l♥️ve takes time

Chapter : Chapter 1

I woke up to a loud noise and faint chatter coming from across the next building opposite our house. Normally, I don't get up from bed early on a Saturday, but this Saturday morning got me really pissed.

I rolled on my bed and took a pillow to cover my face; blocking my ears with it. I desperately wanted to catch more sleep, maybe for another hour or so, before I wake fully. But the sounds from outside still continued to filter into my ears.

'Urgh!...' I muffled my scream into the pillow and sat up. Then I raised my phone beside me and saw that it was just 7:15am.

"What the hell" I grumbled under my breath and placed my feet into the flip flop slippers lying on floor beside my bedpost. Then I stood up, wore a t-shirt on the short knicker I was wearing and walked out of my room.

"Good morning Mom" I greeted, forcing a smile on my face when I saw her standing near the palour window; looking through it with her right hand behind her waist. She was six months pregnant for a baby girl who was going to be my very first sibling.

I still remember four months ago when my mom walked into my room with a wide smile on her face.

"Henry, what are you reading?" She asked, leaning her left shoulder on my room doorpost.

"Just a novel" I placed the book beside me on the bed and studied her face. "Why do you have that smile on your face mom?"

Then she straightened herself with the smile broadening even more and said, "Your going to have a sister" with her shoulders shrugged in excitement.

I jumped up from the bed with my jaw dropped in pleasant surprise.

"Your pregnant mom?"

"Hm-mm" she hummed with a chuckle, look at me as I rushed forward to give her a hug.

"Have you told dad about it?" I grinned, pulling away from our hug.

"I will, when he gets back from work." said my mom as she playfully cupped my cheeks.

That was the happiest moment I could never forget so easily...

"Hey hun.. You're awake" said my Mom in a teasing voice as she turned to look at me. My dad was nowhere in the palour; probably gone out to the office. He worked six days a week at a real estate firm and was earning just enough to provide for us.

"Yeah --" I rolled my eyes in response and moved forward. "And what's with the noise outside?" I asked.

"Uh... I guess a family is moving into the house nextdoor." My mom answered, pointing her right thumb over her shoulders at the palour window.

"Oh no" I sighed in regrets and rushed past her for the window; looking through it to see what was happening outside.

I could see a haulage van parked at the frontage of the neighbouring building with a guy removing boxes and carrying them into the house.

"It's a good thing right?" asked my mom who stood behind me.

"Noo, it's not" I turned to face her with a frown. Nothing was good about them moving into the neighbouring house -- not for me. If there was anything I cherished so much, it was my peace and quiet. I wasn't the type that loved to mingle or have people around. Even at school, I would always keep to myself.

"Mom... You know there's nothing good about those people moving in."

"Maybe it's what you need son" My my countered softly and placed her right palm on my left cheek. Then a warm smile broke through her lips. "Atleast now, you have neighbours to talk with when you're bored. Instead of staying indoors all day."

"But am not complaining" I muttered with my face gradually turning red. "And besides.. my little sister is on the way -- I'll have her to converse with"

My mom laughed and said. "I know, I know... But look, all am saying is that you should come out of your comfort zone -- meet people, make friends, just build memory son. I mean, you're 19 and I've never seen your friends."

"Fine" I sighed, more than I'd like to admit with my head lowered. My mom was right, I had no friend because I was an introvert -- always shy talking and meeting with someone. Book for me was my only companion and friend whenever I was lonely, bored or depressed.

"Go say hi to the new neighbours" My mom's voice broke out in a tease; causing my heart to skip a beat as I quickly lifted my gaze on hers.

"No!" I exclaimed with a high pitched voice that expressed my nervousness.

"C'mon.. Just hi and that's all. You can offer to give them a hand or something to show that they are welcomed" My mom grinned, playfully poking my left shoulder before turning me around to face the direction of our front door.

"Uh -- um.." I protested, trying to bring my steps to a stop as my mom continued giving me gentle push towards our palour door. Then I planted my feet on the floor and turned to face her. "Why don't we uh... Go together -- you know, like a mother son thing" I suggested with a nervous smile. But my mom found my words to be rather funny than sensible.

"I know, but I want you to go first. I can always go later in the day to say hi to them" She said with an amused chuckle and spun me around; twisting the door handle open with her right hand before giving me an unexpected push out the doorway with her left hand behind my back.

'No no.. don't stare please' I groaned in my mind as I stood stiff in front of our house entrance; staring at the guy who was about my age as he paused to look at me. Then he waved his right hand and I immediately faked a smile on my face and waved back at him from where I stood; still struggling to decide whether or not to take up my mom's advice.

"Henry" My mom's low whispering voice called to me from the palour window. "aren't you going over?"

"I WILL!" I growled under clenched teeth with my lips barely moving as I responded. Even my cheeks began to burn in annoyance at my mom's pestering voice. And why in heaven's sake was she still looking through the palour window?!

"Okay. But I want to watch you leave before I go into the kitchen" Her voice broke out again in a low tease and this time, more annoying than the first.

My breathing began to intensify with mixed feelings of nervousness and rage; I mean, 'what was the point of making friends with them when I could just go about my daily routine and mind my business?' The worst thing was that I had no say -- no power to question my mom!

So I moved forward, walking sluggishly to meet the guy who wore a wide smile and straightened to face me.

"Hi" I managed to say, bringing my steps to a stop in front of him.

"I'm Brian by name" he chuckled and extended his right hand for a handshake. "And you're?

"Henry" I shook his hand briefly and pulled my hand back; dipping it into my knicker pocket.

"So you guys are urm... moving in?" I asked, pinching my right leg inside my pocket to remain calm when I realised how stupid my question was. Even a child could do better than what I'd just said!

"Yes we are" Brian smiled with a steady nod of his head. "And I think I like the quiet of this environment -- compared to our last place that..."

Brian was still talking when my attention drifted as I caught sight of a girl as she came out of their house and was moving towards our direction to probably carry another box inside.

"Hi" I forced myself to smile when our eyes met as she approached.

She didn't reply my friendly greeting but turned to face her brother Brian. "Mom said you should be quick taking these inside." Then she lifted a box and walked back into the house without saying a word to me.

I must confess, I felt a bit embarrassed by her cold act. But what do I care, after all, I've gotten so many cold treatment from numerous girls - especially in my class.

"That's my elder sister Nora, she can be a bit annoying at times" Brian said as if apologizing on behalf of his sister for her snubbish attitude.

"No, uh.. it's fine" I chuckled with a shrug of my shoulders; faking a smile as though his sister's action didn't get to me when infact it did -- deep down I felt humiliated, like I should never have listened to my mom in the first place.

"So errm.. do you mind helping me carry this into the house?" asked Brian in a polite tone.

"Ye--yeah.. sure, let me" I nodded in agreement before we bent forward to carry some boxes.

'I hope you're happy mom' I murmured in my heart as I walked, following behind Brian who led me into their house. I just had that consciousness that my mom was still watching me from our palour window.


I had just dropped the box I was holding on the tiled floor of their spacious empty palour when I turned my head and noticed Nora coming out of their kitchen entrance with the collar of her shirt slightly damp with sweat. Then I straightened myself and stood erect; waiting for her to approach with my gaze fixed.

'Maybe she'll apologize for not responding to me earlier' I thought to myself, stylishly cleaning my sweaty right palm behind my short knicker. I was beginning to feel a bit nervous with every step as she drew closer.

"Thanks" Nora said in a voice that sounded almost exhausted as she stopped in front of me.

I shrugged my shoulders in a 'dont-mention' manner, smiling sheepishly and said, "it's the least I could do as your nextdoor neigh..." I stopped talking when I noticed her just pick up the box I'd just dropped and turned around without paying any attention to what I was about saying.

The wave of emotion swept over me; flushing my face with embarrassment as I stood motionless, just staring at her walking away -- walking past her brother Brian who glanced briefly at his sister as he came to meet me.

"Hey uh... You good?" He asked, studying the look on my face.

"Ye--yeah, um..." I stuttered, shaking my head to wade off the feeling. But I couldn't. It was now obvious that his sister either hated me or was just a pure snub!

"uh... Can I ask you a honest question?" These words flew out of my mouth without having to think them through; somehow, I'd reached my frustration limit.

"Yeah, ask" Brian urged with an attentive look.

"Is your sister always this way? -- I mean, rude to people?" I asked, studying his expression to see if he was angry at my criticism. But he just sighed and said, "Look, just ignore my sister -- she's always that way with anyone that seems to be my friend"

Friend?! -- he was seriously thinking am his friend because of what, I decided to lend a helping hand? Well, he can think whatever he wants, but all I know is that I was never going to be his friend nor friends with his family!

"how old is she -- I mean, your sister?" I asked out of curiosity - gesticulating my head over his shoulder as I caught sight of his sister Nora -- busily arranging the photo frames on the wall leading to their kitchen.

Brian turned halfway to look at his sister far behind, then he faced me and said. "She's 20, turning 21 next month.. two years older than me -- am 19. What 'bout you?"

"Same" I gave a plain response and retreated a step back. I was beginning to get bored, "Listen I uh.. I need to get back home -- my mom was about sending me on an errand" then I turned around to leave.

"You can come around sometimes this evening when we're done arranging. I have a Ps4 in my room, we can play together if you don't mind" Brian suggested, sounding very excited as he followed me out their entrance door.

"That's only if am free" I said with a polite hint of uncertainty, then I crossed over the road without telling him goodbye and entered our house; pushing the palour door close with my back before rolling my eyes in frustration.

"So?... How did it go with the new neighbours" My mom appeared, coming out of the kitchen to look at me with a wide grin on her face.

I pulled away from leaning on the door and moved forward. "I shouldn't have listened to you mom -- the other guy, his sister -- she's a snub" I groaned in frustration, walking for the bathroom.

"Hunny.." my mom started to say, slowly following behind as I approached the bathroom door. "You know, the change of environment, seeing a new face -- that's just enough to make that girl act snubbish. Just give them some time, they'll come around. Trust me." She paused her steps as soon as we reached, giving me a motherly smile the moment I turned to face her.

"Well, I hope they don't!" I retorted with my chest heaving from the rage that slowly welled up inside me. Then a frustrative frown grew on my face; bringing my eyebrows so closely together as I added. "I don't like them, and I don't want to ever have to go to their house ever again."

"Oh swdy, don't say that --" my mom clicked her tongue and held my left wrist with her right hand. Her gooey eyes heightened my emotion like I would break in tears at any moment; what even pained me the more was that I got flash backs of how Nora treated me. "Don't be to quick to judge someone you barely know nothing about"

A feeling crept into my throat, causing me to choke on my own breath with my lips parting in disappointment. Just when I thought my mom was going to maybe, console me or tell me something like 'Son, I'm with you - whether you want to make friends with them or not'. But instead, she was condemning me?!

So in annoyance, I forcefully pulled my left hand from her grasp and entered the bathroom; slamming the door shut before she could even say a word.

"Henry... Hunny, am sorry if I got you mad with what I'd just said" She apologized; her voice filtering into the bathroom as she tapped on the door. But I didn't give her a reply.

All I did was take off my clothes and stare at the large mirror hanging inside the bathroom wall to examine myself. I desperately wanted to know what was wrong with everyone, especially girls treating me like -- like, I don't even know the right word!

Or was it because of my looks? No, I doubt because looking at myself in the mirror I was okay. Although my physique wasn't that of a shouting muscular type, but I was just there -- a normal slender guy in his teen-hood. I wasn't thin so to say, just healthy. What I didn't make up for body weight, my height and handsomeness complimented it.

I'm 6 foot tall -- slightly taller than my mom and dad who'll usually tell me to consider playing basketball.

But the question was why; why doesn't anyone -- especially girls deem me attractive?!

'Pffff... Forget it Henry' I told myself with a deep sigh and walked to stand underneath the shower; turning it on with the warm water gushing hard over my body and down to my feet with my eyes closed in pleasurable relief. This was the only comforting thing for me right now!


Later that evening around 6pm, I sat beside my dad with my mom sitting directly opposite me in the dinning table.

"So your mom tells me you made new friends today?" My dad broke the silence, lowering his spoon on his plate and turned his head to look at me.

I paused my spoon halfway up my mouth and leveled the rice back on my plate; giving my mom a hard stare for having to lie to my dad. But she just smiled and nodded at me to respond. Well, I didn't want to ruin the moment or endure any long fatherly advice. So I had to admit, even if it wasn't true. Then i turned to face my dad and faked a smile, "Yes, I did -- the nextdoor neighbours who just moved in" and returned my head to give my mom a 'so-not-cool' face before picking up my spoon again.

"That's good son..." chuckled my dad as he patted my shoulder with his left hand and continued eating.

'Ding dong'

The sound of our palour doorbell echoed inside the dining room.

"Son.. can you check who's at the door?" My mom's voice broke out. Then I lifted my gaze from my plate to look at her. She gave a light rub of her protruding tummy with right hand, as if telling me she would have gone to check on the door if not for the baby she was carrying.

"Fine" I inhaled deeply and tried not to display any form of annoyance; atleast not in front of my dad -- heaven knew he would caution me for hours with his words that are more painful than a smack.

I pushed my chair back and stood up, dragging my feet on the floor as I walked to open the palour door.

"Hi... Good evening" Nora's soft voice trickled into my ears as I stood stunned, looking at her. And for the first time she smiled at me.

"Uh, hi.. Goo--Good evening" I stammered awkwardly, gulping hard to calm the pounding of my heart. She looked less exhausted and more beautiful than how I saw her this morning. Her curly hair flowed down the light pink coloured armless top she was wearing which revealed her smooth shoulders and arms. She matched the top with a bum-short tight jean knicker that seductively exposed her fair skinned thighs. Trust me when I say I was dazed and lost; i hadn't seen someone this attractive and hot which made me wish for something -- something I knew could never happen. But I needed to snap out of my wishful fantasy; after all, I wasn't anywhere near to being her type and she wasn't my age mate too.

"Is that for.." I said with a quick pause, pointing my right hand at the tray of baked cake she was holding.

"Yeah..." Nora nodded, slanting her head to look past me whether she would see anyone inside our palour. Then she stood straight and stared me in the eyes, making me a bit jittery as I struggled in all my might to steady my gaze on her beautiful set of brown eyes.

"My mom, she said I should come give you guys this cake -- her own way of saying thank you for helping us earlier today" Then she raised it up for me to collect.

'What about your own way of saying thank you?' I heard my mind murmur these words. So I shook my head to wade of the foolish thought and smiled, "Tell your mom we said thank you." and reached out to collect the tray of cake from her hand.

I felt a tingling sensation rush down my spine when our fingers touched; it was, how do I put it -- ah yes, like an electric shock. It sparked something in me; a feeling I'd never felt before.

"Okay uh... Bye" I cleared my throat in shyness, holding the cake as I retreated my steps Into the house and was about closing our palour door when her voice halted me.

"Hey uh.. sorry, I didn't get your name?" She asked with a warm smile.

"Oh.." My eyebrows raised in shock. I was struck with surprise that she'll even find interest in knowing my name. "Henry" I said plainly.

"And... And you're?" I asked immediately even though I already knew her name. Maybe I just wanted to hear that soft tender voice of hers once more.

"My name is Nora" She answered, her smile broadening as she extended her right hand for a handshake.

I quickly switched the tray of cake to my left hand in a sudden manner that even got me scared that it will topple over and fall out my hand, but it didn't. Then I shook her hand with my heart beating fast in excitement. Her palm was so warm and soft that I could hold on to it forever!

"Nice meeting you" My voice sounded coarse and breathless as it broke out from my dried throat before I struggled to pull my hand back - not giving in to the surge of desire. She nodded at me and was about turning to leave when she faced me again.

"You don't mind uh... coming over to join us for dinner?" Nora clamped her hands in front of her; wearing a look as if shy for suggesting. Then she immediately shook her head with a 'dont-mind-me' look on her face and chuckled "it's okay if you don't wan...."

"Yes!" I blurted immediately, not wanting her to conclude. "I'll like to um... to come over for dinner and uh, maybe see your brother too" I added in a nervous chuckle, grinning widely while looking at Nora who Smiled back.

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