Naruto-reincarnated in Konoha I will be the strongest Puppeteer

Chapter 2: Chapter 2

As I woke up the next morning I went to the kitchen to get some breakfast.

"Hey mom. Would you be able to get me wood material so that I could start making my first puppet. I also read about two jutsu. One that is used to carve, and one that is used to infuse chakra into any material used to strengthen and make controlling the puppet easier?" I asked.

"Oh stayed up late reading last night huh? Yes I can get you wood to make your puppet. Those two techniques aren't to difficult to learn but they are hard to master. I can teach them to you today after school." Mom said.

"Yeah! Thanks mom your the best." I said.

I finished my breakfast and ran off to school saying bye to mom on my way out.

I got to class alittle early today as I went to use the restroom before class I catch myself in a mirror realizing I had no clue what I looked like. Man I've been so busy and distracted by puppets and planning that I forgot. Looking in the mirror and touching my face. I have sandy blond hair laying around my head in a messy style down to my shoulders. My eyes are a light golden. With a face shape kinda like Sasuke's.

"Wow I don't look half bad" I say.

As I still have time I decide to head to the library to check out some medical books on chakra veins and Tenketsu points. To see if I can make my wild ambitions possible. I want to make autonomous puppets and I think I could do so if I can create a type of puppet with a core and chakra veins using a altered shadow clone. Tho that will be well and long into the future. I will need to learn Fūinjitsu as well.

So I headed into the library and found multiple books on chakra and chakra veins with tenketsu, as well as multiple books on fūinjutsu basics. After checking out the books, class was almost ready to start, so I headed back to class.

I enter class and head to my seat. I pull out the notebook mom gave me to write down ideas and draw puppet designs. Someone walks up to my desk.

"Oh, that looks cool! What is that lizard-looking drawing? " Said a boy.

I look up and see, ah, it's Kiba Inuzuka.

"Hey, yeah, thanks. It's kinda like a lizard; it's a design I'm thinking of creating to be my first puppet. I'm going to name it Gible. " I say.

"Puppets? That's interesting, like those Suna bastards use? Though that looks way cooler than the ugly things they make. " Said Kiba.

"Yeah, I never really liked their taste in puppets.Plus, I plan on being the strongest puppet user ever. " I said.

"That's pretty cool, dude." My clan uses ninja dogs as partners. This is Akimaru, my partner," he pointed to the dog on his head. "Arf!" Akimaru barked.

"Cool, I like dogs; they are the best" I said.

"Heck yeah, man! " Said Kiba.

Soon, class started, and he went back to his seat. Yes, I think I just made my first friend. With excitement, I open the medical and chakra books and start reading. Soon class ended, and I had finished reading the few medical and chakra books I had checked out. As I stand ready to leave, Kiba comes up and asks me to come with him and some friends to play ninja.

"Sure, I would love to play with you guys" I said.

"Alright, then, so let me introduce you to everyone. This guy to the left is Shikamaru, smart guy but super lazy" Kiba said.

As I heard Shikamaru grumble, "troublesome."

"The guy munching on snacks next to him is Choji" he pointed out while saying.

"Want some chips? " Choji offered me a handful as he munched on the chips.

"Thank you, but I'm ok" I say.

"Over here is Ino with the blond hair, Sakura with the pink hair, and Hinata with the purple hair. Although Hinata doesn't play with us much, she has to be at her clan a lot. " Kiba said.

"Hello, ladies, nice to meet all of you. I say.

After introductions, we all head to the park and spend the rest of the day playing ninja. Once it started getting later, we all had to head home. As I enter my house. "Welcome home, son. Stayed out late today. What were you up to? Make some new friends?" Mom asked.

"Yeah, mom, I did made six new friends. Five of us went to the park and played ninja today after school. It was a lot of fun. " I said as I sat at the dinner table.

Mom laid out the plates, telling me that dad was on a mission and would be back tomorrow.

"So I got all the materials for you to make your first puppet. I put them in your room. After dinner, I'll teach you the carving tool jutsu as well as the chakra-infuse jutsu." Mom said.

After dinner, Mom and I are sitting in the backyard."OK, watch carefully. These are the hand signs" she said.

(snake, dog, hare, ox, rat, dog, snake, ram) as a blue glow covers her hands, as she points two fingers she cuts a leaf falling between us in two with a light flick.

"That is so cool! " I said

"alright now you try it" mom told me.

So I did the hand signs slowly as I could feel my chakra in my body move. As I finished, a light glow dimmer than my mom's covered my hands.

"I did it! Look, Mom!" I say excitedly.

I had just done my first jutsu. Mom congratulated me and told me to cut a stick she had picked up. I did, and I cut clean through it.

"Not bad for your first use of the Jutsu; some can't cut through a stick, or the cut is jagged." Mom said.

She inspected the cut on the stick.

"Alright, you can practice this more on your own now. Here is the infuse jutsu" she said.

(Rat, bird, boar, snake, hare, ox, snake, dog, rat). Mom then grabbed her inner elbow and placed her hand on the stick. Visible chakra surrounded the stick as she held it for 5 minutes before stopping.

"Alright, do the carving jutsu and try to cut the stick now."she said.

I do the hand signs and go to cut the stick again. This time, I just get halfway through. As I look at the stick in shock.

"The longer you do it for, the stronger the material gets. I have a few puppets that I have been using this technique on for a long time. I've never tested it, but I'm pretty sure they are stronger than some of the famed swords at this point. But if used with chakra nature, they can still be damaged. " Mom said.

As I look at her with stars in my eyes. "Alright, I'm gonna try now" I say.

I do the hand signs. This jutsu took me three tries as I fumbled some signs and mixed up others, but on the fourth try, I got it. Mom grabbed me a new stick, and I held the jutsu on it for five minutes. I could feel my chakra draining using this jutsu. Five minutes of use and I felt like I had used half my chakra.

"Yeah, you felt it, right? This jutsu drains your chakra fast. You may have a large chakra pool thanks to your father, but the downside to this technique is that it's heavy in its use of chakra. Even with mastery of it, it still uses a lot of chakra. So practice that one well. I recommend using it before bed. " Mom said.

"Thank you so Mom!" I said.

Giving her a hug, I ran to my room to start the process of building my first puppet.

Soon, a week passed of me studying the fūinjutsu books and practicing the seals in them as well as my calligraphy. I'm nowhere near learning how to do seals or anything of that nature. Fūinjutsu as I have come to learn is hard as all hell.

In my puppet project tho I have finished carving my Gible puppet it had a mostly hallow body for possible tools or traps short arms with an elbow joint. The back legs thick with a spring loaded mechanism I added in a spur of the moment so it could have a burst of speed or a jump in critical moments. Its mouth is functioning as I also installed sharp metal teeth. Once I learn some useful fūinjutsu and learn more of the lethal mechanisms in the next few puppet books mom gave me I can start installing more weapons in Gible and make him a force to be reckoned with.

With it being the weekend now and my Gible puppet finished enough to start practicing my puppet string control skills. As I heft him up and bring him out to the backyard. I can't risk trying to control him in the house and bust through a wall. He is 2 feet 4inches. Same size as his game counterpart. I set him up outside and step back a few feet as I shoot ten strings from my fingers connecting to its head, jaw, back, arms, hips, legs, and tail. After two hours of fumbling around I can now get it to walk and run on four legs, as well as walk and run standing upright.

"Your doing pretty well for just two hours of practice son" said my mom as she walks out of the house with a sandwich for me.

"Thanks mom. I feel like in maybe another hour I'll have all it's movements down comfortably" I say.

"Mm, once you get to that point you need to start removing strings and makings the strings you have left control more of the puppet. Not that you need a motivator for practice but if you can get Gible down to one hand and you can last 2 minutes against one of my genin level puppets after one month of training. I will let you pick a jutsu up to B rank that you really want and I'll teach it to you." mom said.

"Alright your on" I said.

I jumped up to my feet attached my strings to Gible and started training hard. Having him do all kinds of weird maneuvers, rolls, back flips, front flips, the jumps with the leg mechanisms, all kinds of kicks and punches.

After an hour of training I felt really fluid with controlling him so I dropped one string connected to his left leg. I closed my eyes and focused on the string attached to his hip to extend on the inside and attach to the leg portion like tendons in the body using the basic anatomy knowledge I learned in the medical books a while back as a reference. Soon everything was ready and I ran Gible through the puppet training gauntlet. After 5 hours I had gotten back to my fluidity of movement when I had ten strings. But mom called me in for dinner telling me to take a break today from puppet control.

After dinner I walked me and Gible to my room as I sat him next to my bed. Alright now that your form is complete and everything functions well I won't need to make any major changes or adjustments to your body so I can do the Infuse Jutsu to start toughening you up and increasing my connection to the puppet body. I start doing the hand signs "infuse Jutsu" I say as I place my hand on Gible and my chakra covers the whole puppet. Crap doing l this much material is taking up way more chakra than the stick. That does make sense though it's so much more wood than the stick. I can probably hold this up for five minutes at most, maybe 4 as I start sweating.

Soon four minutes pass and I have to quit as I'm almost out of chakra and I don't want to have chakra exhaustion. As I lay down to sleep ready for tomorrows training again looking forward to Improving.

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