Chapter 19: 19. i become a vampire? she bite me
Woohoo! 200 collection, bro. I don't even know when I started this fanfic. I get more than 200 people who bookmark this garbage.
So how about this!
Next Week.
If we enter the Power Stone ranking, I will give more chapters.
Just being in the top 200 is okay, I even thought it was impossible, getting into the top 200 is difficult.But yeah I just want to upload more chapters but don't want to release them because, that's my backup in case I get sick or get busy and can't write.
But , if we have a goal there is a hole!! I maybe an asshole but you still read this whole.
Izuku POV
Finally I arrived home; on the way home there was a strange person; I could feel that he was strong. But his body was destroyed like that; maybe he's a retired hero who fought a powerful villain and survived with injuries that forced him to retire.
I hope he's okay, but the most important thing now is to learn magecraft from Da Vinci. I'm ashamed to admit it, but Da Vinci is my sister now, so yeah, I have to say "Onee-chan" so she will teach me about magecraft.
What a shame, though; I am already at the stage of learning transmutation and displacement magic.
"Da Vinci, can we start our magecraft training? I can't wait to learn transmutation and displacement magic."
Da Vinci smiled at me with a smug smile. She said, "Where is Onee-chan, Izuku-chan?"
Sometimes I hate this, but! For this time, in order to learn transmutation and displacement magic, I will follow her request.
"Onee-chan, When do we start magecraft training? I can't wait...fuck, I hate it, kill me already, ugh..."
"Of course, Izuku-chan, super-duper invincible genius Da Vinci Onee-chan is ready to help you, hehe. Now let's start.
"Yes, hurry up; I want to learn a musical instrument again soon. For some reason I'm currently interested in playing the guitar."
Then Da Vinci and I started our training.
3rd POV
Elsewhere, in a hidden place with many life-supporting facilities, where the faceless man lives.
A figure of a man appeared carrying a Nodachi; his movements were fast, so fast that if the faceless man didn't have a detection quirk, he wouldn't be able to see the man's movements.
"What do you want, swordsman? I don't think I have a problem with you. I'm a person who is already at death's door; I wouldn't want to deal with you if I could avoid it. So explain what you want."
"You know what, your way of looking at me with a superior gaze makes me sick; if I wanted to, I could kill you now, but no, I will wait until the time comes. Your time of death has been set; the countdown has started."
The faceless man chuckled a little; without warning, he immediately attacked Sasaki. His fingers lengthened and became sharper like black tendrils. Sasaki, who saw this, grinned; finally he got what he wanted: fighting without restraint.
Quickly all the fingers pointing at Sasaki were cut off; the speed even surprised the Faceless Man. Even though his fingers regenerated, it was still rare for any of them to penetrate his defenses.
"Hey, what's your name? I don't want to fight with a corpse that has no name." Sasaki's words made the faceless man chuckle; he then said,.
"Many people have forgotten about me. I am the demon king who rules the underworld. I'm all for one!"
Getting his answer, Sasaki entered his stance. Then, as if he had received a shock attack, All for One was shocked; his hands and feet were cut off. It was so cleanly cut off that even his body thought it never happened.
"All for one, huh? Here I thought that you were stronger; turns out you are just a small fry. Then I will hand your life over to my disciple later." With that, Sasaki disappeared again; he didn't forget to take Nana Shimura's body from there.
After Sasaki disappeared, Doctor Garaki came for help. He took the Nomu and Shigaraki to the All for One room.
But when he got there, the room only showed damage from All For One's attacks, especially his Rivet Stab quirk attack.
"Master, where is the intruder? Have you defeated him? My master is indeed great; no one can escape from him."
All for one was silent; he himself didn't know Sasaki's true motives; he only knew that Sasaki took Nana Shimura's body.
"No, he ran away; this is the first time I've met someone strong other than All Might. It looks like you have to find out who he is, Doctor."
All for one. Then he continued his words.
"Look for a man in a kimono; he carries a Nodachi, and his hair is purple. I want to get the answer tomorrow."
Doctor Garaki just nodded. How hard is it to find someone like that when you dive into the government system? The answer is not easy, but it is not difficult either.
???? POV
This world is unfair; they impose their will on others. They don't think about whether other people feel hurt or uncomfortable because they can't express their true selves.
I want to live in a world where I can express my true feelings. I want to be able to love that person. He, he, he, his bright red blood makes me feel an unstoppable desire to love him, drinking his blood and becoming him. Ahhh, I want to feel it.
But all that can't be done. I know my love is strange, but I really love him. I will do everything to be able to love him.
But when I express myself to him, other people don't accept that side of me. They think of me as a freak, a demon, a despicable creature who has no right to live, even though I just want to express my feelings.
"I hate this world. I want to destroy this world and create a new one. A new world where people are free to express themselves without being considered weird."
I walked again, walking into the mountains, where people like me felt accepted; no one would call me a monster.
I don't know how long I walked, but my vision started to fade, my stomach growled, and my body felt weak. Am I going to die here? No, I'll just take a nap; I'll sleep in that bush.
"Your morning eyes, I could stare like watching stars; I could walk you by, and I'll tell without a thought."
I heard a voice, a sweet singing.
'Whose voice is that? He is singing this song... Beautiful.'
"You'd be mine. Would you mind if I took your hand tonight? Know you're all that I want in this life."
I walked towards the sound; the closer I got, the more I heard the song. I saw him. Saito? Did I die and was greeted by Saito? Did Saito accept my love? I... I don't know what to do.
"I'll imagine we fell in love. I'll nap under moonlight skies with you. I think I'll picture us, you with the waves, the ocean's colors on your face."
Saito, do you really accept my feelings? I want to feel your love once again. Let me feel your love, Saito.
"I'll leave my heart with your air, so let me fly with you. Will you be forever with me?"
Yes, I will always be with you, forever, Saito. I love you.
I ran excitedly, then grabbed his shoulder and bit it; the taste of this blood was different; he...wasn't Saito. What did I do? No...I don't know what happened to me. Ugh, my head hurts.
Izuku POV
WTF just happened?
"Oh shit, I just threw my guitar. I hope my guitar is okay. More importantly, who the hell is she? Wait a minute , will i become a vampire? She just bite me ,oh hell nah.."
Support me, hehe (´-﹏-`;),