Limitless Summoner: Rise of the Soul God

Chapter 45: They are on our side

Ethan stopped in his tracks, his eyes narrowing as he took in the terrifying spectacle. Every single hair on his back stood up from the mere sight of it.

"Master…" Lia's voice trembled. She was also visibly shaken.

"We're not going anywhere near it," Ethan said, his voice steady. His gaze shifted to the forest surrounding the portal.

Groups of adventurers had already formed skirmishing lines, and their shouts echoed faintly in the distance as they prepared for the inevitable flood of monsters.

He pointed toward a secluded section of the forest, far from where the main adventurer forces were gathering. "We'll set up over there. Far enough to avoid drawing attention, but close enough to pick off anything that strays."

Lia hesitated, then nodded. The two of them ran over to the spot. The clearing he selected was shielded by thick trees, giving them cover while still allowing a view of the action near the portal. Soon, a loud shout echoed and the first creatures started spilling out of the portal.

The portal sputtered and a ripple of energy surged through the air. The next second, a low, guttural growl emerged from its depths, followed by the sound of heavy footsteps.

Ethan and Lia crouched low, hidden among the thick underbrush. Their eyes widened as the first wave of creatures emerged—a chaotic mix of grotesque monsters.

Insectoid beasts skittered on multiple legs, their mandibles clacking. A dozen of these things showed up at once, their chitinous bodies gleaming under the ominous light of the portal. Their eyes glowed with a predatory intensity, and their serrated limbs clattered menacingly as they moved.

Ethan's jaw tightened as he watched the insectoid creatures spread out. He felt Lia trembling beside him, her breath shallow and unsteady. The sight of the beasts, with their otherworldly forms and predatory energy, was enough to send a chill down anyone's spine.

"Stay calm," Ethan whispered, his voice firm but quiet. He immediately summoned Grug, Snarl, and the other three goblins.

Lia would have probably screamed at the sight of the goblins any other time but now she barely registered the appearance of the summoned creatures.

"Don't worry. They are with me. They obey me. They are not like the usual goblins."

Lia nodded dumbly.

Ethan grabbed her and shook her a little. "Focus. I need you to try healing these guys."

Lia blinked rapidly as Ethan's words pierced through her haze of fear.

Her gaze shifted from the grotesque insectoid creatures to the summoned goblins now standing in front of them, all of them injured and bleeding. She hesitated, clutching her hands together as her breath hitched.

"H-heal them?" she stammered, glancing at the goblins nervously. Despite Ethan's reassurances, the sight of goblins—creatures she'd been taught to fear—still unnerved her.

"Yes, Lia," Ethan said, his tone firm but encouraging. "They're on our side. Trust me."

Ethan originally wanted to use healing potions for these guys. Their injuries looked far worse than a simple superficial acid spill and he was not sure if Lia's level 1 healing skill could handle something like this.

Lia's trembling hands began to glow faintly as she extended them toward Grug, who stood closest to her. His chest rose and fell heavily, his skin marred by deep gashes that oozed dark blood.

Grug stared at her, unflinching, his yellow eyes locked onto hers. Lia hesitated, her instincts screaming at her to recoil, but Ethan's firm gaze gave her the courage to press forward.

"I'll… I'll try," she whispered. Her voice was shaky, but determination flickered in her hazel eyes.

The golden glow around her hands intensified as she chanted softly under her breath. The light enveloped Grug, seeping into his wounds.

For a moment, nothing happened. Then, slowly but surely, the deep gashes began to close. The bleeding stopped, and Grug's breathing evened out. The goblin grunted in surprise, patting his chest and giving Lia a toothy, albeit unsettling, grin of approval.

"It worked," Lia breathed, sweat dripping from her forehead. "But I am tapped out for now. I need another hour to recover." She took a step away from the goblin as the sight of the creature still made her feel very unsettled.

"It's fine. You did great." Ethan frowned. This was a miscalculation on his part. He needed to have started this earlier and had his summons ready to go. "Now, focus on recovering."

Ethan turned his attention back to his goblin. Grug was already rolling his shoulders, testing his newly healed body. He gave a toothy grin to Ethan. The goblin was ready to fight.

The portal crackled ominously, the air around it distorting as another ripple of energy surged outward.

Ethan tensed, his eyes narrowing as a fresh wave of monsters spilled forth. Another dozen of the insectoids appeared in the forest. But it did not stop with that. Yet another dozen of the same insects appeared right after that.

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