Is it wrong to traverse fandoms to be the good guys?

Chapter 5: it’s fun being OP

Henry would crouch down besides the remains of resistance trooper who was blown up, it was a bad sight to behold as the lower half of the trooper was gone, specifically the trooper lower half of his body as the soldier pair of legs was across the floor. Guts, flesh and bone fragments scattered around the corpse, Henry would gently inspect the soldier neck looking for a dog tag but found none. He briefly forgot that this soldier was part of the resistance, they wouldn't have a means of making dog tag.

Henry planned on taking a dog tag to give to the resistance members, but seeing as they don't have any he would settle on ensuring this particular person was remembered for their sacrifice. Herny would find a name tag of sorts on the deceased trooper Kevlar vest, Johnny Pines.

Herny will do his best to remember that name, hearing the conversation coming to a end with his friends and the two resistance troopers they saved Henry would gently close the eyes of Johnny. Henry was a bit disturbed for the fact he felt no form of disgust, no urge to vomit at the gruesome sight beforeh him.

He chalked it up to his new body being not entirely his own was more resistant to the sight of gruesome sights, he was happy that he wasn't a mentally deranged to enjoy the sight of death. "Herny we're moving forward let's move!" Shouted Joseph which helped Henry musing to himself cut short, Herny would nod and stood to full height as Joseph began to run.

Joseph after conversing with the two resistance troopers was told where the base was being attacked, it helped as well from all the smoke flying into the air. Once he got Henry attention as Rex stood at ready the group made their move towards the the resistance camp.

-Pov of Dom and Markus-

"Those guys can't be human" Dom said aloud in dumbstruck awe, the gaint in yellow armor named Joseph was a blur when he ran, that was already vanishing from their view the further he got away along with his friends.

The death trooper named Henry while slower than Joseph was also incredibly fast, faster than anyone Dom and Markus knew. While Henry was lagging behind Joseph the man was also still keeping up. While Rex was just gone, Markus and Dom heard a sound as Rex clenched his fist and moved it back making Rex glow and like that rex was gone.

"Come on man we gotta help them!" Said Markus as he got out of his stupor, shaking Dom shoulder roughly who snapped out of his own daze from Markus help. "R-Right thanks man" Dom said in thanks to Markus who nodded as they then both rushed as fast they could to catch up to their saviors and help fight back agaisnt advent.

Unfortunately for them both they would never catch up in time due to how fast the trio was compared to the average human.

-scene change to the resistance camp-

An advent officer was issuing order after order, he was standing at the edge of the resistance base watching as his men engaged the enemy. He considered himself smarter than his lesser siblings, why should he risk his life when he can send his men to charge in first and come in and take the glory?

His men was too stupid and obedient to realize what he been doing, he wasn't heartless to his own troopers though. While he wasn't going to fight with them he can at least give orders over the comms and send in support in the form of a shield barrer providing his men that was in the heat of the battle extra protection with shields. His name was Ironheart, a name he gave himself and currently he was in charge of the operations. He had another officer like himself but they was new and needed some experience, so he tasked the rookie to deal with any rebels returning back to base.

Iron heart was relaxed, why shouldn't he? These rebels didn't stand a chance due to their surpise attack when the faceless moles they successfully implemented released the signal, letting Advent know where exactly this resistance cell was.

Iron heart almost pity these fools, no one can stand up to advent and no one can beat Ironheart when he has his men ambush you. It felt too easy! Iron heart himself also always made sure he was well protected, as there was a lancer on his left and right as his guard detail.

Or more like meatshields that will get in the enemy face as he himself stays in cover to flee if things get too heated for himself to handle. He watched as bullets and laser fire was shot back and forth between his forces and the enemy.

One of his lancers out of boredom weakly kicked the corpse of a dead human female, he wouldn't scolded the lancer to pay attention to his surroundings as he needs his guards alert, however right now? Iron heart was feeling great! Glorious even! His plans was all coming together and he could taste the promotion by the Elders for a job most well done.

He had some of the faceless moles desisguse themselves and attacked the resistance soldiers that carried guns first, the civilians who as just cattle that wouldn't fight back, during the ensuing chaos was when Ironheart had his men strike, though there was a slight hiccup as this resistance cell was particularly large and still had a decent number of troopers alive that held back his men.

But their formations and defenses was breaking, ironheart forces pushed forward gunning down resistance soldier and civilian alike. While he and his guard detail stood at the edge of the fighting.

That was when Ironheart began to feel a small sense of….dread, and he cannot fathom why. He chalked it up to nerves, while he was focused on the battle infront of him Ironheart wouldn't notice a yellow blur behind him rapidly approach from behind him and his guard detail.

Joseph was running straight towards the first enemies he saw and it was the red advent officer with the lancers on both sides of him, Joseph was doing an Olympic running stance for maximum running SPEED. He was holding his bolt gun in one hand and leaving his other hand clear, he had to do something he always wanted to do.

Ironheart scratched his chin, the yellow blur was getting closer, Ironheart raised his hand to check on the status of the attack. His sense of dread was growing until he and his body guards heard some kind of mechanical movement behind them as the floor shook.

By the time Ironheart and the lancers turned around it was too late as the yellow blur that was Joseph was upon them, and ramming his fist full force into ironheart head making it explode into gore with a mixture of brain matter, skull fragments and yellowish blood that splattered onto lancers.

They couldn't even react to the sudden death of their commander, everything just happened too fast for them to even process. One moment Ironheart was standing there and the next his head was missing with gore all over them both as a yellow blur runs passed them. as the yellow blur ran past them towards the resistance base both lancers was instantly killed from two well placed headshots by Henry who was running after Joseph.

He wasn't even winded as he ran after his friend. He briefly looked up, seeing Rex high in the air from using his blink. Rex had his bow out taking aim as he fell downwards to the earth. From where he was he could see the entire layout of the resistance base, calling it a base was generious considering it was just a bunch of run down buildings overtaken by natural wilderness and tents sprawled around in an open clearing surrounded by the woods.

He could see a group of four advent troopers fire upon a two resistance troopers, both of them hiding behind a badly rusted car. They was protecting a group of five civilians hiding behind barrels bunched together in a makeshift barrier.

He couldn't let the civilians be harmed at all costs. Rex knocked (is that the right word?) an arrow back to full charge and fired, the arrow sailed through the air as high speeds to the point it went clean through the first Advent head as their body crumbled to the floor like a ragdoll who lost its physics on gmod.

Or like a puppet who's strings been cut, due to the fighting and the intense sounds of combat the other three advent soldiers didn't even notice one of their own was killed. It was when the next advent trooper dropped dead that the group, the last two troopers finally realized they was being ambushed but it was far too late.

As two arrows found themselves burned into advent trooper heads killing them instantly, their bodies falling to the floor with a soft thud as Rex lands doing a single jump to slow his fall to the point it wouldn't be fatal.

Hearing no more commotion the two resistance operatives would look over the rusted car they was using as cover to see Rex and the four dead advent by his feet. One of them goes to aim his gun by instinct by his companion shoves his gun down and shook her head quickly. "He could've just killed us or let them kill us, advent don't kill their own men on their side"

She said putting her fellow at ease as they was still cautious nonetheless, slowly getting up from cover. Their eyes roaming around to keep an awareness to their surroundings as Rex quickly spoke, hatching a plan of sorts. "You two can escort these civilians over in that direction, where you see the dead Advent captain and lancers. Over there the way is clear in the forest, you should run into two fellow resistance operatives. I understand you maybe confused about me and I will explain later but your people need me" Rex said to the two quickly, not letting them speak as he runs to the closet area with red dots on his radar.

The two resistance operatives wanted to protest, at least learn the name of their savior but as soon he appeared the man left towards the closest conflict he can find on his radar. Having no choice than the best option of the civilians safety first they would take heed to Rex suggestion.

While Rex was going towards the next conflict, Henry was doing something similar. He was too late as he was fired upon, using cover behind a single brick wall with holes on it. An advent trooper and shield lancer, Henry would come out of cover as soon the advent trooper stopped firing and blasted the trooper head with a well placed shot.

But the lancer was gone, Henry helmet sensors warned him of the lancer going around to flank him. He was also able to easily hear the rapid fast pace footsteps as well due to his enhanced hearing, Henry would turn to look behind him and fire his gun just as a lancer turned around his flank.

The lancer thought he got the jump on Rex but he was only met a laser going through his chest instead. The lancer body jerked back as a hole appeared in the lancer chest where the heart would be, the lancer fell onto his back.

Herny then turned to glance at the other bodies around him, civilians and resistance operatives having died in the shootout. He was going to go to where the most amount of fighting was, figuring Rex and Joseph was probably already doing the same thing.

But he stopped as he heard crying, it was faint, so faint in fact he almost didn't pick it up through all the sounds of combat around him. But his enhanced hearing helped him hear it, he turned his head around him listening carefully as he followed the sound leading him to a group of barrels.

He was certain this is where he heard the crying was coming from and leaned over the metal barrels, it was easy considering his very tall height. in the middle of the barrels was a white bundle wrapped up that was moving, it didn't even take Henry a second to figure out what was in the white bundled up cloth.

He didn't hesitate, moving any barrel out of his way to quickly reach the baby and carefully picked it up. He was acting on instinct at this point, his body and mind screaming at him to ensure the small bundle of life safety for it did not deserve harm. That's what he did, he ran. He ran as fast he could while holding the crying infant in his arms, he held it against his body so that no stray shots would hit the baby and instead hit him in the back.

He ran to where him and the boys came from running past the dead bodies of the advent lancers and was going to run into the woods but slid to a halt when he saw Dom and Markus finally catch up, clearly out of breath but very much ready to protect the civilians.

Henry didn't waste a moment and went to them and held out the baby, Dom eyes widen but he knew what was at stake and carefully took the child out of Henry hands. No words was needed to be exchanged, Henry then turned and ran off back to the resistance camp to meet up with Joseph and Rex.

-scene change to said goobers-

It didn't take Joseph long at all to reach the main spot where the fighting was at the heaviest, he could see dead civilians, resistance operatives and advent troopers corpses alike on the floor. He commended the resistance, they was putting up a good fight.

As he was running he could see a faceless corpse, it was riddled with bullet holes as a civilian corpse was still impaled on its claws. It was ugly in real life as it was in game, he was now at where the main fighting was taking place. He could see resistance troopers pinned down in a abandoned looking brick building with two floors, advent troopers trading fire back at the resistance.

One resistance operative would risk coming out of cover, hiding behind a fence and fired upon an advent trooper unloading an entire clip into them to kill the trooper. Though because the resistance operative went out of cover they was swiftly killed and shot down by another advent trooper close by.

The advent shield barrer was waiting on his commander order to freely deploy his shielding but since he has received no responses he figured now was the perfect time too, but before he could even use his ability the shield barrer head explodes spraying gore onto the advent troopers beside him.

The two other advent troopers heads would also pop like a bloody gore filled ballon staining the grass with pieces of brain matter, yellow blood and fragments of the helmet they once wore. It's was because of Joseph after all, shooting his bolter at them in a quick succession.

He didn't stop at there as he aimed his bolter while running and fired it in a rapid succession, each shot finding its mark upon the next group of advent soldiers. This group was a group of six using a fence and a tree for cover. Joseph flanked them as he fired upon them as each shot found its mark, the first two shots blew a hole in chest of the two fatherest from him in the group. The next three shots landed with two of them blowing up there heads, and the last round blowing an advent trooper leg clean off up to the knee. Making them fall to the floor with a shout of pain as she clutched the stub where her knee once was, the last trooper at this point turned as quickly as he could to fire upon the attack who killed most of his squad.

But by then it was already too late, Joseph already closed the gap by the time the second to last trooper turned and took aim. As the trooper fired upon Joseph, Josephs foot would come down hard onto the female advent trooper during his run, her chest caved in with no resistance killing he'd instantly as yellowish blood spurts briefly out of her mouth, all the while the last advent trooper in the squad of six lasers did no damage to Joseph armor.

Joseph reach out and swiftly grabbed the advent trooper by his hand, holding his bolt gun in one hand. Joseph gauntlet covered hand envelopes the Advent trooper entire head, Joesph didn't kill him then and there. He instead looked at an advent lancer charging at the resistance position and reeled his hand back.

And chucked the Advent trooper in his hold like a football, Joseph watched as the advent trooper sailed through the air letting out a short scream as they crashed hard into the lancer who looked up upon hearing a shout.

It was a disturbing sight from how mangled both bodies was from the sheer force of the impact of the Advent trooper hitting the lancer, by now the resistance and Advent forces notices his presence. The resistance was both terrified and at awe of the yellow armored giant in armor, he wasn't with advent considering how brutally he was killing them.

To their knowledge Advent doesn't kill their own men, to Advent on the scene this was a new variable. They came to a swift conclusion that this was an enemy needed to be destroyed. One Advent trooper takes out his grenade and prepared to throw it at Joseph who was charging at another squd of Advent firing upon him, before the single trooper could throw his grenade an arrow pierced it and made it blow upon him and his squad mate next to him.

Rex would blink into the air just so he could launch a nova bomb, watching it sail fast through the air as it vaporized the squad of troopers that was firing upon Joseph. Essentially stealing his kills, neither didn't care though as they worked together to bring the main attention to themselves.

It took the sudden appearance of Rex popping up to snap the resistance operatives out of their stubpor, they began to fight with them against the remaining advent. The remaining Advent forces was helpless against the sudden turn of advents, the giant on yellow armor seemed invincible and unkillable while the second figure kept vanish as if they was teleporting.

Their backs was exposed to the resistance as the advent forces, primarily troopers and lancers was getting wiped out left and right with complete easy by the two new elements. They was like blenders cutting through everything in their way making it all the more easier for the resistance to counter attack. Henry showing up last to the party, firing from a distance with his carbine further help seal the advent troopers fate.

The last enemy being a faceless was utterly obliterated by the combined might of Joseph Boltgun, Henry carbine and Rex bow. By the time it died it was missing large holes in its body, arrows sticking out of it and cauterized holes in its body.

Now that the fighting has died down, the resistance operatives would look at the trio that was approaching them. There was seven resistance operavites left in the building that houses the civilians they was protecting, in total there was twelve civilians.

"Thanks for the help, we would've been done for if it wasn't for you guys intervention." Said one of the resistance members, Rex would approach and remove his helmet as did Joseph and Henry. They did this to show they was in fact human, which would help ease any possible tensions between the two groups.

It had the desired affect as the resistance soldiers was put more at ease, their stance relaxing or getting as relaxed as they can be from just surviving an attack from the enemy. Though showing their face to show they was human had an unexpected affect, the trio could see admiration in some of the resistances troopers eyes. Especially the civilians in the back, as looking at the the trio they was filled with hope.

It felt strange to the three, they didn't mind it and it felt nice to give hope to those who couldn't protect themselves. To give them a feeling that eventually everything would be okay. "Your quite welcome soldier, glad we was able to show up and save the people. We're sorry we couldn't have been here sooner"

Rex said to them honestly, if only their pelican didn't run out of gas then they could've been here faster. "It's quite alright, at least you was able to show up and provide any sort of support" replied a different resistance member said as Joseph stepped forward to ask a question.

"Now that we have defeated the enemy, what will you do now?" He said asking the simple question that had an easy answer, he just wanted to hear what he already assumed they'll say to get the conversation going in a certain direction. That way him and his friends can provide the best protection they could provide with a suggestion.

"Now that we've been found we're going to pack up all our supplies and move far from here, somewhere much more safe so that advent will have a harder time finding us" replied a resistance operative as the civilians and resistance members said they would do, they started packing up of course.

"Come with us to our base of operations, you can take all your supplies with you as we got our own form of transport to our hidden base. Everyone would be safely secured and protected, I Joseph of the Lamentors swear this to you. But should you decline we will assist you in finding another secure location to call home."

Joseph said with full confidence, he did his best to sound as confident he can with such bold promises. He hoped to convince the civilians and resistance operatives, which he didn't need to do much convincing considering how much help he and his friends been. It also help they showed they was human, there was biased that if you was human killing Advent then your instantly good in the resistance books.

"Not a bad idea, if it's as secure and safe you make it sound then we're in. Just need to round everyone up and collect all our supplies then we'll be ready." Said a resistance member to the trio as Henry spoke next with a request that was pretty important. "Would you guys happen to have any gas? Our means of transport is out of it"

He said with a nervous chuckle as Joseph whistles innocently as if he done nothing wrong, even going so far as to put his helmet back on. Technically he didn't do anything wrong, however he also sorta did by being a Lamentor. A bringner of bad luck that can happen at anytime.

-short timeskip here-

Luckily for them the resistance cell they saved did in fact have gas that was compatible.

Unfortunately there was not enough room in the pelican for Joseph, he was too big and heavy. The pelican was an average one at that, only able to carry a load of fifteen people and Rex was piloting it. Considering there was seventeen civilians and eleven resistance operatives they was already pushing the limit, Joseph was beyond the limit. Other goodness was they Henry can keep him company!

Joseph would slowly sit down, and starts to ponder the future until Henry sits besides him and asks a question. "Does it make me a furry if I find Argoians fuckable?" Asked Henry as Joseph helmeted head slowly turns to look at one of his closest friends. "I just sat down who the fuck starts a conversation like that? It makes you a scalie cause you know…scales, a furry has fur. Two different things, god damn use common sense you stupid fu-"


Yes I'm ending it there, see you all next chapter. Hope you enjoyed it! Please stay safe^^!

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