Chapter 29: Vampire awakening
Both Jason and Vincent stood quietly and looked at Endo and his pet snake, trying to find a way to escape from the bounty hunter; especially with the fact that he was after Vincent.
"I have a question for you. Who sent you after me?," Vincent asked the bounty hunter who was polishing his blades.
Endo looked up at Vincent and replied, "That information is irrelevant to you. But don't worry, I'll make this quick!!"
He then patted Tlecaxo and the giant snake slithered to them really fast as it apparently shrunk in size.
"Look out!! This snake has the ability to shrink in size and attack out of nowhere!!," Vincent warned Jason.
Suddenly, Tlecaxo reverted back to its original size and opened its mouth in attempt to swallow the boys.
Fortunately, Jason grabbed the snake with one hand on each jaw and shouted at Vincent, "Run!! Take the ruby and get out of here!!"
"Are you crazy?! You'll get killed by this psycho!! And we only have 20 minutes before we're teleported out of here!!"
"We'll be killed by that time!! Instead, you escape with the ruby and I'll find a way to beat them right here right now!!," Jason replied and he immediately lifted the snake partially by the jaws and tossed it away from him.
Jason was watching his hands, still mesmerized by his newly found strength.
He then noticed that his burnt hand has actually healed completely which left both him and Vincent shocked.
"Run, I'll catch up!!," Jason said to Vincent —snapping back from his admiration of strength— and advanced towards Endo, and Vincent, with a tearful look, ran away as fast as he could.
Endo, looking at Vincent running, said, "You're not getting away from me that easily!!," before grabbing a two-barrel gun and shot at Vincent.
Vincent dropped to the ground, screaming in pain, unlike any kind of pain a person will experience.
Jason -seeing Vincent in agony- turned to Endo and said, "Whatever you're doing, stop it!!"
Endo then replied, "What I did was I shot a silver bullet at him. Everyone knows that vampires are vulnerable to silver. And besides, I'm a bounty hunter!! This is what I do!!"
As he finished —since Jason lost focus and did not notice the large snake behind him- Tlecaxo got up and struck Jason with its tail, sending him flying to a tree, causing him to bleed from his head from the impact, knocking him unconscious.
Vincent —still in pain but conscious enough to watch everything unraveled— watched Endo walking up to him and grabbed the ruby.
"This will bring a lot of money from the black market!! I'll keep a hold of this," he said, admiring the precious jewel and placing it in his sack.
He then drew his attention to Vincent and said, "You're a difficult one to kill, as expected from the son of the Vampire Emperor!!"
Endo then took a small dagger from his pocket as he approached the young vampire, crouched and held it above Vincent, preparing to strike him dead.
"So long, vampire!!," were his words as he began dropping the dagger still in his hand, aiming for Vincent's head.
Vincent -still looking up at Endo from the ground- suddenly felt a rush of energy within him and at the last second, vanished.
Endo was shocked by this outcome and he rose up and got his gun out.
"Where are you, creature?!," he yelled in a panic as he circled around, trying to determine Vincent's location.
"You attacked us, injured my friend, took our jewel and almost killed me. Do not think I will not end your life for that!!," were the words echoing throughout the forest.
Endo —now panicking because he had never encountered a situation like this during his entire bounty hunting career— was determined to turn the tides in his favour.
He motioned towards Tlecaxo and said aloud, "You better show up or your friend dies here!!," and made his snake rush towards Jason to devour him.
"I cannot allow you to do that," Vincent said and suddenly, the snake stood still with its mouth ajar above Jason.
Jason finally woke up, looked up and saw the snake's mouth; he yelled, "Ahhh!!" and quickly left that spot.
He then looked up and saw Vincent levitating and his hair longer and flowing freely like a river, with his eyes blazing hazel in colour and a bright green aura forming around himself.
"They didn't tell me you're a Sanguinarian!! Damn, these people screwed me over!!," Endo swore as he realized of Vincent's new power boost.
Vincent -upon hearing this comment- asked, "Who's 'They'?! Who sent you after me?!!"
Endo replied, "I'm not saying anything to you, vampire!!"
Vincent then said in an angry tone, "You're dead!!," and he moved his hand towards the bounty hunter, which lunged the snake in his direction.
He quickly dodged as he rolled to the ground but when he looked up, Vincent was staring at him dead-eye, still levitating.
Endo was now struck with the Penance Stare, and could do nothing but watch Vincent grab his sack and toss it to Jason.
"We're leaving. I got what I needed," Vincent said to Jason and was levitating away from Endo, indicating that he had read Endo's mind and retrieved his information.