Limitless The Strongest Revenant

Chapter 822: Believe in me [1/2]

[Maestro] was fucking terrifying when analyzing my opponents. While he was technically the rest of my brains operating on overdrive his plans were fucking ruthless. For one he was able to quickly form plans customized for each Sirens.

[Play] basically allowed Sunday a form of tactical clairvoyance. "The quickest way to predict the future was to create it." This was a quote I liked as it challenged the notion of Destiny. [Maestro] ran simulated battles and created plans based on those assumptions.

Naturally [Maestro] needed my knowledge about something to pass a certain threshold to be of use. Luckily for his maiden battle I fought the seven people I understood the most. Everything from the tendencies in bed and battle down to their mannerisms.

I was the foremost expert to my girls. And [Maestro] abused the fuck out of this fact. Initially [Maestro] suggested to use the girl's insecurities to manipulate them into throwing their battles. But as I refused to do something so low, I forced him to reconsider.

'Although what he came up with was just as if not more devious as a result.' Continue reading at My Virtual Library Empire

[Maestro] profiled my girls and created situations where they had to act according to my wishes. The layered tricks for Jas took advantage of her overprotective nature and competitive nature.

For Robyn, we used her love for me. Robyn would never allow me to die. So, if I fell, she would case after me. It was anyone else she would have just killed them. But I was the sole exception.

Next, we took the inherent weakness of Robyn. Originally her body was incredibly powerful and agile. But due to her Zenith constitution this changed drastically. While she did gain soul power that rivaled phantoms, her body deteriorated.

[Maestro] knew Robyn was covering for this fact using {Limitless}. However, even though my {Kismet} gave her unlimited stamina, strong defense and sharp sense, it could not restore her reaction times.

Even if her brain knew what to do, the truth was her body already could not keep up with her. And [Maestro] didn't let such a weakness pass. By using Switchblades and 12-gauge buckshot. We forced Robyn into the defensive only for [Assassinate] to finish the job.

Despite having the {Fade} soulgear that acted like a 2nd life, we out planned and out played a Chaser. From then on, we proceeded to attack the other targets. Surprisingly [Maestro's] instructions for Bella didn't even require us to harm her.

According to him, Bella was already conflicted about fighting us. All the Latina wanted was to gain my recognition and promise to be more careful. Unlike the other Sirens, Bella didn't want to hurt me if she could help it. This was evident in how she fought.

Even when she shot me it was only on the shoulder. [Maestro] believed Bella tormented herself with guilt at having to hurt me. And what does the bastard order me to do? Shoot myself with [Assassinate] while protected the already guilty Brazilian.

Who knew that getting yourself shot with a .50 Cal could disarm your opponent. The moment Bella saw me cover for her; she lost the will to fight.

[She it the only one who looked at things objectively.] [Maestro] declared.

Bella unlike the others understood that I had to be the one take the risks. While the others wished I relied on them more, but Bella understood that I was different from others. That there were several things I had to do on my own. She understood that she had to let me be. And it hurt her.

So, this entire fight was not really about her drawing lines, it was like she just wanted to try throwing a tantrum like a child. [Maestro's] plans came to fruition as Bella practically abandoned the battle when she saw me get shot. She didn't force her way and relented without much fuss.

In the same manner, Aki, Jo, Liv and Lilly all had different plans laid out for them. And as someone who hardly experienced following such a well intricate plan I was floored. [Maestro] created specific actions and adjusted them as the battles went on.



Aki powerful downward slash caused me to roll to the side. Empowered by {Dope}, the souls in Aki's body began to become visible. It was like the Aura power characters had in Anime and Manga. Violet colors flowed out Aki like steam.

According to Exa, Aki had the physique of a 3rd generation Descendant. Even though this body was only an Avatar, it was still a body stronger than hers by six generations. But while I could avoid her in the beginning, the more blood Aki drew in, the stronger and faster her strikes became!

My landlady pointed to me with one of her swords and brought it down. In response the sword curtain around her all separated and flew towards me. Like flying tuna that swam through the air the blood odachi came at me.

[[Sanguine Bladewing] tracks its targets via blood lust. Invoke [Shadow] and wait 5 seconds. Then shift to [Heavy Gunner], use [Shock and Awe] then wait for the Switchblades to arrive.]


"That is useless Anata!"

In response to me vanishing, Aki dissolved her swords into blood rivers and caused them to swirl around like a hurricane at the center. With [Danger Sense] I felt that the thin lines of sanguine liquid were far dangerous than the blood odachi.

[It is time. Ensure the replicated weapons you draw from [Arsenal] do not go above 1800 feet per second. This means you must use only handgun ammunition and 12-gauge buckshots.]

"[Heavy Gunner]! Give up Aki! You are outmatched!"

As souls wrapped around my body, I felt my body shift disciplines. Drawing souls from [Arsenal] I armed myself with two AA-12. Going further, I also retrieved 20 USP match pistols, 20 Raging Hunters revolvers, 30 AA-12 and 30 M1014 Benelli combat shotguns.

"Tsk. Anata, do you think my devotion is weak enough to be stopped by mere bullets!"

[Say to her. "You forget your place, Aki. A blade that goes against its master is worthless."]

'What? Why?'

[No time. Quickly!]

"You forget your place, Aki. A blade that goes against its master is worthless," I recited as menacingly as I could.


Like a demon, Aki crouched low and placed her hands on the floor. I felt myself hallucinate when the woman before me turned into a feral beast. Unbridled blood lust flowed from my once gentle Kamisan.

Seeing Aki's fear, agony and pain, I finally understood. Bella, Jas and Robyn fought because they were worried. But they all never believed that I would fail. Aki didn't. It was why her fear tormented her. She was terrified of losing me.

The other girls didn't want me to get hurt. Aki went beyond that and actually believed I would die a pitiful end. And this belief made her doubt her love for me. Her own conflict ate at her so much malice began manifesting on her body.

My guns all locked on the Japanese I loved the most. Aki reacted to my fighting spirit and moved. The blood in the air formed together into countless large needles and swarmed like a colony of hornets.


At my command, all the firearms on my side erupted at once. A deafening tide of metal and death sang like a choir. Lead rounds and buckshot pellets raced towards Aki. She shielded her face with her swords as she charged.

'Shit she is going to use [Karma Strike] again!'

The blood needles were all destroyed without a single survivor. Aki's body got chewed up by the thousands of projectiles I sent her way without stopping. Fortunately, her body shrugged off my attacks. This was probably why [Maestro] told me to use slow bullets.

As my salvo continued, she then invoked the {Program} I hated the most. "[Karma Strike]!"

A bloody lance appeared beside her and launched itself towards me like a missile. At the rate it was going I wouldn't be able to escape it! I felt my body tense up only to see something incredible.

Coming from behind Aki, blazing lights rushed towards us. It was .50 Cal rounds that looked like falling stars! My eyes could barely register anything before the soaring lights overtook Aki and the [Karma Strike] lance.

They then slammed themselves into Aki's projectile again and again changing its trajectory!

'FUCK! THAT'S AMAZING! Are those the [Interceptors] I fired earlier? HOLY CRAP!'


The Japanese warrior however saw no one else but me. My Kamisan leapt and brought her sword down intent to stab me in the collarbone. Fortunately, much like the for [Karma Strike], another [Interceptor] came, this time for Aki.

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