Marvel: Familia System

Chapter 82: Cheating Death Warrants a Lavish Party

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Nero, with Maria holding onto his arm, walked into the ballroom. The place was exactly what you'd expect from a Tony Stark-hosted event—sleek, extravagant, and filled with a who's who of wealthy elites, celebrities, and curious onlookers trying to squeeze into a picture with someone famous.

Behind them, Anthony and Sofia moved in sync, their hands loosely intertwined. Diego followed with his usual relaxed stride, scanning the room. His eyes gleamed slightly when he caught sight of a well-dressed man near the bar.

"Already?" Sofia asked under her breath, noticing Diego's interest.

Diego smirked, tossing her a playful wink. "I came here to have fun. Don't judge me for being efficient."

Anthony chuckled. "Efficient, huh? Let's hope your efficiency doesn't end with you getting slapped."

"Slapped?" Diego grinned, eyes gleaming mischievously. "Someone is being kinky."

Sofia rolled her eyes without missing a beat. "You're exhausting."

Anthony's glare didn't waver. "And you're begging for it."

"You're not my type," Diego quipped, shrugging as if he hadn't just tossed a live grenade into the conversation. He adjusted his blazer and smoothed out his sleeves, clearly more interested in the scenery than Anthony's irritation.

Ahead of them, Nero leaned toward Maria and said in a low voice, "Give it five minutes before Anthony starts regretting coming." Maria chuckled softly, her hand squeezing his arm as they moved deeper into the ballroom. The buzz of conversation surrounded them, punctuated by the occasional clink of glasses and bursts of laughter.

The ballroom had been arranged with Stark's signature over-the-top flair. Expensive chandeliers hung overhead, casting a warm glow across polished floors and elegantly dressed guests. Live music played in the background, blending seamlessly with the hum of chatter. Waiters weaved through the crowd, balancing trays of champagne and hors d'oeuvres with practiced ease.

"Anyone else feel like we're here for a high-end commercial shoot?" Sofia muttered, glancing around at the well-dressed elites posing for photos.

Diego grinned again, already scoping out his potential targets. "Relax, Sof. Just soak it in. You don't get invites to parties like these every day."

"Technically, we didn't even get invited," Anthony pointed out. "Nero did. We're just his plus-ones."

"And what a gracious plus-one I am," Diego said with a mock bow. "Think of it as me doing my part for morale."

"Your morale," Sofia shot back, plucking a glass of champagne from a passing waiter. "Don't drag us into your hunt."

Diego raised an eyebrow. "Oh, come on. Don't pretend you're not having fun watching me work." He caught sight of the man he'd noticed earlier at the bar—a tall, impeccably dressed gentleman who seemed to be waiting for someone. "Excuse me, friends. Duty calls."

As Diego slipped away, Maria glanced back at the group with a faint smile. "He's going to get into trouble, isn't he?"

"Most likely," Nero said, grabbing two glasses of champagne from another waiter and offering one to her. "But at least he'll enjoy himself while doing it."

Seeing Warren Worthington III seated at one of the desks, Nero, Maria, Anthony, and Sofia made their way toward him, leaving Diego behind to pursue his latest interest. Diego barely noticed them walking off, too focused on charming the man at the bar.

"Warren," Nero greeted with an easy nod as they reached the elegantly dressed blonde man, who looked up from his tablet with a small smile. Despite the formal attire, Warren looked relaxed, his angelic features always giving off an unbothered air.

"Nero," Warren responded, standing to shake his hand. "Didn't expect you to show up here. Tony throwing a party is one thing, but seeing you at one… well, I figured you had better things to do."

Nero gave a half-smile as Maria released his arm and accepted a few appetizers from a nearby waiter. "Tony's been throwing this 'new lease on life' bash all week. He sent the invite directly. Figured it wouldn't hurt to make an appearance, especially since some of us insisted on tagging along." He glanced pointedly at Anthony and Sofia.

Anthony shrugged. "Free drinks. No downside."

"Also," Sofia added, sipping her champagne, "Diego wouldn't shut up about wanting to find someone, so we figured we might as well supervise before he gets himself thrown out."

Warren chuckled, motioning toward the empty chairs at his table. "You all can sit. This room's got enough chaos without Diego adding to it."

Even Warren shuddered, thinking about Diego's infamous charm. The man had a track record for managing to bed even the straightest men, and judging by the glint in Diego's eyes, tonight wouldn't be an exception.

"Hope he doesn't stir up too much trouble," Warren said, leaning back in his chair. "I don't think Stark's security would appreciate a diplomatic incident involving seduced heirs."

Anthony, grabbing a chair beside Sofia, smirked. "If Diego's definition of trouble were that tame, we'd sleep better."

"Agreed," Sofia said, settling in with her drink. "But this is Diego. Trouble's basically his calling card."

"Still, I trust he'll keep things... relatively civilized." Nero sat down across from Warren, casually placing his glass on the table. "He knows where the line is."

"I hope so," Warren muttered, glancing toward the bar where Diego was already deep in conversation with the man he'd spotted earlier. "That line might be blurry tonight."

Tony entered with Pepper in his arms, Happy following a few steps behind, his expression a perfect blend of patience and exasperation with a red haired woman next to him. The crowd barely had a chance to react before the sound system blared Tony's pre-recorded voice over the speakers.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, it is I, Tony Stark, Iron Man!"

A ripple of laughter and applause swept through the room, the sheer audacity of the entrance earning both admiration and a few well-earned eyerolls from the less impressed attendees. Tony grinned, clearly enjoying every second of the attention.

"Never one for subtlety," Maria muttered, leaning slightly toward Nero, who responded with an amused hum as they watched Stark bask in the limelight.

"He throws a party for staying alive and enters like he's unveiling world peace," Sofia said, sipping her drink.

"And of course, a party wouldn't be complete without Pepper Potts—the brains, beauty, and endless patience behind everything Stark Industries accomplishes!"

Pepper's polite smile didn't falter, though there was a flicker of something in her eyes as she gave Tony a look that only someone who knew him well could interpret. Whatever silent message she sent, Tony ignored it, waving to the crowd with exaggerated flair.

As Tony and Pepper started mingling with the crowd, the red-haired woman who had accompanied them made her way toward Nero's group, her movements smooth and purposeful. She was dressed in a sharp, understated black dress, giving off a distinctly professional vibe without losing any elegance.

"Good evening," she greeted with a polite smile, her gaze briefly sweeping over each of them before settling on Warren. "Natalie Rushman, Mr. Stark's assistant. Mind if I join you?"

Warren nodded politely, gesturing toward the empty seat next to him. "Feel free, Miss Rushman."

Nero watched her without any outward reaction, casually sipping his champagne. Sofia leaned back in her chair, glancing at Anthony, who gave a barely perceptible shrug.

"Did Stark send you over to charm us, or is this just you scouting for the most interesting table?" Sofia asked, her tone light but with a hint of curiosity.

Natalie smiled, unfazed. "I like to keep tabs on who's who. Mr. Stark prefers his events lively, and it helps if I know who I'm dealing with."

"Ah, so you're the people-watcher type," Diego said, appearing out of nowhere with a fresh drink in hand, a satisfied smirk plastered on his face. He slid into an empty seat as if he had been part of the conversation all along. "Careful, Natalie. People who watch too closely tend to find things they wish they hadn't."

"Is that so?" Natalie responded smoothly, arching an eyebrow. "Sounds like experience talking."

"More like good instincts," Diego replied, raising his glass in a mock toast.

Nero cut in before Diego could push further. "You seem well-informed, Miss Rushman. I assume that means you've heard of Worthington Enterprises?"

Natalie's attention shifted back to Warren, her expression giving nothing away. "Of course. Mr. Worthington's reputation precedes him. Philanthropy, business innovation... and a certain exclusivity when it comes to partnerships."

Warren met her gaze evenly. "Exclusivity keeps things clean. Less noise, more results."

Natalie nodded thoughtfully. "Understandable. Though in Stark's world, exclusivity tends to attract more attention, not less."

Group ignored, turning their conversation as Natalie focused on Warren. Nero's gang knew her real identity, of course, but they had no intention of revealing it. It wasn't their style to hand over intel without a reason, especially not in a setting like this.

Anthony leaned slightly toward Sofia, eyeing her empty glass. "You're done already? You're not planning on staying sober, are you?"

Sofia arched a brow, unimpressed. "Unlike some people, I prefer not to embarrass myself in public."

"Relax," Anthony said, leaning back in his chair. "You don't need alcohol to embarrass yourself—you do it just fine sober."

"Careful," Sofia retorted, setting her empty glass down. "I might be sober now, but I've got no problem tripping you if you keep running your mouth."

Maria chuckled at their comparison in sight. Anthony was huge and thick, whereas Sofia was petite, but she still held the reins in their relationship. "Aren't you two the cutest?" she teased, then turned to Diego. "So, why did you come back early? Failed?"

Diego rolled his eyes, raising his glass in mock irritation. "As if that's possible. It was too easy, so I got bored."

The gang let out a collective, exaggerated "Ahh." They all knew Diego well—he liked challenges. Too easy meant no fun.

"You're such a perfectionist when it comes to your distractions," Sofia quipped, swirling the remaining champagne in her glass before setting it down on the table. "You sure it wasn't the competition?"

Diego leaned back, crossing one leg over the other in a relaxed posture. "Please. They were practically handing me their numbers. No thrill, no excitement, no point. I have standards, you know."

Anthony snorted. "Standards? Coming from the guy who once flirted with someone just because they quoted an obscure French poet at him."

"French accent is sexy, my friend," Diego shot back smoothly. "And they had excellent taste in wine. Don't hate just because my hobbies are more cultured than jotting down poems."

Anthony opened his mouth for a rebuttal, but Maria cut in, her tone amused. "Alright, boys, play nice. If Diego wants a challenge, I'm sure he'll find one before the night's over."

"Or create one," Sofia muttered, earning a smirk from Diego.

Natalie glanced at the group seated around her, unsure what exactly she had walked into. On paper, they didn't seem like Warren's usual company—relaxed, teasing each other without a hint of the uptight posturing that characterized gatherings like these. Yet, here they were, comfortably settled around the table of a man wealthier than even Tony Stark. Was this really the group he spent time with? There was something off about them, but not in the way she was used to. No one here tried to impress or outmaneuver the other; they acted like they belonged, as if these high-class surroundings were nothing more than background noise.

"Did you finish that drink already?" Anthony asked, catching Sofia's empty glass again. His tone was light, but the teasing intent was clear.

"You really keeping track of my drinks, or are you just bad at minding your own business?" Sofia shot back without missing a beat.

Anthony raised his hands. "Fine, fine. Point taken."

Diego snorted, already leaning back in his chair, swirling the drink lazily in his hand. "Can't blame him for trying to keep things lively. It's not like this party is buzzing with excitement."

Nero chuckled at the group. "Without Nigel, who will rein you in? Maybe I should call the old man."

"Please don't," Diego said immediately, holding up a hand as if Nero might actually pull out his phone. "I just got started, and the last thing I need is a lecture about 'moderation' and 'setting a better example.' Nigel's like a walking PSA."

"Walking PSA?" Anthony raised an eyebrow. "More like a mood killer with impeccable timing."

"He's efficient, unlike some people," Sofia added, aiming a pointed look at Diego. "Not that you'd know anything about that."

Diego grinned, unfazed. "Efficiently charming, maybe. Nigel's the kind of guy who'd show up at a wild party, drink water, and make everyone feel bad about it."

Maria laughed softly, leaning toward Nero. "You sure you don't want to call him? He'd probably have a field day watching these two argue."

Meanwhile, Natalie turned slightly toward Warren, lowering her voice so only he could hear. "You seem familiar with them."

Warren gave a slight nod, eyes scanning the room. "Business partners. Unofficial, but reliable."

"Interesting crowd for business partners," Natalie remarked, her tone neutral. "Not exactly the usual corporate types."

"Unusual doesn't mean unreliable," Warren replied smoothly. "They get things done when it matters."

Natalie didn't push further, instead shifting her attention back to the group. She didn't expect Warren to offer much, but the dynamic between him and Nero's crew intrigued her.

Tony and Pepper finally arrived at the table, Tony rolling his eyes exaggeratedly as he saw them. "Oh, it's you guys. What a pleasure!"

Pepper pinched his waist lightly, her voice carrying just enough warmth to balance out Tony's sarcasm. "Be nice."

"Glad you could make it," she said, addressing the group with a polite smile. "Seeing our shareholders at events like this makes us happy."

Tony couldn't help but snicker. "Although your math lacks a bit. Plus one means two in total, not five."

Nero laughed, not remotely offended. "Boss pays for the event, so we figured we'd squeeze you a little."

"And by squeeze, he means drink the expensive champagne," Diego added, raising his glass with a grin. "You know, doing our part to keep things lively."

Tony gave a mock-sigh. "You're lucky it's open bar. Otherwise, I'd have Happy escort you out for freeloading."

Diego gave Tony a charming smile. "Anthony here hasn't eaten anything for three days just for this event. You're in for some bad luck, Tony."

"Three days?" Tony raised an eyebrow, clearly entertained. "Impressive. That's dedication to freeloading I can respect."

"Don't encourage him," Sofia said dryly, plucking a fresh glass of champagne from a passing waiter's tray. "He's bad enough already without you giving him ideas."

"Hey, don't knock it," Anthony said, ignoring the jab. "You'll appreciate it when I save enough room to clear out the hors d'oeuvres later."

Maria shook her head with a laugh, leaning slightly toward Nero. "If they empty out your kitchen after this, I hope Stark doesn't send you the bill."

Nero chuckled, sipping his champagne. "Tony's got enough cash to handle a few missing snacks."

"Exactly!" Diego said, raising his glass in a mock toast. "We're doing him a favor by keeping things lively. Imagine how boring this place would be without us."

Tony smirked. "Yeah, because what this party really needed was more chaotic freeloaders. Thanks for the contribution."

Pepper, ever the diplomat, stepped in before Diego could fire back. "We're glad you all could make it. It's not every day we see shareholders mingling so… comfortably."

"Oh, we're a very relaxed bunch," Sofia said, tone light. "Except Anthony. He's uptight even when he's trying to unwind."

Anthony shot her a pointed look. "And yet, somehow, I still manage to have more fun than you."

"Fun isn't measured by how many drinks you can down before you embarrass yourself," Sofia retorted, taking a measured sip from her glass.

Meanwhile, Natalie, seated beside Warren, got up. "It was nice meeting you all. I'll greet other guests."


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