Marvel Multiverse System

Chapter 9: CHAPTER 9: The birth of the Green Goblin

"Oscorp will soon overtake Stark Industries as the largest weapons supplier to the United States military. In other words, ladies and gentlemen of the board, revenues are up there, costs are down there and our shares have never been worth so much."

"Ladies and gentlemen, we at Oscorp have a new future ahead of us!!"

Norman was in the center of the council meeting room, speaking eloquently, behind him was a projection talking about the disappearance of Tony Stark.

All the directors on the board of directors looked at each other, and the oldest director finally spoke.

"This is great news, which is why we have decided to sell Oscorp to Stark Industries."

"What...?" Norman's smile gradually disappeared, and he couldn't believe his ears.

The elderly director had no expression on his face, but continued: "The military is disappointed with our progress, they are going to cancel the contract they have with us. Stark's current controller has offered very good acquisition conditions, so we will sell the company, that would be the most profitable way."

"And why didn't you tell me that?" He asked, still perplexed by the situation.

"The last thing you want is a power conflict with an entrenched administration." The white-haired man replied.

"Hehe..." Norman laughed angrily, his figure couldn't help but tremble, and his smile gradually turned cold: "You guys can't do this to me! I started this company!"

"Do you know how much I sacrificed for this?!"

Not even the board of directors informed him before taking this decision and action, as if they considered themselves clowns, which undoubtedly made him lose control of his emotions even more.

"Norman Osborn..." The old director ignored Norman's anger and instead directly called Norman by his full name: "The military is very disappointed in us because of you."

"Look at what you've done. So far you haven't gotten any results from that strengthening experiment of yours. Did Curt Connors and Otto Octavius, men you recruited, produce any results from their experiments?"

"That's why the military is disappointed in us. That's why they might as well choose Stark Industries for its better efficiency and better quality."

"That's why we will announce the sale after the World Unity Festival."

Hearing this, Norman sighed faintly, sat down on the chair, his eyes almost overflowing with anger.


"Why are you in such a hurry, Norman?" Dr. Miller looked suspiciously at Norman, who rushed into the laboratory.

[A/N: I couldn't find his name, so I put anything that came to mind, if you know his name let me know.]

"We have to hurry." Norman went to the refrigerator and took out a tube with a green liquid inside.

Norman, who had thought enough, stopped at this moment. He remembered the expressions of mockery and disdain on the faces of those on the council.

He resolutely took out another tube of performance enhancer from the refrigerator. No one thought that this move would make Norman himself "disappear" completely.

"Use it on me!" Norman handed two tubes of medicine to Dr. Miller.

He never thought that Norman would be so anxious and crazy at that moment, he shook his head and refused: "No, we can't do that, the performance amplifiers are not ready yet, the data does not authorize the test yet."

"Stop being a coward, risks are part of experimental science." Norman replied while fiddling with the computers.

"Let me reschedule with the appropriate medical staff and volunteers. If you'll give me two weeks-" Dr. Miller continued trying to persuade Norman to stop but was interrupted.

"Two weeks?" Norman questioned.

"In two weeks we will have lost our contracts and Oscorp will be dead."

"Sometimes you have to do things alone." Norman spoke.

Norman didn't have time to wait. He quickly put medicine into the nebulizer by himself and then gradually walked into the huge chamber.

"Give me the promacrolaperasine."

[A/N: I had to rewatch this scene in Spider-Man 1 because I completely forgot what the name was and I didn't even know how to spell it hehehe, and I possibly wrote it wrong.]

"For what?" The man asked.

"It serves as a catalyst when the vapor reaches the bloodstream." Norman explained.

Norman held the vial while talking to himself.

"40,000 years of human evolution and we have barely explored the greatness of human potential."

He quickly took the contents of the vial and threw it on the floor.

"I'll definitely make it!" Norman said firmly after drinking the catalyst that would allow the enhancer to enter his blood faster.

"The progress of science is to try boldly, to start now, now!!"

Seeing that he was unable to persuade Norman to return, Miller had no choice but to walk to the control device. After a few moments, the device began to gradually turn the contents of the two tubes into gas and release them into the chamber.

Norman looked at the green mist gradually spreading from his feet, and his heart began to beat violently. As the mist spread throughout the chamber, Norman felt himself starting to have trouble breathing. He started to convulse and his eyes started to turn white.

On the computer, it could clearly be seen that all of Norman's muscles were gradually growing as the gas entered his body, and various data were also growing.

"Norman? Norman, are you okay??" Miller looked at the chamber behind Norma's figure, which could no longer be seen clearly, and asked, patting the chamber's glass.


The fog gradually dissipated, and the inside of the chamber gradually became brighter. Norman was lying on the stretcher without any reaction.

"Norman!!" Miller was in a hurry and rushed into the chamber, performing CPR on Norman's chest.

Suddenly, Norman opened his eyes, and grabbed Mille's neck. Miller was easily lifted into the air without even being able to react.

"It's not over!!" Norman roared, and then threw Miller out of the chamber. The glass broke instantly, Miller hit the wall, and several pieces of equipment in the way were also broken.

Norman looked at the pool of blood left by Miller's collision with the wall and showed a mad smile: "I feel like I was born again!!"


Norman's wicked, maniacal laugh echoed throughout the lab.


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