h-honor, Lord Hiashi…" Naruto nervously said, wincing at ointment being put on one of his bruises.

"The honor is all mine, young Lord Naruto. Thank you for protecting one of my daughters." Hiashi replied with a nod.

"Kei. Why am I a lord again?" Naruto whispered, leaning over to whisper in the Kamishini's ear.

Kei rolled his eyes. "We've been over this, chief. Your mom's Hokage, which makes you practically royalty in this village." He quietly told his friend as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"Then why don't I feel like it?" Naruto whispered.

"Because you're… what did grandpa call it…? I think it was 'down to earth'..." Shinkoku replied with a smile.

"I thought it was because his mom is a scary old bat?" Seikoku asked in a whisper.

"I'm telling Auntie Kushina!" Sasuke told Seikoku.

"Not before I kill you first rat face!" Seikoku snarled.

"Boys, please behave." Nikkō sternly said, glancing over at them.

"Yes ma'am…" The four idiots said in mortified unison, which got a proud smile out of Hiashi.

"Young Lord Naruto, have you heard a word from your mother about when she wants to meet with us? She told me that she had something important to tell us in private as soon as she had met with the Uchiha clan." Hiashi asked the blonde boy.

"I h-heard her, at breakfast, say about a week from now…" Naruto nervously said.

"Hiashi, don't grill the poor boy." Nikkō sternly said to her husband.

Hiashi nodded in response. "Fair enough. You are more than welcome to tag along that day if you wish. It will give you more time to bond with Hinata and Enten." He told the orange-clad boy.

"T-Thank you, Lord Hiashi. Y-Your daughters are e-equally pretty." Naruto nervously answered.

The twin girls blushed red at that. "P-Please be quiet-Naruto-kun…/Shut up, Naruto-kun!" Hinata and Enten said simultaneously.

Hiashi raised an eyebrow at that. "Um… thank you, young lord…" Hiashi replied, unsure of how to respond to that.

"All better. You can put your shirt back on. Hinata, Enten, why don't you go play with the boys while your father and I talk?" Nikkō said after finishing fixing up Naruto, before turning to face her daughter.

Enten nodded in response. "Yes, mom." She said as she and Hinata led the boys out of the room.

"What do you think of the boy, Hiashi-kun?" Nikkō asked her husband, keeping an eye on his reaction.

"He seems… interesting. Strange, but not a bad child." Hiashi replied, looking away from the children's retreating forms to look his wife in the face.

"Well then, I think we have a winner, then." she said with a knowing smile.

"... I'm sorry, what?" Hiashi replied in confusion.

"I think we found the perfect boy for our two girls." Nikkō reiterated.

Hiashi went wide-eyed in shock. "N-Nikkō, aren't they a bit young for us to be thinking about that…?" He stammered out.

"Is it ever too early to think of our daughters' futures and their lifelong happiness? Think about it. You saw how the girls reacted around him. He practically had them at his whims with a simple comment. And, due to his status as the Hokage's son, then there is zero reason the elders can give this any scrutiny. It provides the best balance of status for the clan and our daughters' own happiness." Nikkō explained with confidence.

Hiashi smiled at that. "I knew there was a reason I married you, Nikkō." He told his wife.

Nikkō grinned playfully at her husband. "I thought you married me for, and I quote, 'my stunning beauty and because you loved me more than anything else in the world'."

The Hyūga clan leader's throat seized a bit as he blushed. "W-Well you a-are quite beautiful but…" He stammered out, eerily similarly to his eldest daughter.

Nikkō giggled at her husband's response. "Oh relax, Hiashi-kun. I am merely teasing." She replied playfully.

One Week Later

"Naruto, why didn't you tell me sooner that's why you got those bruises!?" Kushina yelled at her son, who was cowering behind Rea.

"I-I didn't want you to be worried…" Naruto stuttered out in fear.

"Come on, cousin. Surely, him getting close with two Hyūga princesses is enough to calm your wrath?" Rea asked rhetorically, fully knowing the answer.

"Only because I'll be getting half-Hyūga grandbabies." Kushina replied with a smile.

"M-mama… would you have been mad at me if I told you how I got the bruises?" Naruto asked nervously.

"Just a bit. Only because it's just like something I would have done at your age." Kushina replied with a small sigh.

"Would it be more like Minato considering you were the one having to get saved all the time?" Rea asked.

"One time!" Kushina called out in annoyance.

"Anyways, let's get you two moving so you're not late." Rea said, moving the two along.

With that the three made swift time to the Hyūga Estate. This time they were waved past the guards without a fuss. Arriving at the door, the myriads of Hyūga elders greeted them, along with Hiashi and Nikkō themselves.

"Lord and Lady Hyūga. It is an honor as always. I must say, you have a lovely home." Kushina said with a small smile.

"The honor is all ours, Lady Hokage. Kō, show the girls and the young Lord Naruto to the garden." Hiashi told Hinata's caretaker.

"Of course, my lord." The caretaker replied, bowing politely before having the children follow him.

"You run quite the orderly house here." Kushina said with a somewhat impressed tone.

"That simply comes with being from a noble clan, Lady Hokage." Nikkō replied with a smile.

"And what exactly does that make us…" Rea muttered before Kushina bonked him on the head.

"It makes you a redheaded monkey's uncle." Kushina growled.

"Come, Lady Hokage. We have much to talk about." Hiashi said, motioning for the two Uzumaki to follow him.

"Of course." Kushina said as the group made their way into the hallowed depths of the estate.

To Be Continued...

[1] Nikkō = Sunshine or Sunlight in Japanese.

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