Chapter 8: A Plan for Change (1)
"Do I have to dine with everyone today?" Adrien asked, his eyes peeled to the scene outside the window as he painted the garden below him on the canvas before him.
"No, Young Master," Nadeline answered succinctly.
After the incident where the Countess had found him in the cellar, she transferred Nadeline over him. Adrien now had his very own personal maid like the rest of his family members. Adrien had found out through Nadeline that his personal maid had been fired a few months back for some discrepancy and Adrien hadn't been assigned a new one since then.
"Have the chef prepare something appropriate for a picnic. I think I'll like to have my meal outside." The weather looked and felt wonderful and Adrien really wanted to enjoy it.
He returned to his painting, a momentary reprieve from his studies. While he brushed the finishing strokes, Nadeline returned.
"Young Master, I believe you would be able to earn a lot of money if you were to sell your paintings," Nadeline commented, taking an appreciated look at the finished product.
Sell my paintings? I never even thought about it. That actually sounds like a good idea, and I could earn money, which sounds heavenly.
Adrien was allocated an allowance every month, 950 Shekel. It was a relatively smaller sum compared to what the twins received, which was nearly double what Adrien received. And if Adrien converted his monthly allowance for a better understanding, it was approximately 365,000 won. A good sum, but not good enough for a noble. So, Nadeline's idea of selling his paintings sounded like music to his ears.
He turned to face Nadeline, who was standing to his right. "Say, if I were to sell them, and if I wanted to keep the money in a private bank account without the Count's knowledge, how should I go about it?" He wasn't afraid of Nadeline knowing his thoughts. The worst she could do was to inform the Countess, but Adrien was pretty sure that his mother would keep it a secret, and maybe even help him.
Nadeline tilted her head in thought, her index finger placed against her chin. "If that's what you want, I can find an art broker to help facilitate selling your artwork. I can also open up a bank account for you with a fake identity."
The reason why Nadeline suggested a fake identity was because the banks in this world didn't do background checks. When someone opens an account, they are given a card that is magically tied to their blood, so it didn't matter if one used their real name or a fake one.
"Let's do that," Adrien agreed.
"Which paintings shall I take with me to the art broker?"
Adrien got up and shuffled through the paintings that were piled up in the back of his closet, paintings that the Orginal Adrien had placed there. Adrien found a few scenic ones that he knew the original wasn't too attached to and handed them to Nadeline. "These should do it."
"I'll head out tomorrow morning before everyone is awake. I have an errand to run for the Head Chef, so I can do it afterwards," Nadeline informed him.
Adrien nodded in approval. "I'll prepare a vial worth a drop of blood in it for the account. Thank you, Nadeline."
"I'm only doing my duties, Young Master. There is no reason to show me such gratitude."
Adrien found himself chuckling. "Just take it, Nadeline."
The two of them left after that. Adrien headed out to a spot in the garden while Nadeline ran to grab the food.
Since he knew he was going to have dinner outside, he had the servants prepare a table for him outside thirty minutes before he was planning to head out.
Nadeline arrived not long after Adrien had sat down. The basket of food that she brought with her contained a variety of sandwiches and sliced fruit.
"Join me," Adrien gestured to the seat across from him.
"Are you sure, Young Master?"
"Of course."
Nadeline slid into the seat across from him. She waited for him to grab what he wanted to eat before she snatched a sandwich for herself.
The sun was high in the sky and it was warm out. The heat wasn't too bad since they were sitting underneath a tall tree whose branches were shading them from the heat. The flowers in the garden had a fragrant scent that wasn't too overpowering.
"Young Master," Nadeline decided to speak once the two of them were done eating. "I heard some interesting news from my roommates while I was in the kitchen."
There was a building on the back of the property that was for housing the servants. The building only had four rooms. Each room housed four servants. One of Nadeline's roommates was the personal maid for Cedric.
"What did you hear?" His interest was piqued. Hearing gossip from the servants was a good way to stay in the loop.
Nadline beamed a smile and leaned closer, she then spoke in a conspiratorial whisper. "I heard that Young Master Cedric asked the Count to send everyone to the Academy by using the Warp Portal."
Warp Portals were large mana inscribed stone gates that had several Space Magic Charms inscribed onto purple gems that were embedded into the stone gate. Each Portal could connect with each other to create a bridge in space to allow for faster and safer travels.
Why would Cedric ask to use a Warp Portal when it's only a thirty-six hour journey from our Estate to Tris Academy? Each trip cost 3,650 Shekel, that included one carriage. The Count only made around 29,000 Shekel a month.
I wonder what it would be like to be a Marquess or a Duke? I bet a thriving Duchy easily makes five times, if not more than what Count Mallorne does. Growing up in a poor family, Adrien saw the value in money.
"It's only a thirty-six hour trip. That seems like a huge waste of money," Adrien muttered, not seeing the point in it, even if it would be an uncomfortable ride.
"Young Master?"
"Yes?" Adrien looked up at Nadeline who was busy cleaning off the table.
"I've been meaning to ask, but what name should I use on the account tomorrow?"
That was a really good question. Adrien wracked his brain, trying to think of a good name. "How about Ephraim Godric."
Ephraim meant 'fruitful' in Hebrew while Godric meant 'God's rich one' in Old English. Since the names in the Valron Kingdom seemed to be a mix of the two, Adrien chose a name from each language. He had hope that these two names will be a premonition for his future, or at least, the 'fruitful' and 'rich' part of the names' meanings.
Nadeline gave a curt nod of her head. "Ephraim Godric," she repeated to herself to help her remember.
* * * *
Count Mallorne was in his study pouring over the day's work when he heard faint voices from outside in the garden drifting up to the second floor. He stood up and made his way to the window and peered outside.
Down in the garden, under the tree not far from his office window, sat his youngest son. The little maid girl that had been helping him was sitting across from him and in between them was a basket of food.
Count Mallorne's lips turned down in a sneer. It was unbefitting of a noble to actively befriend the Help, especially those with commoner blood flowing through their veins.
He remembered when his wife brought the young commoner girl to their house seventeen years ago. A four-year-old girl who had lost her mother and had nowhere else to go.
Teressa Ratcliff. His beloved wife of twenty-one years. He had gone against his father to marry her even though her family had no title to their name at the time.
Because of the love for his wife, he allowed the young Nadeline to stay in their home and learn how to be a proper servant.
He continued watching out the window, his sneer deepening unconsciously. It was an instinctual habit every time he laid eyes on his youngest.