Lord of Mysteries:Fire of Destruction

Chapter 425: NOT A CHAPTER - Winner Winner Chicken Dinner!

Finally the day has arrived!

Until February 17th a total of 11 people subscribed to the giveaway.

These are their names:

Cellhex, killua32829, RexNight, Sparks, SR_2027, Vitor, Black D. Joako, anwar abdalla, Seymay Vague, Duckty McDuckty and Thiago!

The method of choosing the winner was completely random. I used an old app I had to place their names on a wheel, there was no favoritism or cheating. The first name that came up was the winner.

First of all, thank you all so much for participating! Please don't feel bad if you didn't win, there will be another opportunity at the end of this volume to win so cheer up!

What I mean is that there will be another giveaway. I'm going to try to do this at the end of each volume of this book.

This current giveaway can be considered the Second Volume giveaway. That means that the giveaway for the end of the third will be double! To make up for the fact that the end of the first volume didn't have one, I'll use the end of the third to do it.

If everything goes well on my side and nothing stupid happens again, that should be happening at the end of June/beginning of July.

Well, with all that said and done, it's time to announce the winner of the giveaway for volume 2!

Without further ado...

The winner of the giveaway is...


Congratulations on winning the box of destiny!

I will be contacting you later to organize the shipment. Congratulations again on winning!

And to prove that this is not a scam, please see the comment paragraph.

And that's all folks! See you later.

I love you!

Also, thank you very much for the great love you gave Flora's design! You don't know how happy it made me that you liked it! Thank you very much!

Maybe someone else's design will be made in the future. If so, who would you like it to be? 

For example, I can ask for the design of the Scarlet Monarch if you like. Or maybe Opera or Ademisaul? Who knows? This time, it will be your decision.

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