Mutant Gamer In Marvel

Chapter 23: Chapter 23

Thanks for the support from: Scarlet_mars, Alkole, KratosDragon, Sweetness, Joshua Stadt, Cracked, Madao, xtengorix, Devin Drenovas, Mightyowl1767, Niov1234, Smoking_ash12, Somebody, IL-MATTEO, Godphaze, Zengoun, Ozev, Wolfpack Studios, Redwing641, Joe Thigpen, Derrick Porter, Dan Greeson, E.L. Jessop, [GLD]Guto, Dex Deet, KumaDEvol, Dwhateverprof, Vain Equinox, Deshaun, Wilnet Duverne, M, Ivan, Bobbyking150, Soren Britt


My eyes remained shut. After my talk with Danger, the realization hit me like a train, why had I accepted coming to the mansion so easily? After Charles read my mind, I'm sure no one would ever accept living under the same roof as him, but I did.

My mind continued becoming sharper, the effect of meditation growing with every level up, I have control over it, like I had control over my body, my body and mind are becoming one, one fluent harmonious fusion.

The mind fortress kicked on, and all my memories were catalogued, from embarrassing to sad. Of course, none of them had their category written on them, but I somehow still knew which was which, and I made sure to change how they were organized every day.

But how clean my mind has become is not the point of today's deep meditation, going back to the memories of the day I met Xavier for the first time, the emotions I felt that day fueling inside of me once again.

Everything went just as I remembered: I woke up with powers, went to school, met Kitty and Kurt, went home, and then the meeting with Charles, nothing was missing, but a tiny detail seemed to catch my attention.

When Charles first read my mind, I was warned that my memories were being read, but that was it. No one ever said that a shut door can block telepathy, that shouts can make a mutant who went through hell unfocused, or that he changed my memories.

My brain made me remember something, a page I had read a month or two ago, about how telepaths aren't just weak creeps, but their powers are broken if they are skilled, changing emotions, making you a vegetable, making you think you were their friend, changing your intentions-

The last one made me immediately go back to the memory of that day, what convinced me to listen to Ororo, what convinced me to go to the mansion even after meeting another telepath that the first thing she did was read my mind, and what convinced me to accept living in the mansion, it all went too smoothly, all too good, for Charles at least.

I am friendly, I tell jokes to greet people, laughing is my mechanism of defence, but I have never given this much trust to someone after doing some shit to me.

I remember how I had recited the pros and cons of living in the mansion, and for some reason the pros felt heavier than the cons, which made no sense, because I never wanted to be a hero, if I remained hidden, no one would ever know I had powers.


Mind Fortress Lv.17=>25

Meditation L.v11=>15

Wis 21=>26


And my mind snapped, forcing me to watch back at a specific moment of my first meeting with Xavier.

My profiling skill activated, and I caught something on his face, for only a second, his face became angry, and I realised.

How could shutting a door block a telepath from reading my mind? How could shouting make him lose his focus? My powers had warned me that my mind was being read, but that was it, they had only protected themselves.

Focusing back no my emotions of that day, I noticed how they hadn't changed, what had changed was how I saw Xavier, I had called him mind raper, several times, but then I simply stopped? That is not like me.

I searched my mind, every memory, every emotion, every intention, until I found it—the parasite that latched itself to some of my happiest memories, copying the happiness I had felt in those moments to change my perception of Xavier.

"Xavier is good, follow his every move and do as he says."

I wanted to puke, scream, cry, I wanted to tear Xavier apart, to make him feel how I am currently feeling, making his legs work again so that I can fucking tear them off his body, I want him dead, twenty feet under.

I calmed down. I couldn't do anything for now. If what he did to me he did to other people here, then he has a whole mansion defending him, and I am quite sure I wouldn't even be able to beat Kurt with my current skills and stats.

I couldn't even kill the parasite that latched on to my mind because doing so would most likely warn Xavier. He might even use it to determine my position. I have no idea how these things work.

I open my eyes, my face calm while my emotions were a turmoil inside of me, none of them though were able to take control over my logical side.

I swatted the notification away, what I currently need isn't a small growth boost, what I need is to fucking run away from here.

A piece of paper appeared in front of me.

* Do you need help?*


* Are you sure? I won't kill him, I will leave him to you, I can remove the parasite though.*

" How can I even trust you? What if you are just like him?"

*You can't, but remember that I protected you when you summoned Obsidian, and you would rather remain with, as you say it, a mind rapist?*

I remained silent, not sure to what I was supposed to do with my life, I just wanted to go back to my normality, I don't care if I was poor, at least I wouldn't have to deal with anything like this.

* I won't pressure you, I hate what he is doing, but I understand your inability to trust me, or anyone at this point, if you ever feel like you need someone to talk to, come here*

At the bottom of the message was an address near here, which didn't reduce my paranoia.

What calmed my paranoia a little was the appearance of a piece of raw beef for Obsidian.

'I don't know.'


AN: Another thanks to everyone who has supported my Patron, and thanks to those who will in the future

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