Chapter 2: VOLUME #2- HOW IT BEGAN
It all began a year ago in early July, specifically the fourth of July. Danny and his family came out on the front lawn of their house to watch as the fireworks erupted in the night. Danny's dad Mike Andrew and his mom Beverly Andrew stood there comforting Danny. Marco was inside the house gathering fireworks of their own before bursting through the door and throwing them on the lawn. "Well come on then little brother!" As Danny smiles he walks over picking the bow up and walking toward the empty street. "You guys be careful out there!" Their mom said nervously, her voice cracking up a bit. "Calm down Beverly, the boys are tough they'll be just fine." As Danny and Marco set the firework up they placed it on a stand so they could light it and it could shoot into the air. As Marco walks up flicking the lighter the fire then erupted into the firework as it lit from the bottom but just then the firework falls from the stand as it then flys directly into Danny... "KABOOOSH!" as black smoke erupted into the ground Danny then caught on fire as he began rolling in the street. "AUGHH! HELP! DAD!" as the fire continued to only heat up his skin his Dad Mike walked forward leaning on the curb smirking at Danny as he rolled in agony. Marco hugged his mom as Beverly screamed, "HELP HIM MIKE! PLEASE!" Just then the fire faded away but how? Danny stood up unfazed but weakly as his eyes watered. "WHY DIDN"T YOU SAVE ME!" He balled his fist with a vicious intent in his eyes but also panicked by the situation of what just happened. "I was wondering when you'd come into those powers of yours boy, your soft enough as is." Mike stated this with a straight face, he was a retired superhero know as Omega-Man but those days were short lived.
"How dare you talk to me son like that!" Beverly pushed off Marco and walked toward Mike as Danny stood back, "He almost burned to death you idiot!" As she punched on his chest just then Mike stood up as Danny backed up some more. "The boy needed to learn Bev! this is the only way he can carry on my legacy you got that ?! get that through your mind!" As the yelling abrupt through the smoky night sky Danny walked off into the house, as he bumped past Marco. "Why do they treat me like this... its not my fault i'm not special." Marco kicked the pavement and followed after Danny into the house.
1 Day later, 6:23 AM
As Danny laid in bed, flabbergasted of what just happened just than his father Mike walked into the room. Danny leaned up but still angry at how he let him burn. As his father sat onto the bed he turned toward him and opened his mouth, "Listen son, I know i'm harsh on you but thats just because your my only son, you know?" Danny raised a brow before responding back, "You have Marco dad? Why won't you accept that?" Danny exclaimed, "Because Marco is WEAK, he dosen't have my gift but you do. And i'm going to train you how to use it. And carry on this bloodline boy." Danny nodded, not wanting to argue but at the same time wanting to punch him. Marco stood by the door hearing this chatter, as he did tears rolled down his face, he was only 13 but Danny just got his powers at 16. Marco thought to himself, "Maybe I can be loved, ill do something to get that love." As he balled his fist Mike walked out of the room closing the door, as he looked around the hallway was empty. Danny leaned on the end of the bed balling his fist, "Maybe it is time for me to be something... somebody... maybe... A HERO."