Monster Five

Chapter 17: Rampage

He made that comment with a lot of intent, but not in his original voice, and all of a sudden, his aura became darker and more fierce with a nasty feeling to it.

His personality too had changed to a more sinister version and seemed bloodthirsty.

"I knew it!!," Dante thought. "Something is definitely inside Jason and is controlling him!!"

"What do you want with this boy, demon!? He has nothing that belongs to you!!," Dante questioned the unfamiliar figure in the form of Jason, who was now much stronger and more blood-thirstier than his usual self.

The only clear difference about Jason is that his body had a black spiral pattern running down from his right eye through his right arm all the way to his right leg.

He said in an unpleased tone, "Dante of Stuggart, as I already told you, I'm going to wipe out all of Amberland."

Dante then asked, "If I may ask, why?," in order to buy time to formulate a plan on how to complete remove the demon from Jason's body.

"To create a reborn world and rule as King, of course!!," with his arms and face facing towards the sky.

"No man or beast will be able to stop the great Trihexa once I fully control this boy's Mana and body!!," he continued which left Dante in utter shock.

"Tri-Trihexa!!?? No. You should be dead over several millennia!!," Dante managed to say despite the disbelief in his face over this new piece of information.

Jason, still possessed by this entity, changed his posture, pointed and looked at Dante with evil intent and said, "You're in my way to complete world domination, so I'll kill you first!!"

At that instance, there was a spike in his Mana and his aura become more darker and took the form of a monster with two yellow eyes on its face.

"This is very, very bad news!!," Dante thought as he drew out his sword and prepared to attack his possessed student.


A light breeze blew over where the two individuals were standing, facing each other from opposite directions: Dante on the left side and a possessed Jason on the right.

As everything became quiet for awhile, a little Grass bird perched on a tree close to the two, after it gave a low but very audible chirp, they both rushed towards each other, trading blows consecutively.

It looked like they both were evenly matched, but Dante realized that the blows he were receiving became much stronger than the former.

"He's using Star Dance Strike, which allows any user's consecutive punch stronger than the latter. I should have known this demon would have learnt this Grade-A ability!!," he thought as he analyzed his opponent's moves while receiving damage from the punches.

"It's about time you guessed one of my five Cursed Abilities!!," Trihexa said; this indicating that he had read Dante's thoughts.

"Damn it!! He read my mind as well?!," Dante panicked and withdrew back to a safe distance from Jason and concentrated his Mana onto his left index finger until it formed a white orb.

"Spear of Light!!", Dante yelled and the orb blasted as a ray towards Jason's direction.

"This ability shoots a highly condensed ray of light which can even purify the vilest of souls. It takes a lot from me but hope this works!!," he thought as he released the blast towards the young lad.

As the light ray dissipated, it left a small crater in the spot where Jason was standing, but Jason was nowhere to be found.

Dante, scaring that he might have killed his student, looked around to see and hoped that Jason survived the blast.

"That was fun!! But now, it's my turn," a voice said that resonated the entire area where Dante was standing.

The senior Knight, as expected, released his aura and prepared for an attack.

But suddenly, Jason evaded and appeared behind Dante.

"Surprise!!", he exclaimed and punched Dante out of the pit with a force that even shook the trees because of the aura from Dante as well as the strength of Jason's strike.

"Dammit!! He purposely used Star Strike Dance and made me attack with a light-based attack to weaken me??," Dante analyzed as he flew past Maki's position onto trees nearby.

Astonishingly, Maki slowly got up from her spot, still in pain but seemed to be recovering from the previous attack, and looked towards Jason.

"What's going on? Where is Sensei?? And what's up with your aura?? It's really nasty!!," she uttered not realizing that was not his teammate.

"Another insolent vermin!! This should be fun!!," Jason said and vanished.

He then appeared behind Maki, which she turned and he grabbed her by the neck.

"You might be my first sacrifice to commence my path to world domination. Be grateful, human!! Hahaha!!," Jason laughed as he looked at a suffocating Maki, struggling to break free from his cold and strong hold.

But suddenly, Jason's expression changed and was writhing loudly as if he was in serious pain.

He later looked at his chest cavity and saw a spell symbol glowing brightly.

"It can't be!! A Nova Binder Spell??!! Where did this vermin learn this??!! Arghhh!!!," he yelled in tremendous pain.

"Even the most vile of demons can't withstand this spell, so it's over for you demon!!," Dante said, emerging from his landing spot from the previous attack and walked towards his opponent.

"You're mine, filthy human!! I'll eat you and consume your soul when I fully control this!!!"

"We'll see about that!!," Dante replied and snapped his fingers.

"Pacify!!," he yelled and a bright glow radiated from Jason's body and he was screaming in pain.


However, Trihexa then smirked and just disrupted the spell, much to Dante's dismay.

"Dammit! He countered my Pacify spell?!," he questioned himself as he was nearly collapsing from over usage of Mana.

"I must admit, that spell did inflict of damage on me— but killing you will make it all better!!," Trihexa laughed as he started walking towards a weak Dante but suddenly, he paused and dropped heavily on his knees onto the ground and he said, "Damn you, you brat!! He's fighting my control!!, he muttered as he realized that his full control over Jason's body was being prevented by the host himself.

He then said, "You will be under my control, sooner or later!! Mark my words!!," before going unconscious.

"Now that that's over….," Dante said after catching his breath and turned to his back and asked, "Maki, are you alright?"

Maki got up from the floor, with all her wounds completely healed.

"Yes, Sensei," she said as she brushed dust off her clothes.

As they were walking back to the capital, Maki was still curious and confused about the experience that transpired already.

"Sensei, what's going on and what's wrong with Jason?," she later asked, as a result of getting knocked out from lack of oxygen due to Jason's strangling.

"To be honest, this completely new to me too. I don't know much about what just happened, so I'm going to look for answers," he answered.

Seeing the anxiety in her face, Dante patted Maki's head to reassure her.

"Don't worry, as long as I'm here, nothing will happen to him or anyone else!!," he said while grinning.

"You still haven't apologized for cutting me!!," Maki pouted for being used as a test subject for Dante's plan."

"It's a good thing I used a smaller blade on you. Sorry about that though," he apologized to Maki for slashing her neck earlier on.

But even Dante knows that this issue was more than a petty demonic possession and needed to be settled as soon as possible.

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