Naruto: Chosen

Chapter 25: Chapter 24 - Shoe [1]

See you on Thursday

I also found out a few things: the maids were commenting on which guards they thought were the best looking, and although I didn't know everyone yet, helping to put together a ranking made Kakashi blush to his ears. I learned that some of the employees were placing bets on which one would win and that I was among the ten favorites. What's more, one of the cooks had a sick baby who had been discouraged by the doctors. Rin shed a few tears as she told me this. The child's mother was a close friend and the couple had been waiting for a child for a long time.

Hearing all this was like being at home. I couldn't imagine anything more fun happening downstairs. I was happy for the company and the quiet, cheerful atmosphere that had taken over my room.

It was so pleasant that I decided not to go downstairs the next day. We left the doors open - both the one in the corridor and the one on the balcony - and a warm breeze circulated, enveloping us. It seemed to do wonders for Rin, and I wondered how often she left the Palace.

Kakashi made a comment about how inappropriate it all seemed - me, sitting with them, playing cards with the doors open - but soon put that aside when I downloaded a royal family card into the deck and they, trying to count the cards carefully, discovered my cheating.

We were in the middle of the game, all suspicious eyes on me, when I noticed a silhouette in the doorway. Only I saw it. It was the prince, standing there, looking amazed. Our gazes met and I immediately understood what his face was asking: what are you doing? I stood up abruptly, and two cards I had been hiding fell from my belt. Kakashi picked them up indignantly, but before he could complain, he noticed the prince's presence.

- Oh my God! - he exclaimed, noticing the future king at the door. He quickly stuffed the stack of cards into the pockets of his blazer, and the girls followed suit, hiding the cards in the pockets of their aprons.

- Sir! Ladies! - greeted Naruto.

- Your Majesty," said Samui, bowing. - It's a great honor.

- The greatest honor," added Shizune, bowing a little awkwardly.

- For me too," he replied, with a charming smile.

The maids exchanged glances, feeling flattered and even a little smitten. Everyone was silent for a moment, unsure of how to act. Then Kakashi exclaimed:

- We were just leaving.

- Yes, we were," added Samui. - We were going to... Uh... go... - The answer seemed forced, and I hid a smile as I watched my friends leave, bowing awkwardly. No one expected to meet the prince that afternoon.

- What a class you have," commented Naruto, looking around the room. - I didn't imagine your room would be like this.

- But this isn't my room, it's yours. You're just letting me borrow it.

Naruto grimaced, and I felt pleased to tease him. I wanted an opening, just an opening to fight with him. The reason? I didn't know exactly, but something inside me wanted to argue with him, ask him about Karui and find out if he had kissed her.

- He had been warned that he could change everything: furniture, bedding, even the color of the walls.

- A coat of paint won't make this room mine. Girls like me don't live in places with marble floors.

- Hmm, so what's your real room like? - asked the prince, with a playful look on his face.

- Hmm, what exactly do you want here?

He took a step forward, observing the details of the room, and sat down in a white armchair.

- I missed you," admitted the prince, and I laughed evilly.

- You didn't seem to miss me having coffee with Karui yesterday.

He shifted uncomfortably and grimaced.

- I told you... Ino, Ino's the perfect girl, and you're the total opposite, which kind of...

Naruto's expression closed up like a rain cloud covering the sun.

- I'll do exactly what I want, Sakura. Remember that I'm your prince.

I bit the inside of my cheek, too upset to reply.

- Impressive. I think you should get out of my room.


Naruto frowned, getting up from his chair as if he was going to obey my order. But instead of heading for the exit, he walked towards me, stopping inches from my face.

- Now I'm confused, milady. Is this your room or mine?

- Are you joking?

- Are you jealous? - he teased. - Are you jealous of Karui?

He approached my lips, as if he was going to kiss me, but pulled away as soon as I tried to pull him closer. He started walking away, still talking:

- Are you jealous of her hair? Her eyes? Her skin? Her smell? She certainly has the best smell of all...

I took one of my shoes in my hands and threw it as hard as I could at Naruto's head. He took the impact and, surprised, turned around quickly, raising one of his hands to the back of his head and widening his eyes. I already had the other shoe in my hand.

The prince's lips tightened, showing his teeth.

- I challenged her.


First Friday arrived, and with it our debut in the Official Journal. Participation was compulsory, and I couldn't hide in my room as I had done for the last few days. At least, all I had to do was sit for an hour and then go out for dinner.

Kakashi dressed me very carefully. My choice was a long, pink, off-the-shoulder dress with so many ruffles that I almost got lost in it. The waist was tight and the skirt, voluminous, resembled that of a princess. Kakashi put on my flower clip and told me it was my trademark. I was also given a silver necklace with a diamond so small that it seemed almost incredible to see it sparkle. The girls did my makeup smoothly and brilliantly, and my hair was loose and impeccably straight. I looked like a small diamond - small, shiny, but still shiny. And I would continue to shine for as long as I had left, not much, thanks to the shoes and my terrible personality.

So, like a little shiny diamond, I headed for the studio.

Suddenly, all the murmurs fell silent, and I could almost swear that Kurenai had glared at someone. But as I looked at the door, there he was. Prince Naruto, beaming, smiling and completely full of energy.

Hordes of people were rushing around, putting the finishing touches to the set, which now displayed a row of red chairs reserved for those selected. The members of the Council, whose faces I recognized from watching the newspaper, looked at me briefly. Jiraya, the queen's advisor, winked at me, and I couldn't help blushing.

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