Chapter 111: Chapter 110: Rise of Heven
"You can't ever win if you're always on the defensive. To win, you have to attack!"
– Light Yagami, (Death Note)
<(Atem POV)>
"So, you are the infamous Angela? I have heard a lot about you. Your Queen talks highly of your talents, and by the looks of it, she was quite right to have such high expectations of you too. You definitely did not let her down." I praised the beautiful wingless woman standing in front of me before taking a peek at the Queen of Angels who was sitting patiently beside me with a graceful smile on her face. Noticing my gaze on her, she quickly nodded, thus confirming my words.
"Indeed, you completed your mission long before I expected you to. I knew you could handle the Hierophants, but I never thought you would be able to deal with them so easily and efficiently. Honestly, I was even prepared to participate in the battle myself if things turned sour. So, this definitely calls for a reward. Tell us what you want, and as long as it is within our power, we will most certainly grant it to you, you have my word." Michelle, the Queen of the Angels offered. She knew about my intentions and was aware of what I wanted from Angela since I had already told her about my... family background and who I truly was. So, she was actually doing me a favor by trying to ease her up about it.
"Thank you, my Queen. But I hadn't achieved this victory alone. It was a team effort, and I couldn't have done this without the help of the other angels, especially Cecilia and Adelaide." She politely answered before pointing at the two angels standing a few feet away from her.
"As a reward, the very fact that my achievements were recognized by the royal palace is enough for me. However, if you still insist on rewarding me, then I have a small request." Angela said before gesturing to a wingless angel standing behind her to come forward. "This is Sera, she is an Anchorite. But after a Hierophant priest cast a spell on her a few days ago, she was forcibly transformed into a female angel although she still doesn't have wings just like ordinary anchorites... and me." A look of sadness etched on her face after mentioning her lack of wings. "Anyway, as I was saying, she doesn't have anywhere to go now since she is neither a full female angel nor a full anchorite. So, I would like to ask the Queen if it is possible that she may remain with me instead of going back to the temple."
"You think we are going to send all the anchorites back to the temples after everything that happened? Hahaha. No, they are all free to live however they want. From now on, the anchorites will have all the rights as any other female angel. They are free to do whatever they want with their lives except for joining the military, that is. The truth is we would have allowed that too, but we all know that their numbers are quite limited. We can't have anchorites dying in battle amid the already declining population of the angels. But fear not, we are working on a more permanent solution. Once we can solve the declining population problem of the angels, we will gladly allow them to join the army as well." I declared before the Queen could respond, subtly making it clear that I had more authority in making decisions than her.
However, I noticed that not all of the faces in the throne room looked too thrilled at the possibility of the anchorites getting the same rights and freedom as the rest of them... Correction, most of the faces didn't seem happy at the fact that the Anchorites would no longer be regarded as "inferior" to them. I guess they were the same as humans in that regard. After all, almost every self-aware living being likes to have someone to hate and consider beneath them. That's just how society operates, they need someone to look down on so that they can vent the frustration and hatred of their daily lives on someone else. That is why some amount of racism, classism, or sexism will always exist in society.
So, that was the reason why I decided to throw them a bone to keep my new population happy so that they would not bother me with a revolt or something later. "However, you do not have to worry. I know about all your problems. I have heard about the ancient traditions of angels where Anchorites have to pray in temples so that dead angels have a chance to find an afterlife even though they do not have a soul. But worry not, I have a solution for that too. Instead of depending on a solution as inconsistent as a mere prayer, I can actually solve your problem... I will give each and every one of you individual souls as long as you accept me as your one and only true god." I announced as I took a peek at the system notification that had come earlier in the day. Of course, the notification informing me of the new skill upgrade I got was the only reason why I was brave enough to make such a daring commitment.
Immediately as I finished my announcement, murmurs filled the entire chamber. The angels did seem happy at the prospect of being free of the curse and getting their souls back but at the same time, they could not determine whether I was speaking the truth or not. It was clear from their excitement that they were ready to pledge their undying loyalty if it meant being free of their curse but at the same time, they at least wanted some sort of assurance that they were not going to get screwed up later on.
"... My Queen, is he speaking the truth? Can we really have souls?" One of the angel soldiers in the back spoke out with some hesitation as she looked at me with barely hidden fear in her eyes.
"He speaks the truth. He has already proved that he has the capability to do exactly what he says by giving me a soul. He can do the same thing for all of you too. As for what he wants in return, all he needs is for us all to pledge our loyalty to him. I will still be your Queen; the only difference from before is that he will now be your god, and our interests will be aligned." Michelle explained. "But don't make a mistake. Lord Atem has shown me that our accepting him as our god will be the start of a new grand order for the entirety of angel kind. He will not only help us rise back to being the supreme power in all ten realms but also free us from this prison of ours. He will cure our curse and help us get back more than just the power we have all lost. So, the question is are you all with me? Do you accept Atem as your god and protector for all of eternity? If yes, then show your determination by bending the knee. BOW SO THAT WE NEVER HAVE TO BOW AGAIN." The Queen announced with passionate fervor in her voice and as soon as her words ended, all the angels started to bow down one by one including even Angela and Sera.
"FOR THE ANGELS... FOR HEVEN... FOR ATEM" She declared making the angels cheer enthusiastically at which Michelle turned her face in my direction to give me a subtle nod, much like a child trying to seek appreciation from her parent. Of course, I just smiled and nodded back at this. She had done good, and I wasn't a shitty enough "parent" not to admit it.
"As for Cecilia and Adelaide, they have already been rewarded. Not only have I forgiven their past transgressions due to their dedication and achievements in the battle, but also, I have... perfected them by giving them new souls and making them a lot stronger than they were before. And now I want to do the same thing for all of you as well. I will end the curse placed on all of you by giving you souls, but I will only strengthen you if and only if you can prove yourself worthy of my power." I announced before releasing a silent exhale. "But all that will be for later. I will start distributing souls among you from tomorrow. For today, you should all go and celebrate since this will be the last day that you will have to bear your curse. From tomorrow, it will be a new start for this realm and its people." I concluded. "You can all leave now... You, however, Angela, I would like to request you to stay back. I have a couple of things I want to discuss with you, things that might concern both of our futures." I said while smiling reassuringly at her although the topics I wanted to discuss with her were quite serious.
I just hope I get a friendly sister out of this after I come clean with her, rather than a blood-thirsty woman who wants to kill me to prove herself to her long-lost daddy.
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