Chapter 2: Road trip! -some word fixes chapter still same-
"....u…..wa…..up….WAKE UP!" Shouted a familiar voice to Rex, who lets out a groan of discomfort at his sleep being disturbed. His mind felt foggy and clouded as if he's forgetting something, sitting up he would move his hand to his head in the vain hope of that rubbing it would help clear away at the growing headache he had from the feeling like he forgotten something important that just wouldn't go away.
Only to stop and realize his head felt weird, like it was covered in metal and not hair. quickly he opened his eyes to see a large figure in a yellow suit of massive power armor and a figure in black armor head to toe both crouching before him. He reacted in a that was reasonable.
He lets out a surprised sound and quickly began scooting back into a wall trying to make some distance between him and the unknown figures, who reacted by holding there hands up in a peaceful gesture in an attempt to ease the tension.
"Hey hey hey! It's me Rex! Joseph remember? We played Helldivers last night! It's us!" Said the large figure said quickly, his voice coming through the yellow helmet with red tint glass that covered the eye holes in the helmet-I know that's an ass description idk how to describe it sorry-, the voice came out was a bit deep and with a hint of mechanical too it but Rex recognized that voice anywhere.
"Joseph?…..and is that Henry?" he asked with confusion in his voice as the two figures slowly approached and nodded too him, Rex would slowly raise his finger and point at them. He just had to ask this question. "Why are you a space marine? And why is he a death trooper? What's going on here?"
He asked his two friends, they simply shrugged in response to the question. "Khkhkhkhkhkf!" "Yeah I really understood that Henry, take off the helmet dummy." "Khhkhkhkhkhk ,_," each time Herny spoke his voice would come out scrambled because of the death trooper unique voice scrambler, it made it so no one can understand them or their comms to plan against them. At least that's what Joseph and Rex remembers about the helmet.
Henry would remove the helmet with a sad look, he was having fun speaking his new native language. Speaking normal person language was boring to him! herny looked the exact same as he always did from Rex memory. Though Henry looked a bit different than he last remembered, a bit more older looking. If Rex had to properly guess Henry was now in his late 20s compared to just being in his young 20s like he was.
Rex then turned to Joseph who reached up and took off his helmet, it mad a hiss of sorts as it came off. Seeing Joseph face made Rex double take and blink multiple times upon seeing his friend face. "Well, how do I look? I take it from your stunned silence that I am at peak human looks?" Said Joseph with a chuckle that was a bit deep.
Rex was so stunned was for the simple fact his friend who previously was in his young 20s now looked like he was in his late 30s to even forty's. "You aged, you both have" Rex said stunned as he needed a moment to process this all. his friends simply shrugged, they didn't even seem that bothered by it. "At least tell me….you know what space marine you are?" Rex asked, moving his hand to rub his eyes only to feel it touch something and tugged on it while Joseph replied.
"I think I'm a uhhhh imperial fist, from all this yellow" Joseph said to Rex while looking at his armored hands, he would crane his neck to try and check his shoulder pad armor for the logo of what chapter he's potentially in. Just to be extra sure, his face would fall as he starts to stares at the design on his shoulder pad armor.
Joseph was no wearing imperial fist armor, it was worse. He was a lamenter, and right now he was lamenting his life choices. "I have a question….for god." He said dramatically as Herny looked at Joseph with confusion, watching his friend drop the helmet he was carrying in his hands and dropping to his own knees. Staring at the ceiling of the small square room they appeared to be stuck in.
"WHYYYYYYYYYYYY?! You could've made me a Black Templar! A salamander! A damn pre heresy emperors children or even a mantis warrior! Why the space marines with the shitiest luck? Did I not pray hard enough? Was my commitment bioncle not strong enough?!" Joseph was lamenting, for being a lamenter meant you was a walking case of bad luck. His friends would be none the wiser, they knew hardly to nothing about warhammer.
Even if they did it wouldn't have changed this outcome nor how Joseph is feeling in this moment. Rex however at this moment did not care for his friends antics, he was trying to take off what felt like a mask stuck to his face.
Until he realized it wasn't a mask but a helmet instead and pulled it off. He turned around and looked at it with confusion, it was the helmet that was part of the kitsune set from destiny 2. "Huh, I'm a warlock from destiny" Rex said to himself, making Joseph stop his dramatics to turn his head to look at Rex as did Herny who responded next.
"And I'm a death trooper, in my opinion I got screwed over compared to you two. He gets power armor, you get the broken power of a destiny guardian. All I got is probably fancy black armor meant to stop lasers and a laser gun. Ain't fair in the slightest" Herny said while leaning against the metal wall of the room that was around them. "Pfff at least your not a walking case of bad luck" Joseph said joking, with a hint of pain to his voice. The pain of his current existence.
there was a lot of things wrong with this situation they found themselves in. It didn't take long for one of them to voice their opinion's on the next thing that didn't sit right with them.
It was Rex who voiced his question that his friends was also having. "Okay so why are we here dressed up like this? Have we been reincarnated? What's going on here" he asked, Joseph was quick to reply on what he knows. "All I remember is driving back home, annnnnnd getting hit but a truck. But the truck didn't kill me in my crash amazingly enough. My car just exploded as I processed my short lived survial." Hearing about a truck made Herny suspicious, as a weeb he can already give a good guess of what's happening here.
"Funnily enough, a truck is what caused my death. As I woke up to a truck on my roof and it driving through my wall splattering me all over the wall." Rex was feeling a bit smug, for his end was more explosive than the other two as he recapped his tale to them. "My end was due to a Nuke wrapped up in a oversized gift box."
"Dude you got bombed by truck Kun, that's wild as hell." Exclaimed Henry while Joseph nods. Hearing the word truck Kun pretty much helped give a general idea of what happened to them, which led to their current problem.
This would also lead to their next question that Rex voiced. "What now? There no way we can go back to our old lives, the damn truck made sure of that" he said with some bitterness in his tone, he never planned on dying and certainly not as early as he did. The thought of his family grieving over his death and not even knowing he was still alive in another place….left a bad feeling in his gut.
"Well there this terminal on the wall that's been in the room, wouldn't activate when me or Henry tried activating it. Could be for the fact we needed you awake for this" Joseph said to Rex, who interest was peaked at the mention of a terminal that wouldn't activate.
Joseph would stand aside his arm out in a gesturing motion towards the wall, there was indeed a terminal on the wall making Rex interest rise further so he went closer to it. Henry would follow with as Joseph loomed behind them both considering he was taller than them both.
The terminal remained blank, until it suddenly activated once they was all close showing a virtual lottery lever. Henry would press it without much thought, multiple words would zoom on by till it slowed down on the terminal showing two names.
Being a ship name and another name Rex doesn't recognize but Joseph does as he seems to perk up. While Henry points his finger at the terminal. "Paris class heavy frigate, the hell is that?" He asked while they all looked at each other, it took Joseph a moment to ponder it as he remembered where exactly he heard of 'Paris class heavy frigate from'
"It's a ship from Halo, the basic looking one that shoots a laser out of its nose. Like uhhhh the one in reach where it blasted a max round in atmosphere?" He said to his friends helping jog their memories as they understood what he meant. "The hell is Xcom?" Was the next question, by Rex as he pointed out towards another tab that said world above the word Xcom2
"Xcom2 basically a turn based strategy game where you need to take back the earth from an alien takeover. It was very fun, I recommend you guys to give it a try if we ever go to another earth with games." Joseph said to his friends, who looked at each other and shrugged. "What now- WOAAAAH"
They didn't notice it but when the virtual lever was pulled on the terminal a countdown began to start, till it finally each zero making all three friends glow briefly before vanishing and reappearing in what appears to be a deck of a ship.
Each of them seated in three chairs meant for their sizes, especially for Joseph having the largest one. The command deck was clear with no one else in it, and before the friends could say anything or even have the chance to admire the beauty of space not being obstructed by light pollution, the ship would go into slip space all by itself. "Guys what's even happening right now" asked Henry in disbelief as he turned to look at his friends who also had the same bewildered expressions.
"At this point I'm not questioning anything, going with the flow seems like the best thing to do in this situation." Rex said, it gave him less headaches that way. Which also helped Henry and Joseph to do the same thing and just stop questioning certain things. Seeing as they was still in slipspace for whoever knows how long Joseph would get up, put his helmet back on as it made a soft hiss. "What are you doing man?" asked Rex as Joseph glanced at him and replied back.
"Going to explore the ship, see how big it is and if their anything of interest around. Only thing I can think of doing besides just sitting waiting for our trip to be over with. Who knows how long that's going to take" With that said Joseph would turn around and walk out the bridge. Henry would shrug his shoulders and put on his helmet next and followed after Joseph.
Rex decided he'll stay in the bridge and take a nap, he was feeling too lazy at that moment to do anything. So he leaned back in his comfy chair and kicked his feet up on a console and rested his eyes.
He was pretty curious on if he had every ability of a warlock or just what his character had equipped at the time, he stopped playing for awhile. Didn't even start light fall, "definitely going to have to test my capabilities, can't go into things blind" he mumbled to himself as he felt his eyes grow heavy lulling him asleep.
Heyo thanks for reading this chapter! I hope you have a wonderful day and do stay safe please^^