Lord of Mysteries:Fire of Destruction

Chapter 438: Chapter 96: I see you~

Klein sat alone on his sofa, his earth brother having left a few moments ago.

Right now, he was staring at the floor with a lost look.

"… So… Tony dies…" He muttered weakly. Utterly incredulous.

Honestly, that was even more surprising than the fact that he now knew that the other guy was preparing to advance to Sequence 4.

"Joa said that he is now the Conspirator of Sequence 6. So he still has to pass a sequence before advancing to Demigod... Perhaps the Iron-blooded Knight ritual takes a long time to prepare so he is just starting it now?

"Make your friends stronger... Is it something so simple?" Although it sounded that way, Klein thought a little more deeply and found where the difficulty of the ritual would lie.

"Obviously, to be a Sequence 4 ritual, it won't just be one person. So for the Iron-blooded Knight ritual, you have to have several friends and make each one strong? Joa used the word friend, so he can't just treat them like servants, a deep relationship is necessary...'

Getting an idea of what the ritual might be, the detective just sighed a little and shook his head slightly.

"That guy seems to have his life sorted. I wish I had a God who spoiled me that much... Of course, I guess it can't be that good... In a way, I'm much freer than he is..."

Freedom or support, difficult decisions.

'The Creator who Created Everything... It's quite fitting that the one who brought light to humanity was a Sun God... Ancient Sun God... He must have been extremely powerful to defeat all the monsters and Mad Gods of the time. Is that something even a normal Sequence 0 could do?

'Joa said that Amon was His second son, so who was the first?'

Like the last class, Klein did not delve into the information Joa gave him. If Amon was the King of Angels of the Marauder Pathway, then His brother couldn't be far behind.

His fellow didn't even dare to name Him, so He must be an extremely terrifying individual.

The level of those existences is not something he wants to try to guess or deal with now...

'Luckily I have the support of a God to face Amon...'

Although of course, the Scarlet Monarch's condition was not the best at the moment. Still, Klein felt that God could at least help him escape if he ever came to face Him—although he now had some survival skills as a Magician, for a King of Angels that meant nothing...

"King of Angels..." Klein murmured slowly, his brow furrowing slightly.

He couldn't help but think of the ancestor of the Antigonus family, the Half-Fool.

Antigonus was considered someone who came close to becoming a True God but failed. Thus, His level must have been at least that of a King of Angels!

The mere implication of what that meant scared him deeply...

At the top of Hornacis Mountain is a King of Angels from his pathway who lost control!

If before Klein didn't want to be within 10 kilometers of those mountains, now he didn't even want to know they existed!

'But would He be one with two Sequence 1 characteristics or one with Uniqueness?'

Sighing again, Klein closed his eyes and, simulating the sensation of falling, returned to his body.

He would have to return in three hours to complete the day's transactions between members, but until then, he would rest a little.


The next day. Harvey Wayne Office. 8 a.m.

Sipping his coffee calmly, Adryan placed the documents of the mechanics and musicians/artist that Vivian had brought him. Only now, they were much thinner.

Yesterday, behind the Tarot Club, he had used his pigeons to check everyone on the list. To his surprise, none of them were beyonders and none of them seemed to have any connection with them.

After using the pigeons to shave a little of their hair when they weren't looking, he also confirmed through mirror divination that they had no connection with the Church of the God of Steam and Machinery.

'It seems that Vivian really wants to surprise me with her own efforts... Of course, considering what kind of church her grandfather is, it wouldn't be surprising if the divination was interfered with...'

Honestly, for the moment Adryan didn't care much if he caught the attention of the God of Steam and Machinery.

Of all the Orthodox Gods, he was by far one of the least problematic.

Evernight had tried to kidnap him and put him in her doll's house, Foggy Town. He didn't know why. Most likely, she had tried to get Hunter's Hallow, but he had no idea how she knew he had it. Maybe there was another reason, but he wasn't interested in finding out.

His relationship with the Annoying Pigeon couldn't be worse, the Lord of Storms had tried to kill him several times, of course it's not as if he hadn't asked for it but what can he do? It was his problem for being short-tempered and so much fun to annoy.

Seeing how Evernight had reacted to him, it was certain that the God of Combat would be the same, and he had no idea what it would be like with Eternal Blazing Sun.

With the God of Knowledge and Wisdom, or as he preferred to call him, Bearded Lizard, their relationship was more of a mutual benefit - one that had yet to prove itself worthwhile.

Adryan was most doubtful about Earth Mother, considering her relationship with Evernight. Maybe she would try to kidnap him, too, or maybe not. He had no idea and didn't want to find out either.

Sighing internally, he placed the cup on one side of the desk, away from the documents. Then, calmly, he grabbed a rope at his side and pulled it.

In the distance, the faint ringing of a bell reached his ears...

When the building repairs began, he made sure they would install bells in some offices he could ring from his own. That way, if he wanted to talk to someone, he only had to pull the rope and ring the bell.

A few moments later, Barbarian Vivian entered his office. She adjusted her glasses slightly as she looked at him.

"Yes, Mr Wayne?"

Smiling at the newbie, Adryan grabbed the documents and handed them to her, "These are the people who have already passed the test. Contact them and organize a meeting to discuss the contract, work, and payment."

"Would you prefer it to be tomorrow before noon or later?" Vivian grabbed the approved list and began reviewing it, going through it sheet by sheet.

"Earlier," Adryan smiled slightly, "I want you to start working on this now so the sooner we start the better."

"I can do that." Vivian gave a slight nod while containing a sigh.

Although the benefits of working here promised to be much greater than those she had when she worked at Briarwood Chambers, she couldn't help but miss her free time there.

Of course, she had only been there for a little over 2 weeks, but the hours off would always be fondly remembered...

With that in mind and not wanting to work more than an hour of overtime, she said goodbye and left the office.

Returning to her office and grabbing her coat and gloves, Vivian went out onto Victoria Street. As soon as she saw a private carriage, she got into it.

The mail in Lenburg was not slow, but even so it would take two days before everyone on the list received summons letters. Going in person would be much faster.

The list she delivered included over 100 people. After the revision, there were only 25. Most were located in the Artelia district, and the rest were in the Tecnium district.

With a private carriage costing four argentum an hour. And considering the number of people she had to visit and the distance, this trip would cost around two sassem.

That was almost half of what a lawyer earns monthly. And even if she now earned 32 sassem a month, this amount still surprised her a little.

'Of course, it's not like I'm using my money to pay for these trips. It's all on the company, so I can spend as much as I want~' Smiling sideways, she tapped the pocket where a wallet with a total of 100 sassem, the allowance she is given for work outside the company, was located.

The Church of the God of Knowledge and Wisdom certainly paid a lot better than she thought if Harvey Wayne could throw away that much money without blinking an eye.

'That and not forgetting that his rank in the Wise Owls is not low...' Leaning back in her seat a little more comfortably, Vivian looked out of the window at the passers-by.

Today would be a long day, but at least she would spend most of it outside.


Artelia District. Ermou Street. The Fabulous Gotys Circus of the Masked Ones.

Rubbing her gloved hands together, Fors let out a soundless sigh under her mask.

'Now that I have all the ingredients to advance, I just have to worry about digesting the Trickmaster potion... I have to focus on acting...' Calming her beating heart and ignoring the sweat falling from her forehead, the writer calmly grabbed the throwing knives from her waist.

She grabbed two in each hand and did various tricks with them, throwing them in the air and catching them or making them disappear and reappear among themselves. She began to move around in elegant steps.

In front of her, standing on a rotating platform, was a man. He was dressed in exaggerated pastel-colored clothes, with a bell hat and his face painted white with a red nose.

A large blue bandage covered his eyes.

A clown, a real clown as far as Fors knew. As well as another member of the madman's team and Miss Sasha's romantic partner.

'I thought he would be a giant but it turns out he's a stick! Isn't she afraid of breaking him?' Fors felt a little sorry for the man who was easily a head shorter than the giant woman.

She could almost swear she heard his back crunch as Sasha hugged him...

'Well, if they love each other, it's not my problem...' With that last thought, Fors held out her hands with the knives to the audience and shouted happily.

"Welcome everyone to another day of collaboration between the Delo Circus and the Masked Ones Circus! Like the last few days, my assistant will be the fun and agile Funky Wunky!"

In the middle of her announcement, she 'accidentally' threw a pair of daggers at the man who dodged them, barely taking an exaggerated step to the side. The bell on his head jingled slowly.

The audience was quick to applaud and laugh at such a crazy move.

"Oh, sorry. Butterfingers~" Laughing with fake sorrow, she grabbed another pair of knives and held them up.

"As you can see! Our friend has great senses! But this isn't really fun, why don't we make it more... exciting~" With those words, she gave an elegant curtsy and a fog began to cover the stage except for the platform.

Within 20 seconds, nothing could be seen outside the platform.

There were several exclamations from various children and even some adults in the audience.

Fush! Fush! Fush!

Multiple knives were quickly thrown from various places in the thick fog.

Nathan took a small breath and let his danger premonition guide him. Bending slightly, he did an exaggerated backflip, with his arms outstretched and several knives passed harmlessly beneath him.

Hugging his own body, he twisted on his axis and dodged another wave of knives that passed by his side. 

Finally, he landed straight, with his arms raised and the bells on his hat tinkling. Not even one knife grazed him, even though they came close, he was completely unharmed.


A blinding light covered the scenery, making everyone close their eyes for the sudden light.

When they opened their eyes again after a few seconds, they saw that he platform had stopped spinning and was now occupied by two people.

The fog had disappeared entirely, and only Miss All Tricks and Funky Wunky remained, bowing exaggeratedly to the audience.

"YEEEAAAHHHH!!" Sasha shouted, raising her fists towards the stage. "ANOTHER ONE, ANOTHER ONE!"

As if it were an infection, the audience quickly followed her example and began to shout.

"Another one! Another one! Another one!"

Adjusting the small hat that covered her curly brown hair, Jerry looked around with crystal clear eyes as she pretended to be shouting.

'Often the best place to hide is where all the attention is focused...' The little Spectator thought as she analyzed the audience, remembering Mr. Kenway's advice.

Next to her, Ademisaul was eating from a large bucket of popcorn, his eyes shining at what he saw. His free hand repeated the same movement as the rest but without as much emotion.

In his head, a silly hat with the circus logo rested...

These last few days had been reading, coming to the circus, reading, and repeating. The reading was more Sasha's, but Ademisaul didn't mind coming to the circus.

He didn't say much but there was no doubt that he enjoyed it, by the way his eyes opened in amazement or trembled with excitement at the tricks of the clowns or the cards.

As she thought this, her crystal-clear eyes stopped at a specific point, where a man looked at what was happening, uncomfortable.

Although he was trying to hide it, he looked occasionally from one side to the other, always attentive to the exits just as he looked behind him every time someone brushed past him.

Compared to the rest of the dozens of people present, to Jerry, he stood out like a splinter in his nail.

The corners of her lips rose slightly.

Calmly, she tapped her small bronze laurel and pointed it slightly at the man.

The spotless surface reflected a figure: a blonde woman with cold eyes wearing black robes.

Sharron's blue eyes reflected the figure of that man.

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