Monster Five

Chapter 13: A lie: Part 2

"Well well well, look who we have here!! It's the legendary Light Stabber!!," said the unknown figure, silhouetting behind the cover of smoke from the attack earlier on.

"I appreciate the compliment, Stoxius. However you know very well why we are here," said Dante, signaling his knights to prepare for another attack.

"I'm surprised you were able to find me this quick. But news flash, I already have the Chaos Mana!! Hahaha!!!", laughed Stoxius like a cynical demon after appearing from the smoke in a different appearance.

He had an unusual look from before; instead of a calm, inclusive person and teacher, he was now a deluded and crazy being who looked like he was ready for a bloodbath.

The striking part of his new appearance is the cloak of darkness covering his body like a robe and he had developed fangs and his blonde hair became more spiked and had blood red eyes and dark zig-zag scars running across his face and right arm.

"I can now finally achieve my true power and make Amberland fall on its knees as my throne!!," Stoxius said hysterically, but paused and turned to Jason with a malicious look.

"You!! You're the one who activated the ritual early!! I will make you pay for that!!", he yelled and rushed towards Jason to attack at blistering speed.

Fortunately, Jason was safe; this is because Dante also reacted to shield him from Stoxius' dark mana attack at a super fast speed.

"Men!! Get the kids and Madam Yumi out of here now!!," Dante ordered his knights and the quickly responded to their order and took everyone else out of the fight zone.

"Thank you, Sir! It's really cool with the way you reacted to his attack. But what's wrong with Sensei Stoxius?? I'm scared!", Jason said in worry but still showed a sense of courage.

"No need to worry! I'm here, after all!!," Dante assured the young lad with a big grin but quickly turned to a serious face.

"Take note. Whatever it is that you have that he wants, he will clearly target you. So you're staying with me! But no matter what, do not leave my side! Do you understand?," Dante asked Jason, who nodded in agreement.

"Good boy! Now get ready!! He's coming this way!!," he told Jason as Stoxius recovered from the hit from Dante, still fazed.

"I'LL MURDER YOU ALLLL!!!", he screamed as his dark cloak continued to cover him and manifested gigantic hands.

"Curse Dance!!", he yelled and his large projections became numerous hand-like figures and launched towards the duo in rapid succession.

"Dodge!!," Dante yelled and drew his sword to counter the attack.

"Rapid Strike!!," he yelled and his sword started glowing white and he was cutting Stoxius' projections at an incredible speed.

Jason quickly dodged the attack but unfortunately, one of the hands grabbed his leg and threw him towards a rock.

"Ugh!!," Jason shouted in agony and held his head from the impact and fainted.

"Kid!! No!!," Dante shouted after realizing what had happened while fighting off his enemy's attack but one hand knocked him off his feet and the rest consecutively landed on him.

"Berserk Barrage!!," Stoxius seemed to have named the attack he launched on the Diamond-ranked Knight.

"Guk!!," he uttered in extreme pain in the ground and looked up towards Stoxius who towered over his prize on the air.

"Mwahahaha!!," Stoxius cracked in laughter and poised his projection towards Jason's unconscious body.

"Now!! Time for the killer blow to retrieve what rightfully belongs to me!!," he said and hurled his projected hand, now a sharp pointed weapon over 5 meters away from Jason.

"NOOOO!", Dante yelled but later collapsed from the pain he received from the blows.


Stoxius landed his hit. He had killed Jason. Dante was left in shock about the result. It was all over.

Or so he taught.

Unfortunately for Stoxius, his attack didn't really hit Jason, because Jason had awakened his own dark cloak unwillingly but still not conscious.

"Wh-what's the meaning of this??!! I'm the only one supposed to have the Chaos Cloak!!", he yelled in fear.

Jason then opened his eyes, which were dark and had a look of evil and glanced Stoxius with the intention to kill.

"You simple life-form! You really thought you could destroy my vessel! He is mine now!!," a dark and sinister voice came from Jason that even gave Stoxius the chills.

He grabbed Stoxius by the throat and tossed him so hard and strong that Stoxius broke two gigantic deadwood trees from the impact.

"Now, then!! Time to end you!!," 'Jason' said and positioned himself in an attack position.

"No!! This can't be happening!! Of all the people, why this little brat?!," a confused but furious Stoxius yelled towards 'Jason' and rushed towards him.

But 'Jason' was too quick for him and dodged his attack and appeared behind Stoxius and used his own dark projection to strike him on the ground.

Still levitating in the air, he summoned two gigantic hand projections and controlled a lot of dark mana in the form of a ball and aimed toward Stoxius.

"Dark Orb!!," 'Jason' yelled and blasted the dark energy towards Stoxius who tried to shield himself from the attack but was hurled by the huge energy far away from the forest.

"Arghhhhh!," Stoxius screamed and was tossed towards the horizon.

Then suddenly, Jason's Chaos Cloak disappeared and he became unconscious and started falling from the air.

Dante, having regained consciousness earlier on and watched the entire fight, rushed towards the young boy free-falling.

"There!! I got you!!", Dante shouted and caught Jason mid-air, who seemed to have recovered from the barrage of attacks he received earlier, and landed safely with Jason.

"This kid is indeed special! I need to see for myself what this boy is capable of myself!!," Dante thought to himself while watching an unconscious Jason in his arms.

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