Legacy of the Sabretooth

Chapter 12: Chapter 12: The Exodus

The next morning, when Mrs. Clyde came to the door of the basement to call Victor for breakfast, she saw the open basement door and a written letter.

The letter is not very long, and it reads as follows

Dear Mother,

Thank you and Dad for so many years of care, in fact I hated him for a while after that incident, but in the end your love and our love for each other made us accept each other again. I forgave him and thanked him for forgiving me for the irreparable mistakes I had made. I thought that after that, I could accompany you for a peaceful life, as a son.

The period from the time my father and I got to understand each other until he passed away was the happiest time in the world, which you may or may not understand, but I have to say that I really regard you as my beloved parents.

No entanto, não existe perfeição neste mundo, e só a descobri após a morte de meu pai. Na verdade, ele não estava errado, eu fui realmente amaldiçoado pelo diabo. Desde aquele incidente, o infortúnio está destinado a me assombrar e, eventualmente, implicar as pessoas ao meu redor, todas as pessoas ao meu redor, as pessoas que se importam comigo, as pessoas que se importam comigo. Ou as pessoas com quem me importo, as pessoas com quem me importo. Sem exceção, todos eles serão implicados.

Eu não percebi no começo, mas agora que penso nisso, se eu tivesse saído na primeira noite em que me libertei da corrente, as coisas teriam sido diferentes depois? Talvez você deixe a cidade em busca de mim e se salve do desastre?

Mas não há ses na vida, o desastre aconteceu novamente, então tenho que ficar nesta bifurcação na estrada das escolhas da vida. E como resultado da minha consideração final, decidi sair. Embora seja bom estar em casa, ainda prefiro a sensação de vagar ao ar livre.

Bem, mãe, eu não quero mais perder você. Como se você não quisesse me perder, se eu continuar ao seu lado, então acredito que o infortúnio e os acidentes ainda virão novamente. Se você estiver implicado, será minha dor insuportável. Então eu saí.

Claro, por favor, não se preocupe comigo, você sabe que eu não sou comum e comum, então, naturalmente, não será tão fácil ter problemas. Qing acredita em seu filho, e um dia, quando eu for forte o suficiente para enfrentar todos os infortúnios e acidentes, e puder protegê-lo, voltarei para você e o acompanharei pelo resto de sua vida.

E agora quero seguir meu coração e ver o mundo exterior. O mundo da águia é sempre o céu, e seu filho e eu vamos abrir nossas asas e voar!

Finalmente, eu amo sua mãe e amo meu pai, embora nunca tenha dito isso a você, mas acho que se eu não disser isso neste momento, talvez não haja chance no futuro, perdi a oportunidade de contar ao meu pai, tornou-se meu arrependimento ao longo da vida, então eu quero te dizer, Eu te amo, mãe. Não venha até mim, eu voltarei, confie em mim, estou crescido! Tem 206cm de altura!


As lágrimas da Sra. Clyde fluíram lentamente de seus olhos e, quando ela leu, colocou-as no peito, os ombros tremendo e ela começou a soluçar.

E neste momento nosso protagonista, Victor. Como ele mesmo disse, ele cresceu e atingiu uma altura de 2,06 metros. Tal altura, mesmo entre europeus e americanos, pode ser considerada um grande homem.

A franja dourada cobre seus olhos pela metade, dando-lhe uma sensação de boêmio. As costeletas e a barba no queixo são combinadas, dando às pessoas uma sensação de imediatismo sem raiva.

Se ele for chinês, você pode se referir a Lei Leopard interpretado por Xu Jinjiang. Bem, mas é uma pena que ele não seja, ele é um cabelo amarelo. Portanto, consulte a capa deste livro para a aparência específica e perdoe o autor pela incompetência da descrição dos personagens.

Ao todo, ele cresceu em tamanho e, a partir do momento em que se tornou um com sua natureza bestial, sentiu que poderia 'crescer'.

Isso não afeta sua vida útil, é ainda melhor do que antes, ele pode pular um longo período de crescimento, ir direto para o estado máximo de seu corpo e mantê-lo até que seu fator de autocura desapareça ou morra.

O atual Victor, altura 206, QI eu não sei, mas definitivamente não é o 602 em alguns quadrinhos, não me interpretem mal, 602 não significa que o QI seja tão alto quanto 602, mas que sua capacidade cerebral é de apenas 602G. Bem, apenas um pouco mais do que o disco rígido de um laptop, não tanto quanto as sementes de alguns leitores.

Ahem, são as chamadas dores de crescimento! Quando Victor cresceu, de repente ele se lembrou de que ainda usava roupas de criança e, como resultado, suas roupas e calças estavam quebradas! Nem mesmo as calças sobreviveram.

Therefore, when he ran to the collar house to put on his clothes, he actually climbed into the window with his bare buttocks, and for him, who has feline instincts, it is easy to steal clothes without being discovered.

But the embarrassing thing is that he is too big to wear the stolen clothes, so he has to put on a pair of pants and a belt and start his wandering journey, well, not even shoes.

But when he appeared before Lieutenant Colonel Bagley a dozen days later, he had already obtained a suit of clothing, a cowboy hat and a horse, and a revolver stuck in his waist.

As for the origin of these things, everyone can see the wisdom of the benevolent and the wise. However, the blood stains on the clothes can probably give you some ideas.

Without further ado, Victor went directly to the guards at the gate of the local American garrison and asked him to tell their commander, Lieutenant Colonel Bagley, that the son of his old friend Cleed was looking for him and had brought him a way to deal with the Seminole.

Yes, on the day of the funeral, after Bagley had left, he had begun to hunt down the Seminole, and had finally barricaded them in a wooded area a day earlier.

However, after entering the woods, the original home advantage of the American army became that of the Seminole, who hid in the woods and attacked with bows and spears, causing considerable losses to the attacking American troops.

Then the plan to set fire to the woods failed due to the damp environment, so Bagley had to lead his men to stop outside the woods and start a confrontation with the Seminoles.

Victor also learned the origin of this group of Seminoles, including Sioux people, from his conversation with Bagley, who acted not only to avenge the previous land conflict, but also to avenge the death of two chiefs at the hands of the Americans a year ago.

At that time, the U.S. government was mining the gold discovered in the Paech Peak area north of Colorado (note: the area was the site of Thomas, the officer who managed the Platte River outpost in 1851). Fitzparrick summoned the chiefs of the major tribes of the Great Plains to the concentration reservation established by Fort Laramie. So a very 'witty' plan was made.

They tricked the chiefs of the two tribes into coming to Fort Leon, saying that they were calling them to a meeting, but in fact they were forcing them to give up their land, but of course the chiefs did not agree, and they were killed...

When the two tribes learn of their chief's death, they immediately go to war with the U.S. government, which is exactly what the U.S. government wants...

Because the backward Seminoles, although brave, were no match for the modern and professional American army, they were defeated one after another.

The subsequent plight of the two tribes spread widely throughout the Sioux Grand Coalition and aroused sympathy from other Sioux tribes.

The son of one of the Sioux chieftains, a visionary young man, was extremely handsome and unusually strong, and the whites who came into contact with him described him as a toned god Apollo.

Aware of the decline of his people and hoping for change, he once went to the white people's territory to learn from them.

And this encounter with his own tribe made him finally realize that in order to fight against the invading whites, he must be able to unite all the forces that can be united.

So it took him a year to travel across most of the United States, from the west to Florida in the southeast.

Hoping to contact the local Seminoles, but by the time he arrived, the Seminoles, who had just gone through three Seminole wars, had been completely broken by the American army.

They chose to surrender and accept the relocation of the U.S. government, willing to leave their homeland forever from the land where their ancestors had lived for generations.

Because they had already shed so much blood for the land, they could not hold on any longer, but he was not without gain.

He eventually found a large tribe at the junction of Alabama and Florida that was still holding out at the end.

However, as a Sioux man, as soon as he arrived in the territory of the other party, he was almost killed as a spy for the Americans, after all, in such an era, it is normal for Seminoles to work for the Americans and become 'Seminole traitors'.

Fortunately, he was lucky enough to run into the American soldiers who came to 'enforce the law', and after killing the American captain who led the team with a bow and arrow, he gained the trust of the other party.

After identifying themselves, they made a pact with the other chieftain as the future chieftain between the two tribes: the Sioux tribe would find a new home for them in the western lands, but in the face of the white invasion, they put aside their tribal hatred and differences and fought together for the Seminole homeland.

Subsequently, in order to boost the morale of the clan members and increase their prestige, he and the chief planned an attack on the town of Victor.

It has to be said that he was born with the potential to become a military strategist, and under his leadership and assignment, the retaliatory operation was unexpectedly successful.

Except for a minor setback at the church, there was little damage. And in the ensuing evacuation operation, with the old and weak, sick and pregnant of the entire tribe, he could still throw Lieutenant Colonel Bagley so that he couldn't even see the tribal horse's buttocks.

They dispersed the elite knights into small teams, constantly took turns harassing the pursuing American troops, and personally led the team to break off, and finally covered the withdrawal of the entire tribe.

But because of this, Bagley was blocked in the woods by the river, yes, only the Sioux were blocked in the woods, and the chieftain of the tribe led the tribe to the west to find a new home, leaving only a few hundred warriors and the Sioux to break off with the Sioux...

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