Chapter 16: 16.Reality Check (2)
3rd POV
Hawk and Da Vinci get to know each other; Hawk, who is a fan of Da Vinci, finally asks for his autograph.
He, Hawk, with Da Vinci's signature smile, Hawk also asked why Da Vinci set the hallucinogenic gas trap, to which Da Vinci replied that she was afraid someone would infiltrate.
A well-founded fear, considering Da Vinci's famous work, was probably what convinced Hawk of all the strange things that had happened to him while he was here.
They talked about Da Vinci's novels. Even Hawk got a leak about where Ritsuka Fujimura will go in the next volume.
Hawk, who was busy chatting, finally realized that it was starting to get dark. With a heavy heart, he said goodbye to Da Vinci; he smiled and waved his hand and then flew away.
Hawk, who was about to go home, remembered that Mirko was still on the beach, lying unconscious.
Hawk quickly made a turn to where Mirko had fainted. Shortly after, Hawk could see Mirko unconscious; he then took Mirko flying to the nearest hospital.
Mirko POV
Ugh, my head. Where am I? Hmm, am I in the hospital? Ugh, my body is so sore. It's all because of that damn old man.
Next time I'll beat him up, but come to think of it, he doesn't look like an old man. But why does my instinct tell me he's like an old wolf?
"But the old man is not very old, so he is not an old man? Meh, to hell with that. I want to ask him for a rematch; I can't accept that I lost just like that!"
With a grin, I tried to get up from this hospital bed, but something surprising happened: my legs were shaking, shaking so hard that I almost fell. What happened? Is this because of my last attack? My legs are getting numb like this.
"Damn it, how hard was that old man's shield? That thing made my legs feel numb after the collision. Damn you, old man! I will find you, and I will beat you black and blue; just you wait."
I will definitely defeat him; I will not accept this defeat. Leonidas, huh? I will remember your name.
Hmm, who is that? I turned towards the noise and saw Hawk standing there carrying a tray of food.
"Oh, you're awake. Finally I can go home in peace; can you explain why you fainted on the beach?" Hawk asked me; I then explained to him why this could happen.
"So, I was annoyed with that bastard Achilles, and then I asked him to fight; he said he would fight me at Takobah Beach. Of course, I was happy that he wanted to fight me. But I waited for a long time, and he never came; surely that bastard was scared."
"So because I was angry, I saw someone there. The old man was also strong; I could feel it. And when I asked about that bastard Achilles, he seemed to know Achilles, so I attacked him. But damn that shield, it's so hard; I don't know what it's made of. Hey, do you know where he is now? "
I saw Hawk turn his face away; it seemed like he knew. Haha, this bastard doesn't think that I don't realize that he knows; well, then I'll just force him to spit out his answer.
"Hawk, quickly spit out where that bastard Leonidas is; I will have a rematch with him. This is the first time I have felt this passion to challenge someone other than All Might."
Hawk turned his face away again; he then put the tray on the table and darted out away from me. Hawk bastard, wait for me to get better; I will pull out all the feathers on your wings.
"Well, but at least I know that Leonidas is in this city; I just have to patrol a few times, and I will definitely find him. This city is not big enough for me, hahaha."
3rd POV
"Inko-mom, are you ready? I have made preparations to be reborn; don't worry, I have also made our relationship clear; I will become your eldest child."
Inko nodded; she hugged Da Vinci tightly and then said, "Yes, come back quickly, okay?"
With a smile, Da Vinci activated her ritual; light shone brightly from the circle of the diagram, and slowly but surely, Da Vinci's body gradually began to turn into particles.
As the last particle of Da Vinci disappeared, the homunculus body inside the tube opened its eyes; with a slight movement from the homunculus, the tube opened by itself.
Inko, who saw this, immediately ran and hugged Da Vinci. Da Vinci, who felt the warmth of Inko's affection, hugged her back tightly while saying, "I'm back, Mom."
"Umm, welcome back, my daughter."
Inko and Da Vinci finally came out of the basement, heading towards the living room. In the living room there is Izuku and the other servants.
"Hmm, somehow I feel something is wrong. Wait a minute, did Da Vinci dye her hair?" Achilles asked skeptically.
"No, no, no, try guessing again," said Da Vinci with a smug smile.
"I'm sure you've successfully created a Magic Crest for Inko!" Sasaki said while crossing his arms.
"That's right, but there's one more thing that's different: why are you guys very dense?" Da Vinci, she said as she stamped her foot on the floor angrily.
Seeing Da Vinci's behavior, the other servants could only smile; they knew that Da Vinci might be a narcissistic person, but she could be relied on in critical situations.
Izuku, who heard Da Vinci's words, was silent. He then approached Inko and stared at her sharply.
"Mom, Don't tell me you made Da Vinci my older sister, and the current Da Vinci is Da Vinci who took over a homunculus body with the same DNA as me."
"Pinpo pinpo! That's right, fufu. I'm your older sister; now call me Onee-chan." da Vinci said with a smug smile.
"Noooo, wake me up from this dream, please; this is all not real; this is just a nightmare; there's no way I have an older sister with a narcissistic character."
Sasaki patted Izuku's shoulder and then said, "Izuku, you are not dreaming; this is reality. Accept this reality. Ha ha ha."
"Damn you, Sasaki, wait until I can master Tsubame gaeshi; I will defeat you," Izuku said passionately while clenching his fists.
While Izuku and Sasaki were arguing, Da Vinci with a smile said to Izuku. "Izuku, as your older sister, I will give you all my abilities; use them wisely, because if you don't, I will punish you."
"Mom, can we refund this whole Sister thingy?" Izuku turned to Inko in hopes of changing her mind. Inko didn't want to disappoint Izuku, so she smiled and said, "Sorry, no refunds."
"Yahoooo, that's what Mom said, Izuku. Accept your defeat!" Da Vinci was so happy that she jumped up and down.
Even though Izuku seems to reject Da Vinci as his older sister, deep in his heart he already considers Da Vinci as his older sister.
"Well, welcome home then, Da Vinci on-one-chan. Fuckkkkkkkk, please, anyone, kill me!!!"
"Nope. This is hilarious." - Achilles
"Sorry, but we can't do that." - Arash/Bedivere/Leonidas
"Kiddo, say it again. What is that, Da Vinci? What? Hahahah" - Sasaki
"I hate you guys."
"We know, we love you too, Izuku."
"No homo though."
Support me hehe (´-﹏-`;),