Chapter 6: 06. The strongest mom in making (1)
"Inko-mom, your food is really delicious; next time teach me how to cook something this delicious, okay?" Da Vinci said enthusiastically, Inko, who heard that, smiled; she felt like she had the daughter she had always dreamed of.
"Okay, starting tomorrow I will teach you how to cook like this, even though I can only cook home cooking, but by the way, Izuku, how is your training?"
"Good, I can feel my progress.At most I still feel a little sore, but because of Arash's skill, I can ignore this soreness. Oh yes, Mom. When will you join the training with us?I remember that you will also be training with me, right?"Inko could only blush because before Izuku awakened his quirk, Inko firmly said that she would accompany Izuku in training.
"Ah, good idea, don't worry, Inko-mom, I will accompany you in training. After doing this exercise for 3 months, I guarantee your skin will be firmer, your hair will be silkier, and most importantly, your quirk will become stronger."Inko, who heard this, could only be amazed. If it's true that training will make Inko stronger, why not?.
"Is there really such a training? I don't know if I can do it; you know I work from morning till evening, so I don't have time; at most I can do it on the weekends."
"Ah... you're worried about that; actually, there are some alternatives I thought of. Are you free at 8pm? If you had that much free time, I could borrow a book from Saint Martha and make you the strongest mother in the universe."
"Huh? At that time I am free, but is it true that I can become strong? I don't want to hinder Izuku when he becomes a professional hero."
"Okay, we will start your training tomorrow, Inko-mom. I hope you are ready."Inko, who heard that, could only nod while thinking whether she had made the wrong decision.
Not long after they finished dinner, the servants then started to disappear one by one, and Izuku returned to his room.
On his desk lay his hero notebook, a book that recorded all the hero quirks Izuku had ever met."My quirk is very unique; in general, I have the abilities of the hero that is in my body, but when Da Vinci used the ritual, I felt there was another hero there, which is obstructed by imaginary numbers of space and time. Hmm, can I access them once I know the mechanism? I don't know; I'm more curious about Saint Martha, who Da Vinci mentioned earlier. She probably has abilities that are no less than the others."
Izuku also wrote in his book about his experiences in his training earlier; his body felt a little sore, indicating that he was getting stronger."Thirty minutes. After thirty minutes I'm going to sleep. I still don't know how to use reinforcement properly. Should I use reinforcement by releasing a lot of mana at high speed? Hmmm, I'll try it tomorrow. Now I'll try reinforcing this book."
Izuku tries to train his reinforcement because he thinks that this skill will be useful in the future. And maybe because of the effect of his skill, Izuku easily strengthened his book.
"Hmm, so that's how it is. I can use this easily now. The mechanism is filling the gaps in the molecules, but if I give it too much mana, then what will happen is destruction. All reinforced objects will explode if they exceed the maximum limit of 'mana.' "
At least this gives Izuku the idea that he can make a bomb easily by simply reinforcing another object and giving a lot of mana to the object."Ugh, I need to sleep now. I can't wait for tomorrow because every 2 days Sasaki Sensei will teach me how to fight using weapons. I can't wait to try Eternal Arms Mastery," Izuku said as he went to his bed to rest.
Meanwhile in Izuku's subconscious.
It looks like 7 people are discussing the information obtained by Arash and Bedivere. They all have their respective tasks: Leonidas to train Izuku's body and Sasaki to train Izuku's weapon skills. And Achilles will teach Izuku hand-to-hand combat that suits his Noble Phantasm Diatrekhōn Astēr Lonkhē.
"So I've gathered some information. When Bedivere and I investigated the quirk outbreak case, we found out that there was a mastermind behind all of this; someone was controlling all of this. It seems that this is the task that Izuku will carry out, his destiny. "—Arash
They nodded; this made sense because they all believed that the reason why they were here had something to do with the enemy Izuku was going to fight. Maybe Alaya in this world asked for help from Alaya in the other world?
Moreover, is Alaya really here? No one knows for sure.But one thing is for sure: their powers are not restrained by Gaia, so the possibility of Alaya existing is also slim.
Back to the topic, Arash and Bedivere explained that they received information from a bartender that said there is a new organization that is recruiting people; the organization is called the League of Villains.
"Hmm, interesting. Maybe I can sneak in there and secretly kill the leader, meh. Not a bad idea," Sasaki said while folding his arms with an indifferent expression.
"No, we can't interfere unilaterally; only when Izuku is in danger will we act. Moreover, we can use this League of Villains as a stepping stone for Izuku." - Leonidas
"I agree, so now let's get back to the topic, Inko. We have to make Inko-mom stronger. I plan to give Inko-mom the Galvanism magic crest like Izuku, but I don't know if she can withstand the pain well. That's why I plan to train Inko-mom with Jacob's limb; I will start the ritual asking Saint Martha to give me the Jacob's limb instruction book." - Da Vinci
"Damn, were you serious about that? I thought you were just kidding. You know Jacob's limb is too broken for this world, but we can make Izuku learn together with his mother." - Achilles
"Well, I want to make Inko-mom stronger, so strong that no one can hurt her, you know. I started to be fond of Inko-mom. She's kind, too kind. Oh, and also, we also have to start helping to make money. I already have some quick money-making alternatives. I will write a novel. I don't know what you guys will do, but we have to help this family, our family." - Da Vinci
"I will be a fisherman; my mother is the goddess Thetis. I know the sea better than anyone else." - Achilles
"I will try to be a gym instructor, but what about our identity? We can't apply for a job if our identity is not here." - Leonidas
"Good question, actually. I've done it. I've hacked the government database and given us all our identities, so don't worry; we just need to report the loss of our ID cards." - Da Vinci
"Well, that's better, since Achilles became a fisherman, and Leonidas became a gym instructor. I think I'll apply to be a bodyguard." - Arash
"I will also apply to be a driver; I don't have many talents, so I can only use the talents I have." - Bedivere
"You know what, I and Lancelot won't be working; we'll focus on the safety of Izuku and his mother."
"Well, that could work. We've made our choice, so now we just work at our own pace."
"Well, I can't wait to train Izuku either, hahaha."
Meanwhile, Izuku, who was already asleep, suddenly sneezed.
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