Marvel: Spiderman, family life

Chapter 11: 11

Most of Heroes present could not accept what they were seeing on the holografic screen, especially the fantastic family, which were the ones who, the best relationship had had with Spiderman. 

The first to react violently were the fantastic family followed by the different carriers of the arachnid totem that were present. 

The two aforementioned groups tried to attack the barrier immediately after reacting, being quickly arrested by the rest of the heroes present. 

'' Because you stop me, you don't see that we are trying to save Spiderman. '' Susan's hysterical cry represented all the people who were trying to break the barrier with all their might. 

'' I know they try to save it, but we cannot put the entire city at risk, it is not something that the boy would like to see. '' I speak the Captain America and only with those words he achieved successfully to stop all who tried to save Spiderman so violently. 

Those who were trying to save Spiderman stopped not because they listened to the captain, but because they knew that he was right, Spiderman would never put his life safe in exchange for the life of innocents, that characteristic of him is something they hated a lot, But just that characteristic distinguished it from the other heroes.

Having calmed the emotions of the group, the captain and the others continued to watch the screen waiting for more information since for a moment the villain named Solus only seemed to be absorbed some of Spiderman. 

At least so far.

'' You know insect, in a skewer, when I arrive in this world with the aim of making a deal with you, I did not expect that the most important of the Network of the Network of Life and Destiny was dead and that someone someone else But he was occupying his body, it was really a horrible surprise, at that time I thought about leaving this place. '' Solus

'' And why ... you didn't leave ... Ock .. ''. Spiderman

'' Wait a minute, what the hell, so that he served his memory. Do not tell me that their powers are so useless as not to be able to distinguish a body occupant. '' Tony's tone was obviously angry. At first when they proposed to review Spiderman's memory he hoped there was something wrong, so he could justify Spiderman's behavior. Although Spiderman did not like it, I was still a great partner in critical moments, at least he would more easily trust Spiderman than any of those present.

'' Tony, you don't understand our skills so you don't speak, probably the person who controlled Spiderman had some skill or device that blocked memories during his body occupation. '' Somewhat upset by Tony's insults, I explained Emma her supposition that they could not detect that there was an intruder in Spiderman's body. 

'' Silence, we must hear that both are talking to gather information. '' Strange kindly asked both of them to be silent to listen, being that the two also knew that they could not discuss at this time.

'' And why ... you didn't leave ... Ock .. ''. I speak Spiderman

'' Uncle Peter is suffering. '' Valeria told her brother, who tightly clenched her fists, because even with her incredible powers she could not break a simple barrier, that frustrated him a lot. 

The heroes close to the children said nothing, they knew that this is not the right time to speak, especially because of the sensitive scene that is happening right now in the hologram.

'' You know insect, it was quite interesting to know that you were descending, so I tried to see if they could absorb their essence, but apparently the network of life and destiny pays special attention. '' I speak Solus. 

The heroes simply could not believe that the person who expected the least had children, even Strange did not know, but although they were surprised they felt more curious to know who had children Spiderman, many of the heroes present tried to remember people with the Spiderman had relationships close, ignoring those who were married or had a boyfriend. 

The heroes were so undertaking in their speculation that they did not realize the nervous and tense gaze that Susan Storm had at the time they mentioned the children of Spiderman. 

Nervous that he knew that his children were in danger and tense because he still did not find a way to tell Spiderman that the children were their children, for a long time that I knew that they were not their children because he is impotent in that part , apparently the space rays caused irreversible damage in that part.

'' Al..ej..a..te .... d..e ... ell..os ''. I speak Spiderman.

Spiderman's attempt to move caused them a strange sensation of hardship to the heroes, especially when it was immediately immobilized.

'' An even more interesting thing I found out while investigating was that he managed to know his name, you want to know them, calm, I will not leave you with the beneficial one of the doubt, their names were, Valeria and Franklin of the Baxter Tower, there were also also Rachel, Phoebe, Sophie, Esme, Celeste and Irma of Krakoa Island and finally but no less important, tun, tun, you know who, that you do not expect it, are the children of the scarlet witch who manifested for the desire From his mother, you know what I planned to do if the network of life and fate would not have protected them, kill them very slowly and you know who would have been to blame for their deaths, you, you, you and only you, because you couldn't Protect your children. '' I speak Solus.

'' Yes, yes, yes, yes, I knew we were children of Tio Peter, I say Papa, hahaha, incredible. '' Franklin's voice sounded extremely excited and jumped everywhere next to an equally excited Valeria. 

In comparison with the mood of children, adults did not know what to say, they were stunned in every way of the word. But fate would never allow its protagonists to remain distracted for a long time. 

An exploitation is heard was heard in the place where the heroes were while a bomb -loaded glider bombing the place where the heroes were.

'' They die, die, die, damn spinning spider, they must die, the only necessary spider is my unborn son, Spiderman, all his descendants must die, he just must have time to play with me, hahahahahahahahahahahaha. '' Standing on the glider was a man similar to an elf, who kept throwing bombs right and left while he opted wildly.

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