Chapter 8: Join the War
Author note: First of all, I want to thank all of you who support my stories. Next, I want to ask if anyone can make a proper cover for this story. I don't know how to make one. I would greatly appreciate your assistance in this matter.
After training with the Third Raikage, Yoko returned to her apartment, where she bathed and cooked a meal for herself.
Yoko started eating her meal while reading the lightening chakra nature transformation theory scroll that the Third Raikage gave her. She was amazed by the practicality and uses of the lightening chakra nature transformation.
After she finished her meal, she hid the scrolls away and left her apartment. "Well, I'll try training according to the method that it mentions in the scroll," she thought to herself. Then she left her apartment and walked to the nearest training ground.
In The Training Ground
Yoko plucks a leaf from one of the trees on the training ground, and she carefully looks at it in her hand and thinks, "According to the scroll, in order for me to master the lightening nature transformation, my first step is to use my chakra to wrinkle this leaf." To do this, I need to vibrate my chakra at high speed."
Yoko put the leaf between her palms and closed her eyes. She started to calm her breathing. She then focused her chakra on her palm and began vibrating it as fast as she could.
After ten minutes of Yoko's persistent efforts, the leaf began to wrinkle on its upper edge.
Yoko smiled when she saw this. She plucked another leaf and continued training. "I need to master this exercise as soon as possible, then try and make it second nature to me."
Yoko spent three hours training; she succeeded in wrinkling the leaf, but she wanted it to be like second nature to her, so she decided to resume her training with the leaf tomorrow.
She then grabbed a couple of shurikens from her kunai pouch and started training her shuriken jutsu.
When the sunset came, Yoko decided to stop training for today; she returned to her apartment, took a bath, had dinner, and went to bed.
Next Day
After breakfast, Yoko changed her clothes and walked to the training ground.
Yoko saw two ANBU waiting for her; one was wearing a lion mask and the other was wearing a bear mask. The two masks had lightning bolts drawn on them.
"Yoko Ichimaru the Raikage asked us to train you in Kenjutsu, lightning-style Ninjutsu, and water-style Ninjutsu," said the lion mask. ANBU.
Yoko smiled when she heard this, but she said to the ANBU, "Can we focus on Kenjutsu and the lightning style for the time being? I don't want to branch out on my Ninjutsu just yet. I plan to master the water style once I have mastered the lightning style, because I am currently training the lightning style chakra transformation."
When he heard this, the lion ANBU smirked behind his mask and nodded to Yoko. He turned to the other ANBU and said, "Bolt bear, go and report to the Raikage about Yoko's decision."
The bear's mask, ANBU, nodded, and then "BBBZZZZ" disappeared in a flash of lightning.
The lion mask ANBU then said to Yoko, "I will start by teaching you cloud-style Kenjutsu. The first Raikage invented this style of Kenjutsu. I can only teach you the first five layers of this Kenjutsu style."
Yoko was confused and asked the ANBU, "Why can you only teach me the first 5 layers and not the full style?"
When the ANBU heard her question, he started explaining, "According to the first Raikage instructions, only the first five layers are available to all Kumo's Shinobi. If you want to learn the full Kenjutsu style, you'll need to beat the strongest Kenjutsu user in the village."
Yoko was surprised when she heard this, so she asked the ANBU, "Who is the strongest Kenjutsu user in the village, ANBU san?"
The ANBU smirked behind his mask and said to Yoko, "Bee sama is the strongest Kenjutsu user in the village."
Yoko widened her eyes in surprise, but after a moment, she smiled widely in excitement and said to the ANBU, "Let's get started, ANBU san."
The ANBU chuckled at her and nodded. "Alright, stand next to me, girl. Let me show you the first layer of cloud-style Kenjutsu stance and katas, and then use your sword to imitate them."
Yoko nodded, and she began to imitate the ANBU's stance and sword katas.
The ANBU was astounded by what he saw because Yoko only needed to see the stance and the takas once to learn them.
After he calmed down, the ANBU smirked and continued teaching Yoko the cloud Kenjutsu style.
After teaching Yoko cloud-style Kenjutsu for four hours, the ANBU began teaching Yoko lightning-style Ninjutsu. Yoko only needed to see the hand seals and hear the ANBU explaination once to execute the jutsu.
The ANBU taught Yoko four lightning-style Ninjutsu The first lightning-style jutsu he taught Yoko was Lightning Wave, a C-rank jutsu that sends a lightning current towards the target, paralyzing them upon impact.
The next jutsu is a lightning-style jutsu known as the Lightning Beam Jutsu. The Lightning Beam Jutsu, a B-rank jutsu, involves the user creating a lightning beam and shooting it at their opponent from the palm of their hand.
The third jutsu that the ANBU taught Yoko was lightning style: lightning clone jutsu is a C rank jutsu. The user of this jutsu creates a clone made of lightning.
Yoko learned the final jutsu from the ANBU, known as the lightning style: the lightning barrier jutsu. This B-rank jutsu creates a lightning barrier in front of the caster.
After learning these lightning jutsus, the ANBU said to Yoko, "You did well, girl. Tomorrow you will be training with Lord Raikage." I advise you to practice these jutsus until you master them completely."
Yoko bowed her head to the ANBU and said to him, "Thank you, sir, for training me today."
The ANBU smiled and said to Yoko, "You're welcome, girl." You are quite talented. Keep working hard."
Yoko smiled and nodded to the ANBU. "BBBBZZZZZ." The ANBU then disappeared in a bolt of lightning.
In Raikage office
The ANBU, who trained Yoko, arrived at the Raikage office. The third Raikage glanced at him and inquired, "So, how did the training go, Bolt Lion?"
"It went well, Lord Raikage." The ANBU smirked behind the mask and said to the third Raikage, "She is a genius; I envy her talent."
When he heard this, the third Raikage smiled proudly and told the ANBU, "I want you to train her well-bolted lion; we must prepare her for the war."
The ANBU nodded his head and said to the Raikage, "As you wish, Lord Raikage."
After 3 years
Yoko trained hard in these three years; she mastered the lightning release with the help of the Raikage, and the bolt lion masked ANBU.
When the Raikage began training her, he gave her the two exercises mentioned in the scroll, which Yoko mastered like second nature.
The Raikage then introduced her to a third exercise that the first Raikage created.
Yoko and the Third Raikage arrived in front of a huge mountain. The mountain was white like snow, and there were many scars on its base.
The third Raikage turned to Yoko and said, "The reason I brought you here is to introduce you to the final exercise to master the lightning release nature transformation."
Yoko's eyes widened when she heard this, but she continued to pay attention to what the third Raikage was saying: "In order for you to complete the first exercise, you must create a lightning chakra to wrinkle the leaf."
"In the second exercise, you must create a fixed amount of lightning chakra to transform a stone into rubble."
"And to complete this final exercise, you'll need to generate a huge amount of lightning chakra to give this mountain a good scar."
Yoko looked at the third Raikage in disbelief. When the Raikage saw her disbelieving expression, he said to her, "If you don't believe me, give it a try. Place your palms on the mountain, generate as much lightning chakra as you can, and use your lightning chakra to scar the mountain."
Yoko placed her two palms on the mountain, releasing as much of her lightning chakra as she could. She released a blue lightning ark from her palms, but her lightning chakra had no effect on the mountain.
Yoko frowned when she saw this. When the third Raikage saw her frown, he chuckled, "Girl, in order for you to scratch the mountain, you need to mold a large amount of lightning chakra." Now get to work."
After explaining this to Yoko, he turned around and left.
End of Flashback
Yoko is currently standing in front of a waterfall. "I mastered many Kenjutsu styles that are available in the Shinobi library, but I want to create my own style; I don't want to be just a copy of someone else."
She applied a generous coating of chakra to her sword, then swung it towards the waterfall. "SPLASH." After she swung her sword at it. Her face was splashed with water.
Suddenly an ANBU appeared behind her and said, "Yoko, you are summoned to the Raikage's office."
Yoko nodded and she started to walk to the Raikage office.
In The Raikage office
When Yoko arrived at the Raikage office, she noticed Bee and a large number of Chunin and Genin present. The Raikage then said, "Dodai, you replace Ay in leading our camp against the mist; these are the Shinobi who will be under your command from those who are present in the office here."
Dodai nodded and took the scroll; then the Raikage looked at Bee and said, "Bee, you will go to the leaf camp. The hidden leaf had made an alliance with the sand village. The war is becoming more chaotic. "Those who are not under Dodai's command will be under Ay's command in the leaf camp."
Bee smirked and started raping, "YO, YO, YO, father of mine, just relax and enjoy the show; we will show them how we sting like a Bee, oh yeah."
The third Raikage massaged his nose and yelled, "Just get out of here."
Everyone, including Yoko, left the Raikage office quickly, and they got ready to leave the village to join the war.